A Weight Loss Meal Plan to Conquer Temptation

Because two of the chief obstacles to achieving weight loss are overcoming the temptation to consume excessive calories and maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet, a weight-loss meal plan which consists of home delivered meals might make your weight loss program more successful and enjoyable. You know by now that avoiding temptation is more easily accomplished that resisting it.
If you have a fetish for certain things such as chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, soda or other goodies, then you know that a trip to the grocery store is likely to be the beginning of your self-destructive diet defeating. I can say from personal experience that, you are much better off not having those food items in the house which means, either exercising extreme discipline while in the grocery store or avoiding going to the grocery store altogether. Minimizing how often you go to the grocery store is more realistic however.
Not going to the grocery store without an alternative means of acquiring food generally equals starvation or an imbalanced diet however, both of which are not in the body's best interest. The adverse effects of starvation on the body are obvious if you have ever gone for very extended periods of time without eating, but the harmful effects of not having the proper balance of protein and carbohydrates in the diet is not readily apparent, particularly in the short run. Over time however, nutritional imbalance takes its toll.
There are a variety of fad diets on the market, many of which are not nutritionally balanced in terms of carbohydrates and proteins. They can be effective in helping you lose weight, but are not very healthy because they do not provide the proper proportion of nutrients your body needs. The objective with any weight-loss diet should not be just restricting calories but also providing nutritional balance.
Because overweight individuals tend to overeat and eat the wrong types of foods given the opportunity, a high quality weight-loss meal plan that provides meal delivery to your home is more likely to be effective in achieving weight reduction goals and providing healthy balanced nutrition because it helps overcome the temptation obstacle and addresses nutritional balance.
By committing to a weight-loss meal plan in which you depend on meal delivery to your home instead of trips to the grocery store, you are essentially putting yourself on a food budget which should increase your chance of successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss as you change your lifestyle.
One of the problems with some weight-loss meal plans is that the food is not tasty or satisfying. Gourmet delivered meals are both flavorful and satisfying, thus making dieting a fun experience.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purpose only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified professional. The author encourages Internet users to be careful when using medical information obtained from the Internet and to consult your physician if you are unsure about your medical condition.
Victor Battles founded Proactive Health Outlet, a resource to help you become more involved in your healthcare and improve your health, including achieving healthy weight loss. For more information on gourmet delivered diet meals visit my website.

The Best Weight Loss Plan Advice

Losing weight is a much more difficult thing to accomplish than gaining weight, but if you know what to do then it's actually a pretty simple process. A lot of people make the mistake of over complicating the weight loss process and they wind up getting frustrated and quitting before the achieve any real weight loss. If you do not have any idea where to begin and you want to know the best way to lose weight, then continue reading the following tips listed below.
The first step in dropping weight is setting a clear and concise weight loss goal. Goal setting is essential if you're serious about cutting weight naturally. Having a few high quality goals to fall back on can come in handy when you want to lose weight, since losing weight can be a very difficult battle to fight. After you set your initial goal, you need to identify and write down the steps you will need to complete in order to achieve it. The best way to drop weight is not just setting a vague goal, but by making sure that it is clear, concise and attainable in a reasonable time frame. This simple tip will ensure that you stay motivated as you work towards a slimmer and healthier body.
After writing down your goals, there are a few simple diet related things that you can do to ensure that you wind up dropping weight. For starters, make sure that you spend more time eating at your house, rather than eating at fast-food joints and dining at restaurants. When you eat at your own house you can ensure that the food you are preparing has less calories and more nutritional value than what is being served elsewhere. You can also monitor the kind of food you are preparing thus cutting out calories and easily eliminating unnecessary fat from your meals. While it is certainly possible to eat out frequently and still lose weight, it's definitely a bit more difficult. When you are first starting out, the best way to lose weight is to just get into the habit of preparing your own meals for a month or so until you have a clear understanding of what types of foods will help you to lose weight.
Increasing your metabolism is also considered one of the best ways to lose weight naturally. You can get your metabolism revved up right off the bat each day by making sure to eat a well balanced breakfast. If you are serious about losing weight, never skip breakfast. Instead of skipping your breakfast try eating a lot of whole food based lean protein during breakfast and eat lightly during lunch and dinner. Skipping your breakfast definitely makes you crave for food later on in the day. Based on my experiences it is a recipe for weight loss disaster. Try to adopt a weight loss nutrition plan that allows you to eat steadily throughout the day.
Studies show that sleep is also linked to our hormone levels. If you are sleep deprived there will be an increased secretion of cortisol in your body. As a result, you will be stressed out which will definitely trigger fat storage, it will also cause leptin and ghrelin your hunger hormones to fluctuate causing you to crave food while you are dieting. Therefore it is necessary to have adequate sleep if you are on a weight loss program.
Varying your fitness routine can also be considered one of the best ways to lose weight. Most people easily get bored doing routine activity, therefore it is necessary to make some changes to your fitness plan on a regular basis to make it more interesting. Try designing a different workout every day that focuses on different parts of your body to avoid boredom. This way you can make your fitness plan interesting and effective for sustained fat loss.
Basically, the best way to lose weight is one that incorporates a few of the different weight loss techniques listed above and one that you can follow for the long haul. Take the time to find a weight loss system that you enjoy and you will be rewarded with long lasting and natural weight loss that will allow you to completely transform the way your body looks and feels.
Are you looking for the best weight loss plan [http://www.weightlosssystemshq.com/best-weight-loss-programs/best-weight-loss-plan/] to help you lose weight quickly and naturally? If so visit WeightLossSystemsHq.com today and learn about the most effective natural weight loss systems [http://www.weightlosssystemshq.com/] and plans.

How to Lose My Love Handles - 3 Key Secrets of Terrific Results

In my quest to lose my love handles, I have tried a variety of solutions. After many experiments on myself, I finally found 3 key secrets to getting terrific results to lose my love handles. Read on to find out more about what took me years to learn.
They Mystery of the Right Solution
To lose my love handles, I've tried pills which made me feel awful. Please look for a faint disclaimer or warning at the bottom of websites that sell diet pills. Most diet pills are not regulated and could be harmful to your body. Even prescribed ones has its side-effects, so do consult you pharmacist or physician carefully.
Some ab-gimmicks worked for a while, but I soon realized that I was losing body water and not fats. I also used some highly uncomfortable electrical gadgets but they were completely useless at toning up my abs. I even tried exotic creams that promised to seep deep into my skin to dissolve my cellulite and fats. Those didn't help me to lose my love handles either.
I guess my belly fat is pretty stubborn. So to lose my love handles, I finally decided to stop looking for a pill, drink, cream or gadget as a quick answer to my problems. I realized that I had no choice but to give dieting and exercise a try though it didn't quite appeal to me. Soon I realized,
"There is no substitute to a GREAT diet and exercise program."
The Mystery of Diet Plans
Diets are unappealing to me. I have a good appetite and I like my chicken fried. It felt like such a huge sacrifice to give up my passion for food just to lose my love handles. In fact every time I tried a diet, I ended up putting on more weight as my body adjusted to my starvation efforts. Needless to say, my diets usually don't last for more than 5 days because I don't like dieting to lose my love handles!
Luckily I found an all-round solution to help me lose my love handles. This solution recommends a healthy and balanced diet. It helped me to understand the importance of various classes of foods and I could strategize what I liked eating around it. I could eat fats and sugar as long as I followed up with my strategic exercises too!
The Mystery of Love Handles Exercises
There are good and bad exercises. Bad exercises are the ones that harms your joints and back, and makes you run for hours and miles with little results. To lose my love handles, I used multi-jointed high impact exercises which gave me faster and more effective results. I could not believe the results at first, but this solution was designed by an expert in training and nutrition. So I shouldn't have been so surprised.
Curious to find out more on 'How did I lose my love handles?' I've shared more of my hard earned experience in that webpage that I've created for everyone.
Alternatively, you can skip the finer details and jump ahead to NiceFlatAbs.com [http://www.niceflatabs.com] which contains the excellent all-round solution to lose your love handles. I was lucky to stumble across it. Do take a look and give it a try to potentially end your quest for answers. Good luck!

How to Gain Body Mass - Do You Want to Lose Weight?

Some people wonder about losing weight while others are concerned about the proper way to gain body mass fast. This is true for people who are particularly skinny. In which case, they are pressured to put on the weight and gain mass.
In other words, you can easily bulk up if you pay attention to proper dieting and sufficient exercise. The following are other ways by which you can earn the mass that you have always wanted.
Increase calorie intake.
When you get involved in a work out for gaining mass, you need to move up in terms of your calorie intake. As a general rule, it is advised that you move it up by having 250 or 500 more calories per day. The extra calories can help fuel your body further, allowing you to work out sufficiently to gain mass.
If you want to know exactly how much you need, you can refer to online sources to help you compute the needed caloric intake. They can also help you check and track your progress.
Avoid junk.
Junk foods will not help your cause. Instead of digging in to junk, stuff yourself with nutrient dense foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts, lean meat, eggs and the like. Do your best to avoid foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and sodium content.
Eat meals often.
It will also help you further eating multiple meals. Such can help you meet your goals in terms of your calorie intake and will help you increase energy levels necessary for completing your work outs.
Never skip breakfast and follow up on meals after every two or three hours. For best results, you should have a mix of carbohydrates, protein as well as healthy fats. You should have a dose of all these to complete a meal.
You should especially pay attention here because of the fact that exercise has a tendency to diminish the nutrients in the body. And for this, you need to make sure that you replenish with multivitamins so you can make up for what you have lost during the workout. And that is how to build body mass fast.
Hydrate well and always drink plenty of water.
Lemonade, alcohol, fruit punches, soda and dessert coffee among others should be avoided. The recommended dosage is 11 to 16 cups of water in a given day. If you stick to these above suggestions, you will surely gain body mass fast.
I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: building body mass

Body Weight Exercises and Nutrition

Body Weight Exercises
Body weight exercises are one of the best ways to build muscle and develop strength quickly and effectively. This type of exercise will increase strength in the body's core while not putting on excess mass in the upper body. It's also great to build quality lean muscle mass. Body weight exercises are a useful addition to many strength-gaining programs because they build and condition the body's muscles. These exercises can be done by men, women and children alike, and generally are appropriate for any age.
These are some of the best exercises to include in your workout routine and are completely safe since it's just your body, requiring a minimum of additional equipment. Fitness is essential for your day-to-day effectiveness, even the Marine Corps utilizes body weight exercises to increase the recruits military effectiveness.
Body weight exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, dips, crunches, the one-legged squat, and the knee jump. Push-ups work several muscle groups including the chest, triceps and shoulders. Pull-ups work the upper back, your biceps and abdominal muscles. Dips focus its' work on the triceps, and limited exercise of the chest and back. Crunches and sit-ups work your upper and lower abdominal muscles, while the one-legged squat and knee jump work your legs.
Using a body weight program helps people who are overweight and who have health problems such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and fatigue. Physical fitness can treat and prevent many chronic health conditions that brought on by aging and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Physical Fitness
General physical fitness is achieved by focusing on correct nutrition, exercise, and getting enough rest. Physical fitness and body weight exercises are a necessary requisite for leading a healthy and active life. Thus, your diet should be based on your individual metabolism and what your fitness goals are.
Muscle Building
Muscle building is actually a long-term method which cannot be accomplished overnight. Muscle tissue is tight and dense, which gives it a streamlined look. Muscle is metabolically active, which means it needs a lot of calories just to maintain itself. Nutritionally speaking, protein is essential in building and maintaining muscle mass. Protein is required to build muscle and heal damage done to muscle that may have occurred during your workouts. Muscles are very receptive to the muscle-building effect of protein immediately following a workout.
Protein is found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and dried beans, among other foods. Adding a protein supplement to your diet may help your body add muscle mass and cut excess fat.
Author R. W. Jonathan publishes a blog on Weight Loss and the Best Weight Loss Supplements available on the market today.
Also available from the author is a review of a leading fat burning supplement Proactol Plus.

Top Secret Weight Loss Secrets

If you're reading this hoping to find some top secret weight loss strategy that involves no discipline or work you are mistaken. Some members of the fitness community promise amazing results because they claim to hold the secrets to weight loss. We need to remember, that these people are simply trying to make a profit off of your weight loss goals and unfortunately many will do whatever it takes even if it means filling your head with lies.
Listen, there is no big secret to losing weight! It is an easy concept that is not difficult to understand. This post will not be about getting lean enough to step on a bodybuilding stage or anything like that, it is geared towards the average person who wants to lose a certain amount of weight. I will not mention any supplements because: 1) Most supplements suck (I would say 95% do, and that's being generous. I may write an article about this sometime soon) and 2) I feel stimulants or other weight loss pills are not necessary to drop weight.
Most people are looking for the quick fix, and to be honest with you, there is not one! Luckily for you, there are some very useful practices you can begin immediately that will get you on your way to losing weight. If you read my weight gain article, Simple Weight Gain, I told you at the end that to lose weight I will simply advocate the opposite recommendations I offered in that post. So here they are:
But first, you need to head to a handy diet log like NATS 2.0
Keep track of how many calories you are eating. It is crucial that you write down EVERYTHING you eat or drink during that day. This includes gum and half and half or whatever you put in your morning coffee as well.
Cut Out Liquid Calories
Now that you have your caloric intake, I am going to give you the magic number... 3500 calories in 1 lb of fat. So you need to subtract 3500 calories from your weekly total to lose 1 lb in a week. It may seem difficult at first, but you would be amazed how easily you can make those calories disappear. There are two ways to lose weight, increase caloric expenditure (exercise) or decrease caloric intake (eat less). As you might imagine, the combination of the two works wonders!
In my opinion, you can make good progress initially without even going on any type of diet or sacrificing too many calories. My first piece of advice is to cut out all liquid calories, including anything you put into your coffee... everything needs to go! This will add up quickly... Let's say you drink two 12 oz Pepsi's per day at 150 calories a piece, 8 oz of orange juice at 120 calories, and and a tbsp of half and half at 20 calories in 2 cups of coffee... right there you have 460 calories per day... that didn't take too much work.
Add Exercise
If you exercise currently and want to lose weight, you need to exercise more... if you do not exercise at all, you need to start! Now, on to a few misconceptions about exercise. If you ever watched the Biggest Loser, this show is the work of a marketing genius. These trainers have all of their contestants doing elaborate (and stupid) workout routines so that they can then pimp out their "Biggest Loser" exercise equipment and protein drinks. This frustrates me beyond belief! A personal trainer in a regular commercial gym could NEVER get away with this. The stress on the heart and joints that type of routine puts on a sedentary obese individual is ridiculous. (Certain plyometric exercise can load the joints 10 times your body weight and beyond and these fools have 400 lb people doing this?) There are a lot of doctors standing by and liability forms signed for that one folks. In fact most of the stuff they do is not even effective at losing weight, it is pure stupidity. You do not need to do all that nonsense, in fact, walking is your greatest ally when it comes to losing weight (even though it doesn't look cool and won't make many people money for advocating it). The truth is on flat surface you are looking at burning around 100 calories per mile; the more weight you carry the more calories you will burn. Running burns the same amount of calories per mile as walking... it is simple physics (Work (which is caloric expenditure in this example) = force (weight) * displacement (how far)) Looking at this equation you can burn extra calories by wearing a backpack while walking or walking on an incline (makes hiking seem like a good idea). You do not have to just walk, any type of exercise will do. Remember you simply need to expend more calories... you can jump rope, dance, skip, hula hoop, or whatever mood you're in that day, the key is doing something.
Let's say you really get after it and are walking 10 miles a week... we have 1000 calories burned in combination with giving up calories in beverages (in our example this was: 460 * 7= 3220) so by just giving up those calories and walking we are up to 4220 calories in one week... well over a pound.
Lifting Weights
But, we are not finished are we? If you really want to lose weight, you are going to resistance train (lifting weights for the lay folk). People do not realize the benefits lifting weights have on weight loss... 1) You burn calories while working out 2) You build muscle... muscle is more metabolic then fat, so you will improve your metabolism in doing so 3) You continue to burn calories after your workout due to the metabolic cost of repairing your muscle!
You do not need to go crazy in the gym, just stick to basic exercises. Focus on getting good at a few lifts instead of subpar and a whole bunch. Do not worry about confusing your muscles (Which is the most bullshit term I have ever heard in my life.. I mean how can you confuse contractile proteins that are stimulated by the release of calcium?... but I regress) Haddock and Wilkin found that in a weight training session consisting of 9 exercise with 3 sets... previously trained females burned on average 661.9 calories... that is a lot! (Haddock and Wilkin 2006)
So let's add two weight training sessions per week that will add another 1324 calories to our caloric expenditure giving us a new grand total of negating 5544 calories per week without even changing your eating habits (remember this is over simplified for illustrative purposes not everyone will burn the exact amount of calories per weight training session, as I am sure not everyone consumer 460 calories of beverages per day... you get the point).
So the last part of the weight loss journey is, yes, unfortunately eventually changing your eating habits. I advocate lifestyle change rather than a strict diet because diets are damn hard to follow and people fail, feel bad about themselves, and go back to binge eating. So what you need to do is look over your diet log and decide which of the foods you are eating don't have any nutritional value. By this, I mean empty calories! Empty calories offer no benefits, no vitamins or minerals, no fiber, not a good protein source (so essentially junk food). Remove these little by little until you are left with three solid meals a day with a little room for a snack.
Another thing worth noting is the importance of sleep. Americans are entirely too sleep deprived. A good nights sleep is crucial to losing weight. As we sleep at night our bodies natural Growth Hormone levels spike. Growth Hormone is responsible for turning on the fat burning process in your body, so if you disrupt this you will lose this benefit. We cannot account for this from a caloric standpoint but it is important.
Two more things to hit on before I wrap this up:
1.) If you are weight training you may put on muscle so keep this in mind when you hop on the scale, although if you are brand new to weight training this will take about 4 week until you experience any real muscle gain (neurological effects occur first)
2.) I know people like alcohol and I told you to not drink calories... This sucks right? You will just need to count that back into your weekly total and make up for it elsewhere if you must drink. Limit yourself to 3 or 4 beers a week and tell yourself you can spread them out or drink them all in one night. If you want to drink socially you can also switch to clear liquor; vodka and gin have 60 calories per serving. Just don't go out and get hammered drunk on vodka and tell people I told you it is how to lose weight.
That is it. The rest is in your hands. The faster you can learn to look at what you eat during the day and understand where your calories are coming from and how to get rid of unneeded calories, the faster you can lose the weight you want.
Haddock BL, Wilkin LD. "Resistance training volume and post exercise energy expenditure." Int J Sports Med. 2006 Feb;27(2):143-8.
So, why should you care about what I have to say?
My name is John Guers. I grew up in Shenandoah, Pa., where I got into sports, which ultimately led me (like a lot of people in this field) to my love of weight training. I began reading everything I could about training, particularly powerlifting. I idolized Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell growing up.
I decided to pursue the degree of Exercise Science at East Stroudsburg University. This is where I began to love physiology just as much exercise. I completed my degree and decided to stay for my Master's in Exercise Science. After completion, I was asked to stick around and teach some courses as a temporary instructor. While at ESU, I got a chance to work with several sports teams and coordinated the United States Weightlifting Sports Performance Certification, which was never offered there before.
I was accepted into the Applied Physiology Doctoral program at the University of Delaware in the Fall of 2012 and am currently working towards that goal.
I am happily married to my wonderful wife, Katie (who will be posting on here as she has an outstanding exercise background herself) and have a beautiful daughter named Drew.
Head on over to my blog for my exercise and nutrition information

How to Lose Weight Fast for Women

A lot of women fight with their weight for a lot of their life. It is quite common for women to feel like they are in a constant battle with extra pounds. It might seem like the fight is worthless or the battle is too hard, but don't give up. There are many things you as a woman can do to help you lose weight and keep it off. Continue reading to learn some weight loss tips that can help you conquer your battle with your weight and learn how to lose weight fast for women in a week at home.
First of all, do not starve yourself. It is important that you feed your body because it needs calories to do its job. You do not want to give it too many calories, though. It is important that you find the balance between eating not enough and eating too much. In order for you to lose weight, you must take in less calories than your body uses. But if you take in too few calories, your body may go into shock and stop working properly. This will cause your body to hold on to calories that it does not need.
Another thing you need to consider is how you plan on losing the weight. You must change your diet if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise is crucial, but most of your weight loss will come from the foods you eat. For this reason, you need to come up with a plan on how you plan on eating. You can follow a prescribed plan, one where you pay for them to tell you what to eat. There are also other plans that restrict certain foods. You can just make the decision to eat less and eat healthier. No matter what plan you choose or if you make up your own, it is important that it is something realistic, something that you can see yourself doing far into the future.
You may also have more success if you go on this journey with a buddy. Having someone to lose weight with can make the whole process much easier and more enjoyable. You can support each other and keep each other motivated. You can also share tips and other information that you find. A buddy is also good to hold you accountable. Chances are you will skip that piece of chocolate cake if you know you have someone that is counting on you.
Don't always rely on scales to gauge your weight loss. If you are exercising, your body is likely building muscle which weighs more than fat and this can show up on the scale as no loss at all. It is easy to get discouraged when you don't see a drop on the scale, but judge your weight loss on how your clothes fit instead.
No matter how impossible you think weight loss is, there is a way for you to lose weight and take it off. Try the tips on how to lose weight fast for women shared in this article and you can have success in your weight loss journey.

Home Bodyweight Workout Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Use

In the last series we discussed why you should avoid the gym and common lies to ignore.
Now it's about the best equipment every entrepreneur should have for their home bodyweight workout.
Talk about a fitness hack.
Regaining your life by having more time for you, your business, and your family is critical. But so is being healthy.
In order to get rid of the gym you need to have the motivation and drive to workout anywhere. No, "I travel too much" excuses.
Making your garage the get away gym is easy, fun and doesn't require tons of equipment to get a good workout. Neither does your hotel room.
By utilizing a few simple tools you can feel just as good and be just as fit as the gym rats who waste so much time.
The tools below are just right for you. All you need to do is utilize the equipment and get moving. Its simple!
Tools for a home bodyweight workout:
Body: You're thinking, duh! But whether it be walking, sprinting, climbing stairs, plyometrics or doing a push-up routine you need your body. You can become extremely fit with just yourself as the piece of equipment.
Stability ball: Who needs a workout bench when you can use a stability ball to activate more muscles. Push ups, bent over rows, bicep curls, lunges, and triceps extension are all great candidates. Get those stability muscles working.
Pull-up bar: The pull up bar is a great tool for your home gym. Because you may sit slouched over all day, you need to strengthen your back. What's a better exercise to do this?
Extra tools for variety. Spice it up.
Bands: Not only do you have more resistance throughout your exercise motion, they're also incredibly convenient. Just think how easy these are to throw in your luggage.
Dumbbells: If you want to step your game up pick-up a pair of Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells. These are the best and only major investment for your home gym. You can do all your bodyweight workouts with more resistance.
Weighted vest: Adds a little more difficulty to your pushups, plyometrics and pull-ups. Not essential but a nice tool to have.
Throw away the Shake Weight, Hawaii Chair and Abdoer Twist. These aren't pieces of equipment, they are junk and a waste of your time.
By utilizing the simple tools mentioned, you can have the body of your dreams. Sounds silly, but it's true.
With a little help from our friend called nutrition you can limit your gym time, increase your productivity and have fun with the simple tools.
Visit Nate Anglin Dot Com to learn more about fitness for entrepreneurs.

Body Weight Training Exercise for Strength

Bodyweight exercise is a form of resistance training. In these strength-training exercises, the weight of the exerciser's body provides resistance for the workout. These workouts are best suited for individuals who do not have fitness equipments. Moreover, as these exercises can be performed at home and even while traveling, they allow health conscious individuals to maintain their fitness schedule even without visiting a gym.
There is a wide range of bodyweight training exercises. You should choose exercises according to your fitness level. A typical bodyweight exercise session starts with warm up exercises. Five to ten minutes of low impact cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, jumping rope or marching helps to warm the muscles by boosting blood circulation. Warming the muscles increase their flexibility and reduces the risk of injuries.
Common Bodyweight Training Exercises
Push Up
In a typical push up, with the back and toes straight, the exerciser raises and lowers the torso using the arms. There are different variants of push-ups. The difficulty level of the exercise can be increased by performing pushups with a single arm or by placing the hands close together. These exercises are excellent workouts for the upper body muscles.
Abdominal crunches target the core abdominal muscles. To do a typical abdominal crunch, lie on your back. Bend the knees, keeping the feet flat on the floor and place your palms behind the ears. Now by contracting the abdominal muscles, curl up by lifting the shoulders a few inches above the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly return to the original position.
Pull Up
To do pull up exercise, you need a strong horizontal bar, also known as chip up bar. While hanging from the bar with the knees bend, gradually pull yourself up, until your chin is at the same level as the bar. Now lower yourself, and repeat the exercise. This bodyweight exercise is an excellent workout for the shoulder, chest, arm and abdominal muscles.
Squat involves lowering the torso by bending the hips and knees. The difficulty level of this exercise can be increased by doing squat on one leg. Squat is essential for strengthening the thigh, buttock and leg muscles.
Plank Exercise
To do plank exercise, lie on the floor in the push-up position. Now slowly lift your body off the ground with the toes and elbows on the floor. Remain in this position for a few minutes. Plank exercises help to build the core muscles.
Joshua "Coach" Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years. Burn calories with HASfit's greatest Website Link and the best From This Source

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips -

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss regimen. But with busy schedules, we all want to know which exercises will help us lose the most weight quickly.
Broadly, there are two types of exercises: aerobic and strength training (or anaerobic), and each one contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while you are engaged in the exercise itself. On the other hand, strength training primarily contributes to weight loss by helping to increase the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the number of calories your body burns while you are at rest. Your RMR actually increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscular your body is because it takes much more energy to maintain muscles than it does to maintain fat.
Important note: remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so some strength training exercises will make you healthier and more attractive while not necessarily contributing to weight loss. But, muscles are a "good" kind of weight and you should aim to build more muscle in order to help keep body fat at bay.
Here are 5 tips for exercises - both aerobic and strength training - you can do at home to lose weight quickly.
Tip #1: Squats: Your buttocks and leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. Every day in front of the mirror, put your feet at shoulder width while facing forward and squat down-and-up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. This will build your leg and buttock muscles. As you build up strength, try holding 2 or 5 pound dumbbells in your hands while you work out. Be sure to warm up first, and stop if you notice any sharp pain in your knees.
Tip #2: Pushups: Pushups are a form of strength training: during a pushup your arms have to support up to 70% of your body weight. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your RMR.
Tip #3: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are an excellent whole-body aerobic workout you can do right at home. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as needed. Hint: if you live in an apartment or stay in a second-story bedroom, be considerate of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first story room.
Tip #4: Fast walking: While walking is in itself a great aerobic exercise, fast walking is even better for burning fat. Make sure you really stretch first and warm up with regular walking. Once you start your faster walking pace, try to maintain as much speed as possible for as long as you can. If you get tired, try doing intervals of fast walking followed by short periods of slower walking.
Tip #5: Stepping: Stepping is a great way to get your heart beating and to burn calories. You can use your stairs at home, but for best results I suggest buying specialized stackable step mats and stack them up to at least 15 inches (38 cm). Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin. Even though you may not feel like the stepping is helping, it is! This exercise will not only help you lose weight but will also help shape up your buttocks and legs.
An important element in a strategy to lose weight quickly at home is to do a combination of exercises that build muscles (strength training) while burning fat (aerobic exercises). Start a regimen of most or all of these exercises 2-3 days/week and watch the unhealthy fat melt away.
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Dance Your Way To Fitness?

I'll be the first to admit that I have two left feet and my dancing skills are about as good as a chocolate tea cup, but dancing is well and truly on the up.
While some people may only think of fitness focused dance classes as something similar to the Jazzercise and Jane Fonda aerobics classes of the 1980s, the truth is that the range of offerings now is quite surprising, and has taken on a much more exciting flavour.
In fact, there are enough different styles of dance and music to suit just about every taste. Some of the most popular dance fitness styles include Zumba (which uses freestyle movements to salsa and merengue music), SoulSweat (based on Soul music), CardioFunk (using Funk music) and even Bollywood (using the high tempo music that's found in Indian "Bollywood" movies). If there's a style of music that you hear on the radio that makes you want to get up and move to the beat, then chances are there's a fitness class built around it.
There are many different benefits of dancing for fitness. You'll get the aerobic and muscle strengthening benefits, of course. But the real benefit of dance fitness classes is that they can be a lot of fun. Keep in mind that many people who begin a new exercise program will end up giving up on their fitness goals because they get bored with treadmills and weightlifting machines. That's why I always recommend finding an activity you enjoy to participate in alongside your regular fitness routine. This way you're more likely to stick with it long term. Going to a dance class will also get you socialising with the other class members, which can make it much easier to motivate yourself for each future class.
Not all fitness dance classes are going to deliver head turning results, so just remember that your playing the long game with this. Although just because you're not lifting weights or sprinting up and down stairs doesn't mean that you won't get a good sweat on. Dance classes often get participants to move in ways that they're not used to; side to side or diagonally, perhaps, while moving their arms in different ways at the same time. If you're not familiar with the moves there's a good chance that you'll be a little sore (in a good way) after your first class!
Getting started with a dance fitness class is easy enough. It's likely that a local health club or community centre offers at least one type of these classes. Call the facilities in your area to find out the various options that fit within your schedule. Dance fitness classes are even becoming so popular that fitness studios focusing on these types of classes are popping up all over the country. You've heard of Zumba, right?
Even though these classes almost always provide a positive and supportive environment, some people prefer to do their exercising at home on their own due to time constraints. It's certainly possible to do any of the dance fitness routines at home. The easiest and least expensive way to begin, or to see what style is best for you, is to go online and do a search on YouTube. You'll find numerous videos of the dance moves, and even some choreographed classes that you can follow along with.
Once you're more serious about working out, you can rent or buy professionally made DVDs. Check out Lovefilm or Amazon for dance workout DVDs that you can use at home. If you have a Wii or Xbox games console you can even buy fitness dance games!
If you like to dance or have tried out the odd Zumba class let us know below:)
Gavin Walsh is a high profile London personal trainer that has been featured in and written for many national newspapers and magazines on health and fitness topics.
He has a passion for health and fitness writing, which has seen him in the likes of Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Harper's Bazzaar, Grazia, The Time's and The Independent and have also been featured as a fitness TV broadcaster on ITV and Sky.
He also runs a world class fat loss website that has helped thousands of people lose weight from their own homes.
For more information please visit http://www.walshthefataway.com.

A Fast Way to Lose Weight?

Everyone seems to be talking about intermittent fasting at the moment. It's popularity hit the mainstream after a Horizon programme featuring Dr. Michael Mosley aired last summer, but it's been bubbling under the surface for a while and has been popular with gym freaks and life extension types for years.
Now, for many people, the idea of going for a whole day without food, or even missing breakfast, it too much to bear thinking about. I too, was the sort of person who couldn't go more than a couple of hours without food; thinking that I'd faint if I missed breakfast, let alone didn't eat all day. I fully subscribed to the 'eat little and often' idea that we had to avoid hunger at all costs and keep the metabolism firing all day with regular top ups of food. I'd snack every couple of hours, always keeping something on hand to keep hunger at bay and keep the internal fire burning.
Recently, I've totally changed my approach and the results are surprising. The purported benefits of fasting are many; studies on mice suggest that intermittent fasting can help to repair DNA, reduce chronic diseases such as cancer,increase longevity and increase insulin sensitivity to name but a few.
Studies in humans aren't so numerous but show it could reduce bad cholesterol, lead to weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the hormone that stores away sugar, often as fat, and keeps it there.
The more insulin sensitive we are, the less insulin our bodies need to produce.
Therefore we store less energy as fat and we actually burn more fat because the insulin isn't keeping it locked in our fat cells. Being more insulin sensitive means you'll be far less likely to develop type II diabetes.
For many, fasting intermittently, particularly the 5:2 approach, may be easier to stick to than say, for example, continuously reducing your calorie intake, like most other diets or weight loss regimes.
Dr. Michael Eades (one of the best-known bariatric (obesity treatment) doctors in the US) puts it really well, when he states that "Diets are easy in the contemplation, difficult in the execution. IF is just the opposite - it's difficult in the contemplation but easy in the execution"
The idea of the 5:2 method of intermittent fasting is that for 2 days per week you restrict your calorie intake to 500 calories if you are a woman, or 600 if you're a man. Some people like to spread their calories out throughout the day, where as I prefer to simply eat one meal at the end of the day, and give my digestive system and pancreas a rest for the day. I drink a few cups of Yerbe Mate or Pu'erh tea to help curb my appetite but otherwise eat nothing until around 6pm, which, if I have eaten my dinner at 6pm the previous day, has given me a solid 24 hours without food.
This way of eating seems so much easier than the grim slog of day in, day out calorie restriction that many diets recommend. You know that you will get to eat at the end of the day, and you'll get to eat normally the following day. It also takes the ambivalence out of it; the "will-I-or-won't-I-have-another-biscuit" thing that so often plagues dieters.
I'm simply not eating all day so the decision is made. Once you've started out the day not eating, the motivation is strong to see it through. Hunger may come and go during the day, but it's nothing horrific, and the next meal is just around the corner.
Plus, if the weight loss and life extension promises aren't motivation enough, a fasting day is often simpler; no need to worry about what to take to work for lunch, or having to go and buy something. Think of the money saved buying a crappy lunch in an overpriced sandwich shop 2 days a week if you need another excuse to give intermittent fasting a try!
Our cells are constantly dividing all the way through our lives. The faster this happens, the more quickly we age, and more division brings a greater risk of DNA mutation and therefore cancer. Fasting switches our bodies from 'growth mode' into 'repair mode' by reducing a hormone called IGF-1. This repairs DNA damage in our bodies and mops up the effects of stress. Sounds pretty good right?
With endorsements from the likes of Hugh Fernly-Wittingsall and Dr. Mercola the trend looks set to continue. Will you be trying this yourself?
Chloe Brotheridge is a qualified hypnotherapist and nutritionist based in London. See http://www.easywaytochange.co.uk for more information.

Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely at Home

Because of these economically difficult times, people no longer go to gyms, hire personal trainers, purchase costly equipment or follow diet plans to lose weight. They have become more practical, thus they try to lose weight in their house. Here are tips on how to lose weight fast and safely at home effectively.
Prior to performing a weight loss program at home, you need to speak to your doctor. He shall assess your overall condition and see if you are indeed fit enough for this endeavor. He shall also give you tips about home weight loss.
You will need to alter your diet because a healthy one is the vital part to safely and quickly lose weight. The foods you take in should be enriched with fiber and these consist of fruits, veggies and whole grains. Fiber eliminates toxins from the body and it is actually these toxins that help in fat buildup. It also makes you feel full for a long time which makes weight loss easier. When you eat fresh fruit always, you will see yourself shedding off weight fast. You can also eat oatmeal which is filled with so much fiber.
Eliminate foods from your house which shall tempt you to eat unhealthily. Remove fatty, sugary and other foods that shall make you gain weight and poorly affect your health. Most of the time, you are at home so you need to take away things that would tempt you and make you stray. Clear your kitchen and pantry of these foods and instead place healthy alternative such as fruits, veggies, low-fat cheese and wheat crackers.
Look for ways to move around vigorously at home. You can dust your house and see that 147 calories shall be burned off every hour. You can also go out into the yard and rake away those falling leaves. To help you burn more calories, you can clean your rain gutters. Jogging in your neighborhood for half an hour every morning is also a way on how to lose weight fast and safely at home.
While watching TV, you can perform crunches during commercial breaks. While you are talking on the phone, do some arm curls. As you stir your soup on your stove, do some lunges. Find ways to move your body while at home so that you do not stop burning calories.
You can do weight-training at home using items in your house. If you have a gallon of milk, lift it up fifteen times a day. Have two gallons and hold a gallon in each hand. You can also use soup cans as well as other heavy items found in your kitchen as exercise equipment.
Make sure you get support from your family because a support system is important in weight loss. Your family can dance with you or play ball with you on the yard to keep you moving. They should also be encouraged not to eat unhealthy food in your presence.
Who says weight loss is expensive when you can try these tips on how to lose weight fast and safely at home?
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