How to Build Lean Sexy Muscles That Everyone Will Admire

Muscle building workouts are very important if you want to have lean sexy muscles. However it is also vitally important that you understand how to workout each muscle group so that you do not harm yourself by damaging muscle tissues and ligaments. If you are serious about your physique and want to have a ripped body then continue reading as we discuss some of the workouts to build muscles fast.

Before we get to the workouts, I also want to mention that your should get your muscles warm and conditioned by stretching before you even attempt lifting a weight. This is to prevent you from tearing a muscle; after all we must ensure safety at all times.

Now onto our muscle building workouts. There are different workouts for the different muscle groups. For example there are several different types of exercises for the legs versus that for the arm and chest and back.

Your muscle workout does not have to be long and exhausting. When working out, you should focus on one muscle group at a time to get to effectiveness of the exercises. Do not try to get everything in one day, instead you can workout your chest on one day then your leg and arms on another.

Focus on intensity rather than quantity. Start out with light weights and gradually increase as your stamina and fitness increases. When lifting weights, you should do it slowly as this is how your muscles build and grow when there is a stretch and resistance.

If you find it hard to workout by yourself then you should enroll in a program that teaches you step by step how to train to get the body you deserve or you can hire a fitness coach.

Also pay close attention to this,

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Bodybuilding at Any Age - It's Never Too Late to Start!

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "One in three adults 65 and older falls each year." The majority of hospital admissions for the elderly, in fact, are due to fall-related injuries. Interestingly, a majority of these falls could be prevented, however, if more seniors realized that they could reverse this trend through bodybuilding.

It's Never too Late!

Aging has, historically, been viewed as an inevitable (and often rapid) slide into infirmity and muscular atrophy. Consequently, many seniors have convinced themselves that they must "slow down" with age, that too much activity might can lead to accidents and premature death. But the more that they have "slowed down," the higher their chances of demoralizing (and often crippling) falls has become.

A coincidence?

Experts would say "no." A study at Colorado State University, for instance, found that two of the most significant reasons why seniors fall are diminished bone density (osteoporosis) and lack of muscle tone. Studies have shown that both of these conditions can be prevented or improved by regular exercise, particularly weight bearing exercises. Moreover, these studies have found that anyone can start bodybuilding at any age and at any fitness level and still increase their muscle mass and their strength.

Benefits of Bodybuilding for the Elderly

Studies have shown that weight bearing exercises benefit the health of seniors in many ways. In general (and for everyone) bodybuilding has been shown to:

· Increase muscle mass

· Increase bone density and strengthen bones

· Improve balance


Seniors can particularly benefit from bodybuilding, as it will partially reverse the slide into diminished muscle strength and bone density.

Bodybuilding at any Age

In order to reap the health benefits of bodybuilding, however, there are a few rules that seniors should follow:

Start slow. Slowly building up to a desired fitness level is not only good advice for everyone, but it is particularly important for seniors. Injuries than can accrue from too much exercise, too soon, can be particularly severe-and often permanent-for seniors. For that reason, experts recommend that seniors new to weight lifting exercise for only about five or ten minutes at a time, at a low-to-moderate pace with light weights when first commencing an exercise program. They should then gradually increase the time and the intensity of the exercises as their bodies become stronger and more able to cope with greater exertion, higher heart rates and prolonged training intervals.

Warm up/Cool down. The benefits of a good warm up and cool down period during an exercise program cannot be overemphasized. Research has shown that a period of gentle stretching before performing the major exercises (the warm up) can prevent injuries by warming and preparing the muscles for the forthcoming exertion. Walking and gentle stretching after the actual exercise period (the cool down) assists the body to adjust to the cessation of exercise. This is especially important for the aged, as their bodies take longer to adjust as compared to younger exercisers.

Drink sufficient water. Drinking sufficient amounts of water during exercise is necessary to replenish the fluids lost via increased perspiration. Furthermore, seniors have a higher risk of dehydration, so they should be especially diligent, making certain to drink continually during their routines.

These rules should help seniors to ease into a bodybuilding routine that is both safe and healthy.

The research is clear-bodybuilding at any age is acceptable (and even recommended) for most of the population. For seniors, however, this research has proven that their golden years needn't be an inevitable slide into infirmity and muscular atrophy, and that it's never too late to start bodybuilding at any age.

For more information about bodybuilding at any age, visit

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Exercise Your Way to a Good Night's Sleep

Let's face it, most of us don't get up and run a marathon every morning. The good news is we do not really need to. Even doing the minimum recommended amount of exercise a few times a week will improve your quality of sleep over time, not to mention your health.

Not everyone is the go to the gym and pump some iron type, so it is a good thing there are so many ways to exercise in the comfort of your own home. One of them, my personal favorite, is the exercise video. These are good because there is a video out there for almost any personality type. There are videos for dancing, pilates, yoga, cardio and even stripping.

So if taking up a new skill sounds like fun, run down to your local Wal-Mart and pick something up. A more expensive but more gym-like option is an at home weight machine. Most of these can adjust to fit many of your exercise needs.

Why start an at home fitness routine now? For people who have trouble sleeping, exercise often doesn't sound like the most tantalizing thing. But you have to weigh your reluctance against the benefits. Once the exercise routine begins to take effect, not only will you be healthier and more in shape, your sleeping problems could be solved as well.

To achieve this however, you have to be careful about when you exercise. Working out too close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep, because the endorphins are still taking affect. Make sure you exercise at least five or six hours before bedtime. This is also beneficial because a drop in body temperature can aid you in falling asleep.

For this routine to be effective, raise your heart rate twenty to thirty minutes a day about five days a week. If you are a busy person, breaking this up into ten minute sections can be just as effective. Outside of that twenty or thirty minutes though, remember to always stretch before and after exercising. Not doing so can lead to injury and after workout stiffness.

Do not worry if you are sore for the first week or two, it just means it is working. Soreness is simply a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. More stretching and lots of water will get rid of it, and in the meantime, aspirin will do the trick.

Hopefully you can find time in your schedule to exercise, and you will discover the wonders it can work on your quality of sleep.

Need insomnia help? Sherry Harris offers FREE information packed ebook, "101 Amazingly Simple Ways to Beat Insomnia." Get the solution to your sleeping problems right now at - Get all the help you need to fall asleep fast, free sleep tips (that work!). Hope you enjoyed the article topic At Home Fitness Routine. Visit us now.

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Bodybuilding Workout Tips For Everyone

Bodybuilding workouts are not just for men nowadays. Gone are the days when women stayed away from bodybuilding. Nowadays, you will find both men and women exercising hard in gyms to have strong and well shaped bodies. Every second person wants to have a great physique now. If you are also planning to have appealing washboard abs along with a well toned body, here are a few useful bodybuilding workout tips:
Understand the difference between different workout routines.
On a basic level, there are 2 kinds of bodybuilding workout routines. It can be full body or split. First, full body workout routine is one that works on your entire body. In a single session, such a routine will directly target several large muscle groups in your body. This type of routine may include shoulders and arms exercises in the beginning, followed by stretches and whole body workouts. Split bodybuilding workout is about targeting certain muscles at a time. On a given week day, you will be doing just one kind of exercise. It is a good idea to ask a fitness trainer to learn more about split workout routines.
Get a clear idea of your body's muscle fiber requirement.
There is no point of feeling discouraged even if things don't work so well in the beginning. A bodybuilding workout routine may take a little time to deliver results. Your body will really start reacting when you stick to a workout plan for at least 3 months. After about three months, your body will start reacting to exercise. It is popularly known as muscle fiber requirement. It is one of the most important bodybuilding workout tips. The body will start pulling various muscle fibers together at one place to create muscle curves when the above mentioned muscle fiber requirement is met. Gaining mass after this stage is easy.
Stick to a routine.
Not everyone chooses to go to a gym. You can always carry on with a bodybuilding workout routine from your home. After learning all important bodybuilding workout tips, you can continue the routine easily. However, getting enrolled into a gym will always be helpful. Achieving a desired health goal will be easier when you are surrounded by likeminded people at a gym. Also, gyms have professional trainers who can guide you on a regular basis. On some occasions, joining a gym can also discourage a person who has just started with a bodybuilding routine. If you have a company, you will have a good time at the gym every day.
Get proper rest.
If you have been exercising hard in a gym, you also need maximum rest. A bodybuilding routine will work best when you have a good diet and rest combo. Never deprive yourself of enough rest. Many people make this mistake. Not taking enough rest may just do the opposite.
Do not take any breaks in the routine. If you start today, continue exercising on a daily basis at the same time. Self discipline is very important.
Please feel free to visit my site to learn how to get ripped the best way possible in the least amount of time.

How to Lose Weight in 10 Steps!

1) Weigh in weekly, record your weight in a journal.

2) Set and write mini goal dates, goal weights and rewards on a calendar.

3) Set and write final goal date, goal weight and final reward on a calendar.

4) Stay within your daily calorie range and record it! For example, 1200 calories a day for an adult female.

5) Stay positive!!!

6) Drink around 2.2 liters or 9 cups of water a day and record it!

7) Do daily cardiovascular exercise at least 45 minutes 5-6 days/week.

8) Reach your mini goals and celebrate with a small gift to yourself (that is NOT food)!

9) Reach your final goal and celebrate with your final reward, you have earned it!

10) Be honest about your lifestyle, are you strictly sticking to your calorie intake and exercise plan, or are you kind of doing it here and there?!!

If you follow those 10 steps exactly, you will be guaranteed to reach your weight loss goals and you will feel great!

You can also speed up your metabolism to aid in your weight loss goals. If you never allow your body to feel hungry, (by snacking on healthy foods throughout the day that are within your target calorie intake), your metabolism will speed up and thus offer even more support in losing weight.

Always remember that you need to keep positive thoughts and be around encouraging, positive people. If you do mess up, it's not the end of the world!!! DO NOT give up!! Jump right back in to the healthy lifestyle you have been living. Stay focused, don't be afraid to say no to people when they offer you food, envision yourself at your goal weight. You deserve to be healthy and happy! You have to start somewhere in the weight loss process. Find out where you need to start and START! Whether it is simply walking 20 minutes at a time in the beginning, or a slow jog. Keep going until you can build up to jogging for a full 45 minutes. Just go at the appropriate pace for YOU!! Start where you need to start, get to the 45 minutes per day of aerobic exercise (I highly recommend jogging for most effective weight loss). Get started and stick with it to the end! You can stay at your current weight or you could put in 30-50 days or so of hard work and feel and look great for the rest of your years you have to live. You can do it now!!! Lose that weight and feel great!!!

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Fitness Coach Vs Fitness Trainer

North America is getting fatter and fatter! There are numerous studies proven this so I won't get into all the statistics from the American College of Sports Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the American Heart Association. Just trust a population we are getting fatter.
But wait; there are more fitness centers, gym, personal trainers and fitness related info-products then ever how can this be?
Here a few things that we know: 
  • A one-size-fits-all approach to fitness does not work
  • Knowing biomechanics is good but effective in developing a compete fitness program
  • Life stages and changes in a person's life must be taken into account when developing a fitness program
  • Not all fades are created equal. To embrace the latest and greatest fade is very ineffective in making consistent fitness progress
  • The carrot or the stick? A positive approach works much better then a fear based approach, to anything, especially fitness
  • Social and domestic support is crucial for starting and continuing a fitness program
  • In the end, we need to embrace a holistic model of fitness, working on the body alone is not enough
So, where does this leave you?
If you are not getting the results your desire or if you're not having fun with your fitness program it maybe time to take a look at fitness coaching. "But I already have a personal fitness trainer, why do I need a fitness coach?"
First, if you're not getting the results it might not be your trainer, it could be you. I'm not saying it's your directly at fault, but there maybe some underlying situations that you and your trainer are not aware of that a good certified fitness coach could help you discover and find a solution.
So what is fitness coaching?
It can be called an ongoing and guided conversation and process between you and a health fitness coach that is a conversation: 
  • Involving a comprehensive fitness-related dialogue about your needs, interests and personal active lifestyle orientations
  • Directed toward broad based goals of personal and health gains that are
  • Attained through continued involvement in physically activates which are
  • Adjusted occasionally according to your evolving life agenda
I know, you're probably saying "That sounds nice, but again, I have a personal trainer."
What a personal trainer is trained and certified to do is develop the specific workout routine for you. They are to assess your currently physical abilities and limitations and develop a routine around these parameters along with your fitness goals. Then they are to ensure that you perform the routine with biometric perfection. That is want a fitness trainer is schooled and trained in. If they are performing more then this and are not properly trained and educated in that field, they are stepping out of the bounders of a trainer.
A fitness coach, through and open and ongoing dialogue, will help you 
  • Determine the best physical activity for you
  • Stay on track and achieve your fitness goals
  • Work through any resistance or sticking points
  • With support for all parts of your life
Basically a fitness coach will help you develop your fitness strategy and stay on track with it and a fitness/personal trainer will help you develop the tactics to get you to your goal.
In this day and age we are all bombarded with so many distractions that we need to have a qualified support team around us so that we can achieve our goals with a much 'ease' as possible,. I believe that two key members on this team should be a fitness coach and fitness/personal trainer.
If you're not getting the results you want or if you're bored with your current fitness program take a look at hiring a fitness coach.
Gregg Swanson is a mental strength coach and owner of Warrior Mind Coach and Training. To receive a complimentary copy of his e-book "How to Create Warrior Mind Strength" please visit:

How to Lose Love Handles Fast at Home Weight Loss Diet

So whats the best way how to lose love handles fast with an at home weight loss diet exercise plan. There are 2 major parts in losing love handles and weight in general. First part of quick success is your diet, and the second part of weight loss success is exercising. To speed up your program in how to lose love handles fast at home you have to consider only 2 large factors, as these 2 factors of exercise and diet both go together to help you.

Exercise to Lose Love Handles at Home in 15 minutes

1. 3 Sets of 10 regular Sit Ups
2. 3 Sets of Raised Leg Hold for 2 minutes
3. 3 Sets of 50 Mini Fast Crunches

That is it. All the exercise you will need to do 4-5 days per week. If you keep that routine up for 2 weeks, you will start to see good results. And if you can continue this exercise activity plan going for 1 month, your there, you will actually start to know how to lose love handles fast. Easy as that.

Diet to Lose Love Handles and Weight Loss at Home

The next step is to consider your diet. Its simple and easy. Begin to eat less fat in your diet. Think more healthy foods to eat. Also try eating less. Eat more of your diet earlier on in the day, and less at night after sunset.

Importantly, eat foods that will increase your metabolism speed. Foods that speed up your metabolism will basically increase the speed of your weight loss fat burning. The fastest way to speed up your metabolism is to eat foods with high levels of fiber and antioxidants.

So to speed up your weight loss to lose love handles fast, you should include a diet supplement. Acai Berry Active is a top diet supplement, high in antioxidants and fiber, that will speed up your weight loss from home. For a limited time you can order a bottle of Acai Berry Diet Supplement for free, check out How to Lose Love Handles Fast Diet to Order. Do not forget those exercises too.

Free Order of Acai Berry Weight Loss Diet Supplement at Acai Berry Diet [].

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5 Reasons Sleep Affects Your Fitness

It seems these days, getting less than six hours of sleep is considered a characteristic of an ambitious, successful person. It's seen as a badge of honour. Where as people that catch 7-8 hours of sleep are seen as lazy and unproductive.

Well that's certainly untrue!

Here's a Quick story

A few months back I was working until the evening. Then in again very early in the morning. It took me hours to unwind and I ended up in bed much too late. I had to be up at 4am. So I accumulated a lot of lost Z's! I noticed the usual signs of sleep deprivation. Being easily stressed, unfocused and lacking energy as a few examples. What I never expected was actually the first thing I noticed. I was ALWAYS hungry. I could not control my appetite! I put on a few pounds rather quickly as a result.

Curious, I had to look in to this. I really wanted to figure out why this was happening to me. After researching and discovering the answers to my question, I knew I had to change my routine. Especially if I ever wanted to succeed with my fitness goals!

FIVE Reasons Why Losing Sleep Will Ruin Your Fitness Goals:

1. Sleep loss affects the hormone cortisol. It causes you to still feel hungry even though you have eaten an adequate amount of food.

2. Sleep deprivation interferes with carbohydrate metabolism, causing high blood glucose levels. Excess glucose means an overproduction of insulin, which equals an extra storage of body fat. Eventually this can lead to insulin resistance which can contribute to diabetes.

3. When you are in a deep sleep, growth hormones are at work. A lack of quality sleep will reduce the amounts of growth hormones, which are proteins set out to regulate the proportions of fat and muscle in your bod. This is the time your work in the weight room materializes. If you want muscle, you need a good night sleep!

4. The hormones leptin and ghrelin are also a big factor in weight loss and sleep patterns. Ghrelin tells you that you are hungry. Leptin lets you know when you are full. When you don't get enough sleep ghrelin rises while leptin levels fall. You wind up always feeling hungry. That is exactly what I experienced myself.

5. Symptoms of sleep loss such as stress and a lack of energy definitely affect your fitness plans. If you are not in the mood to work out and are too tired to anyway, then you will lose hard earned workouts and lose progress pretty quickly.

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. If you have trouble sleeping or you wake up a lot during the night, see a doctor. You may have insomnia or another type of sleep disorder.

Only getting a few hours of sleep each night won't prove you are the busiest person in the world. The only thing it will prove is how well you can sport the dark circles under your eyes!


Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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How To Get Correct Fitness Tips?

If you browse the internet, you will find pages-after-pages of information on fitness tips. Many-a-times, the tips offered are not only confusing but also contradictory and you wonder whether to follow them or not. It is also observed that in some cases the tips offered do not have any professional backing. Naturally, if you follow such tips, you may not get the desired results. Generally, most of these agencies offer tips which consist of diet, exercises and sleep habits. But in this complex society, fitness tips must be broken down to meet individual needs like for example to get rid of exhaustion, stress, fatigue, obesity and so on. Therefore, in such cases, you must find an agency or a person who can offer you guidance to meet your specific needs.

Qualified and Experienced Experts

Using the advice of qualified and experienced experts is the only manner in which you can get fitness tips tailored to individual needs. You will be able to find numerous experts and agencies online or in your locality. These agencies offer customized solutions. Normally, before suggesting any tips, these agencies request you to provide personal details like general health, body proportions, your profession, lifestyle and such other relevant information. Experts appointed by these agencies will carefully go through the information provided by you and will prescribe the necessary treatments accordingly. Whenever necessary, experts will hold personal discussions with their client and only then will they prescribe the necessary treatment. Treatments consist of changes in the food habits including regulating the calories, exercises, and if necessary suggestions are also offered on sleep habits. Wherever necessary, the experts may also suggest you to undergo Yoga and meditation therapies. They also provide necessary tips for chronic ailments like diabetes and blood pressure. In short, you get personalized treatments for all kinds of ailments including your general health.

Periodical Review Is Crucial

The experts appointed by such consulting agencies are adequately qualified and highly experienced. The information provided by you is kept confidential. Before commencing the treatment, the experts will set a goal. They keep a track on your progress and for this purpose the agencies will make a periodical review of the effects of the treatments suggested to you. The agency will call you and get the feedback and based on the feedback they would review the line of treatment suggested for you. At the same time, wherever necessary, you can also call the experts and they would be willing to provide you the necessary guidance. Naturally, this will have a greater impact and within a short span of time, it helps you to reap the benefits of treatments suggested by the experts.

Affordable Service Charges

The service charges for the treatment and the advice provided is considerably low and it is certainly affordable. The experts appointed by these agencies are highly qualified they have several years of experience behind them. Hence, you can certainly rely on the suggestions given by these experts. Before availing the services of these agencies, it is advisable that you should go through reviews of the agency. Wherever necessary, you can also have personal discussions with some of their past and present clients.

Click Here to know more about Fitness and to Get Correct Fitness Tips

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3 Alternative Weight Loss Exercises That You Will Love

One thing that universal amongst all people who are slim and healthy is the fact that they love exercise. It is the number one way to stay in shape and even if your diet is less than perfect, regular exercise will help to keep your weight in check and keep your cardiovascular health in great condition. The problem for so many people is that they haven't done any exercise for so long. Strapping on your running shoes after a few years of inactivity can be an experience and a half. Running can be very painful and the impact on your legs, knees and ankles can leave you in pain for days.
To make matters worse, if you gained a few pounds over the last few years and you are trying to get back in shape by running, then the extra weight can place an immense strain on your knees and your back. Most of the time the pain is just too much and we end up quitting after a few days.
So, what's the solution? Its simple. Just pick the right types of exercise. You need to find exercise that will burn a lot of calories, that is fun to do and that won't leave you in pain. You have a number of options, but these are my 3 favorites.
1. Swimming
What is particularly good about swimming is the fact that the water will absorb part of your weight. All your motions and actions are focused on your muscles and the usual impact on your joints is virtually non existent. Swimming is incredibly good and because it evolves so many muscles groups its very good for burning calories. On top of that its great fun and it hardly feels like "exercise".
2. Indoor Rowing
Indoor rowing is something that has taken off in popularity in recent years. Its common knowledge that rowing is a very demanding exercise and with indoor rowers we can replicate the rowing motion indoors. These machines are great because they take up very little room and offer you a high intensity workout - without the impact. It also offers great variety of intensity and you can get a great workout with 20 minutes of rowing.
3. Mountain Biking
As a dedicated sport, mountain biking has grown significantly. Unlike cycling in a gym or cycling on the road, this takes you outdoors. With countless great tracks and courses out in the woods and other parks its really exciting. Dealing with difficult terrains and being out in the wilderness will have you for get about "exercise" without even knowing about it.
Do you want to lose belly fat in 2 weeks? Visit my website to read more about the diet to lose belly fat...

What Are the Best Fitness Games?

Do you find that you do not have enough time in the day to get everything done? Do you want to exercise but simply can't find the time to go to the gym? If the answer is yes then you may want to consider fitness games. These games can help you with your fitness from the comfort of your own home and you can have a lot of fun while doing them.
What games do for you?
Many people are turning to fitness games for a host of reasons. Some people simply want the ease of doing exercise in their own home. Others can't get to the gym in time for the classes that they want. Of course it may simply be that people want to have fun when they exercise. Fitness games work at the pace you want them to and you can stop at any point. Many people also find that these games are more fun than going to a class at the gym.
What games are out there?
Now that you realise that you want to go with fitness games you have to know what is out there. The first thing to do is know what gaming console you have. This impacts the choice of games as some games have not been released in compatible versions for all the consoles.
If you own an Xbox360 the highest rated fitness game is Your Shape. This is not really a game in the traditional sense as you do not play anything. It is more like your own personal trainer as it has programs created to fit your body and the amount of exercise you can do. For those with a Wii then Wii Fit Plus is ideal. This game is perfect for the whole family as it has a range of activities for people wanting a hard workout to people who want something a bit more casual. Play Station 3 owners may want to go with the Zumba fitness games. This game has a range of Zumba routines that you can do ranging from novice to expert. There are also different dances styles to choose from so you never get bored.
Linking games and courses in fitness
If you want to do courses in fitness but also keep up with the times then you should look at linking these games to what you learn. In fitness courses you learn about what exercises work for different people. When you know this you can recommend fitness games to these people so they can keep their fitness up when they are not with you. Many trainers find that this works as people are more included to play these games than simply do the exercises given to them.
Games have brought in a new era of working out. If you are studying fitness courses then it is best to know what the best fitness games are and how you can use them. It is best to know what console the person has so you can suggest the best games for that console.
This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO Marketing consultant of, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Fitness Courses, Pilates Courses and Personal Trainer Certification.

Pilates, It's No Joke!

This short article has the inside scoop of what Pilates is all about and how it tightens your physique. If you want to get a strong core and challenge yourself with some intense Pilates workouts, then you'll want to tap into these exact secrets.
You see people I know have tried boring workouts and followed the herd to the gym, and ended up disappointed and frustrated, year after year. Looking the same as they did the year before. But some have luckily jumped into Pilates as rehab for a knee or slipped disc in the lower back, and some of these people have transformed their bodies massively!
Pilates seems commonly practiced by ladies mostly, simple "Core Lifts" Planks and stressing the body in a positive way really can strengthen your internal muscles hugely.
Pilates is the hidden secret to developing a strong core, and I don't mean lay down on the floor and start in on hundreds and hundreds of crunches. You won't even tap the surface of hitting the deep transverse abdominals (the deepest layer of the core) by doing this.
You'll end up with a tight low back and super tight hip flexors, it's all relative and the body works as one unit so paying careful attention to what you are doing to strengthen the core will directly affect the rest of your body.
A Pilates workout targets the intricate muscles that supports and protects the low back, spine, pelvis and hips. Giving the body a firm, toned and strong look and feel.
Not to mention it shaves off years of your age!
Unfortunately, I often see far too many people yanking on the back of their neck and thrusting their hips forward trying to get a deep crunch, it makes me cringe. They will undoubtedly wake up the next day with a stiff neck, an extremely tight low back and hip flexors. Over time this can develop into constant injuries and limited mobility.
Pilates will help avoid a weak core, which could bring on a sore lower back, tight flexors and poor flexibility in the hips.
Your core is the foundation and when the foundation is lacking in strength and stability everything around it will crumble. Pro Baseball athletes and Cross Fit coaches, MMA fighters and hundreds of men and women over the years have implemented Pilates to give them the edge!
Pilates uses the bodies' own gravity as resistance to strengthen and tone without putting unnecessary strain on the joints. It's a challenging and intense style of workout and the missing link to really getting a deep core workout.
And this is what Pilates won't do... it won't pack on muscle mass, it won't put unnecessary strain on the joints, it won't reduce your range of motion by limiting your movements and it wont make your body stiff and immobile. But Pilates will help the body avoid injuries and balance the body in a very positive way.
Whether someone can bench 225 lbs. or do 50 pull-ups in a row without stopping. You'll be surprised, Pilates works the entire body in such a manner it will bring to the surface any weakness, and you can implement it into Personal training with technique/form in order to use the core muscle as much as possible as this will help change and sculpt your physique. Thank you.
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The Shake Weight For Women is No Joke

The Shake Weight For Women is still one of the most intriguing as seen on TV fitness products of all time. Why? Because this thing is so silly but it happens to be one of the only pieces of at home gym equipment that really seems to work.

From the first moment I saw it featured on the Ellen Show I wanted one. So Forget about all the jokes, and there are quite a few. Well, maybe we can't forget about the jokes but let us try to look pass them for a moment and discuss this product.

Besides seeing every major celebrity guest on Ellen being with a shake weight and put on the spot to try and find some clever way not to shake it on national TV, this item is certainly more than a gag. If you use it correctly, it will work for some things.

However, I do not like the way it is pitched on TV. Sure the commercials are hilarious but they imply that you will loose arm fat by using this just a few minutes a day and that isn't true. No exercise can spot reduce arm fat so the marketers should not allude to that. But, it will strengthen your arm muscles which will lead to better definition and also a better appearance. If that arm fat melts away it will be due to the increased calorie burning from exercise and help from a sensible diet.

Having said all this, if you use the shake weight for women to build strength and muscle, you are going to be very pleased. This device will absolutely burn your arms, shoulders and even chest like crazy. You will definitely feel like you are accomplishing something if you use this thing regularly.

I realize the commercial refers to this concept of dynamic inertia to explain this, but I've never heard of it and I suppose most people out there haven't either. I just call it working your muscles and this product does it well. There are two versions so if you want to try it make sure you get the shake weight for women because it is much lighter than the men's.

I've finally started seeing this item in stores but it is certainly not everywhere yet. If you are interested in purchasing one it may be easier to order online but you better prepare for a shipping charge. Expect to pay right at $30 when all is said and done but if you are going to really use this diligently, then it is well worth it.

I also have to assume a lot of people are looking to buy this as a gag gift and I hear they are quite a hit at bachelorete parties, but this really is a terrific fitness product.

Read more about Shake Weight For Women [] or Find Out about both Shake Weight versions.

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Do You Suffer With Painful Joints From Osteoarthritis?

Do you ever experience joint pain and muscle stiffness? Or perhaps you have difficulty gripping items, walking properly, bending your knees, or moving your neck and lower back? Have you ever been diagnosed with "Arthritis", and then told to take a "magic pill" to help your joints, only to find little results? If it is indeed Arthritis, how do you determine which type, and what natural changes can you make to help improve how you feel? There are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions, and each type has a variety of natural methods to help alleviate its secondary conditions, by addressing its root cause and primary condition. Let's touch on the most popular type, Osteoarthritis, listed below:

Osteoarthritis: The most common type of all arthritides, Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease, and affects 33 million Americans. It is purely structural in nature, and can affect any bone in the body, due to abnormal weight bearing. It usually affects a specific joint, and most often times is due to poor spinal or extremity alignment. Cartilage between the joints wears away over time, (much like brake pads in your car losing cushion over time and use), causing bony surfaces to rub on one another. It is most common in the neck, lower back, and weight bearing joints such as the hip, knee, and ankle. Also known as Degenerative Joint Disease, this is not genetic based. It is most likely caused by poor spinal structure, whiplash injuries, prolonged static positioning (sitting hunched over while doing computer work, driving, mobile phone use), obesity, and years after a traumatic sports injury. Its pain pattern is best characterized as a feeling of stiffness and localized pain, often accompanied with crepitus, a clicking or grating sound. Bone "spurring" or calcification can also form due to the imbalance of weight bearing on a joint (like driving a vehicle with a bent axle, causing its tire to spin abnormally, and its tread to wear unevenly).

Because Osteoarthritis is structurally based, its primary cause can be helped with spinal and extremity work by a Chiropractor who focuses on structural correction. This is done by gently adjusting the joint back in place. Postural and gait training, as well as restorative spinal corrective equipment can slowly change the spine from an abnormal structure to a more normal position. This in turn will help reduce further deterioration of joints, help the muscles become more balanced, and help rid of pain and stiffness. Once more mobility and less stiffness are achieved, it is important to maintain its integrity. Many people choose to be adjusted regularly to help prevent further deterioration. Much like servicing a heater or air conditioner to achieve optimal performance, spinal correction and integrity needs to be protected.

Along with spinal correction by a structural based chiropractor, stretching is very important. Stretching helps to lessen tightness in muscles that otherwise places more strain on a joint. It also assists with oxygenation and blood flow to the supporting cartilage and associated soft tissue surrounding the joint.

What, no time to stretch? Try stretching 10 minutes every morning, or even better, while showering. Yoga and swimming in a warm pool are excellent for arthritic people, and are optimally beneficial when coupled with chiropractic spinal correction. Obesity can cause joint degeneration to occur quicker, due to excess weight on joints. Research shows that almost 44% of adults with arthritis report no leisure physical activity compared with 36% of adults without arthritis. And older adults diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis who perform moderate physical activity at minimum three times per week can reduce further the risk of arthritis disability by almost 50%. Even more disturbing is that over half of Americans ages 65 and older show evidence of joint degeneration on radiographs in at least one joint. It is predicted that 70 million Americans will develop Osteoarthritis within the next 15 years.

Nutritionally, anti-inflammatory foods are helpful, along with Omega-3 fish oils and Glucosamine. Foods such as pineapples, lemons, papayas, berries, and ginger root, turmeric, green and white teas, kelp, broccoli, yams, shiitake mushrooms, and extra virgin olive oil, are terrific natural inflammatories. Glucosamine can help aid in repair of cartilage, muscles and ligaments, by assisting in producing glycosaminoglycan, a necessary molecule used in the formation and repair of joint cartilage. Inquire with your doctor before considering.

There are several natural methods to address Osteoarthritis. Many intelligent people are seeking natural corrections to address the primary condition of Osteoarthritis, and not continue to "band-aid" its secondary conditions.

Dr. Chad Laurence is one of fewer than 500 doctors in the world to be recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of Chiropractic Biophysics. Dr. Laurence can help relieve symptoms for individuals suffering with many physical problems, including neck and low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, arthritis, and extremity pain. Dr. Laurence practices at Corrective Chiropractic, 7503-A Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE. Contact him at 302.234.1115, or on the web at

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8 Things You Can Do to Get Rid of Obesity

What can you do to get rid of all the body fat? What can really help you lose weight fast? Get your body back in shape? Get your real life back? Let's face it. You have everything in your hands. You have total control to decide how you want to look. You let yourself go and you can get yourself back on track.

Here are a few things that can help you lose all the weight you want:

You have to make a decision and make it clear to yourself. "I want to lose weight". "I will not stop until I get it right". If you still have doubts in your mind then stop. This means you don't believe you have what it takes to lose weight. Once you are sure you can do it then set goals for yourself. It is very important to set realistic goals because you won't lose all the body fat at one go.

Food is not the only thing that makes you gain weight. There are several different factors which you have to take into account when you decide to lose weight. You must focus on every aspect that might somewhat be responsible for you gaining all the weight.

Never. I repeat never cut down immediately on any foods that you are eating that may contain carbohydrates and the likes. Rather reduce the intake instead.

Always stick to the 3 meal a day diet routine. You may need to cut down on the small in between snacks that you usually have. As small as they may be they are most likely responsible for you gaining all the fat. Instead you can replace them with healthier snack or even fruits and vegetable like carrots.

Reduce the intake of fatty oily foods as much as possible.

Be sure to drink fresh fruit juices on a regular basis. It is recommended to drink fresh juices during breakfast to hydrate the body. Although it is not like water but it will give you all the energy you need.

If you stay closer to where you work I suggest you get a bicycle. At least once a week, maybe on Fridays you can use it to go to work. It will help you be spontaneous and at the same time help you lose weight fast.

Change your habits and daily routine. Get a part-time job that is going to require physical activity. Don't do it for the money but just for fun. Something that won't take up much of your time but rather energy. Something that will require you to walk some distance or move around a lot.
The rest is up to you. You can do it if you want or just read more articles that will tell you the same thing over and over again.

Here is a Free report on How To Lose Weight in less than 30 days. Click Here! []

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Let Friends and Family Motivate You to Lose Weight

One way to stay get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated to reach your weight-loss goal is to involve your friends and family. You can achieve your weight-loss goal on your own, but it helps to have a cheerleaders to lift you up when you start to feel down. Losing weight can often be a long, difficult process, but you can do it with a little help from friends and family.
Regular exercise is important not only for weight loss, but keeping off the weight once you lose it. Everyone, regardless of weight or health status, should get regular exercise. Invite a friend or family member to join you for your regular workout. Having another person there with you can help give you the mental energy to keep going when you feel like quitting. You are more likely to show up at the gym if you know there will be someone there waiting on you. Make a commitment to workout with your partner on a regular schedule. You will be just as important to motivate your partner as your partner is to keep you motivated. You can be there for each other before, during and after your workouts. It is important to have someone to support you when you fail as well as when you succeed. Compare notes and praise each other for each small weight-loss victory.
Get the whole family involved in a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise. Join your local gym with a family plan. Most gyms have such plans and a variety of programs for every level of fitness and weight-loss goals. Whether you alone or every member of your family needs to get into shape, the entire family will benefit. You can also use a gym membership to make new friends to keep you motivated to achieve your weight-loss goal. You are more likely to actually go to the gym if you pay for a monthly membership than utilizing a pay-as-you-go plan.
You can be someone else's motivation, too. If you find that your family and friends aren't as motivated as you, don't despair. Keep going. Join an online support group or find a local weight-loss and fitness group in your community. Your determination to lose weight and get healthy can be the motivating factor for your friends and family. Continue to invite family and friends to join you on walks in the park, bike riding, swimming or a workout session at your local gym. You will be thrilled when they finally accept your invitation.
Robin Reichert is an AFPA Certified Nutrition Consultant, AFPA Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Youth Exercise Specialist, Beachbody coach and freelance writer specializing in health and fitness. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health. Her services include both in-home personal training and online fitness coaching. To find out more about the Beachbody coaching business or some of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs, such as P90X or Insanity, you can visit her blog and/or website at

6 MMA Drills For A Bikini Body

Female MMA fighters have amazing bodies.
That's because MMA involves so many techniques that the entire body is worked through a full range of motion.
Arms, legs, belly, butt, core, everything.
If only you could mimic their routine without having to get punched in the face!
Well, fortunately you can! And you don't even need to come up with an exercise plan on your own.
I've taken the guesswork out and created a bikini body workout plan for you!
Lose fat fast
Have you noticed your dress size steadily creeping higher over the years? No bueno!
Tired of unzipping your pants after eating a meal? No mas!
Perhaps you're already fit but are looking for a new addition to your current beach body workout. No problema!
You don't need to have experience with MMA, know a left hook from a roundhouse, or aspire to be a fighter to reap the benefits of this routine.
Using the 6 drills below will put you on the fast track to getting that bikini body you've been dreaming about.
Here's another great thing about this routine: you don't need to buy any equipment! Which means you can do this workout at home, outside, or at the gym. Use this routine anywhere, anytime!
Hey, I'm lovin' this already!
Get fit with these 6 MMA drills
You'll be doing the drills in blocks of 3 at 1 minute each, and then resting for 1 minute before continuing to the next 3 drills. Repeat the process until all drills have been performed 3 times each.
For example:
  • Drill 1 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Drill 2 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Drill 3 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Rest - 1 minute
  • Drill 4 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Drill 5 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Drill 6 - Perform for 1 minute
  • Rest - 1 minute
  • Repeat x 2
As your fitness level improves increase the length of each drill.
If you're a beginner don't push yourself too hard at first. Ease into the routine.
If you're adding these drills to your existing workout, incorporate them as desired.
During the rest periods don't stand still. Make it an active rest.
By "active rest" I mean move around. Do something low intensity like walking in circles, stretching, or shaking out your arms. This will keep you focused and your body ready for the next drill.
During the rest period take sips of water if you're thirsty.
I have also included advanced tips. If you're just starting out, skip these for now. Once the exercises become easy for you then add the advanced tip movements to really heat things up.
Ready? Of course you are! Let's get to it!
1) Cross hops
Cross hops not only tone your calves and quads, they strengthen your lung capacity and cardiovascular health too. Cross hops also build the timing and coordination needed in MMA.
> How to perform cross hops:
  • Place towels, clothing, or string, in a cross shape on the floor in front of you. If nothing is available just imagine a cross shape on the ground.
  • Stand with your feet about an inch apart.
  • Hop back and forth, and side to side, across the lines on the balls of your feet. Stay as low to the ground as possible and try to land gently.
  • Vary the hopping pattern, moving clockwise, counter-clockwise, and diagonally.
  • Advanced tip: As you get better at cross hops, alternate hopping on 1 foot to increase the difficulty.
  • Fun fact: An adult human male has an average resting heart rate of about 75 beats per minute, the same rate as an adult sheep.
2) Jumping squats
Jumping squats are the ultimate exercise for your butt and legs. Few things will shape and tone your glutes as well as jumping squats. They also increase your explosiveness, which is useful for throwing powerful kicks.
> How to perform jumping squats:
  • Place your feet around shoulder-width apart
  • Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Allow your arms to hang down so the tips of your fingers touch the floor.
  • Spring straight up, jumping as high as you can with your arms straight over your head and fingers extended. It will look as if you're trying to touch the sky.
  • Land on the balls of your feet, lowering your body back into the squat position to complete 1 rep. Repeat.
  • Try not to let your knees extend forward beyond your toes, as this can strain your back.
  • Advanced tip: During the jump, spin 180 degrees mid-air and land facing the opposite direction. This will work your core and improve your agility.
  • Fun fact: To promote the Sochi Olympics in Russia, Moscow Subway riders were allowed to pay their fare by successfully completing 30 squats.
3) Shadow box with a jab - cross combo
Throwing punches at an imaginary opponent will tone your arms and shoulders, build your mental focus, and improve your body awareness. This is a staple exercise for every MMA fighter.
> How to shadow box:
  • Stand with your left foot forward, elbows bent in front of your ribs, your hands up in the "guard" position, hands lightly clenched. (Reverse these directions if you're left handed)
  • Envision an opponent directly in front of you.
  • Throw a jab directly at the chin of your imaginary opponent by extending your left arm forward, turning your palm towards the floor, and then immediately retracting your arm back to the guard position.
  • Throw a cross with your right arm by rotating your hips counter clockwise, lifting your heel off the floor, extending your right arm forward, and turning your palm towards the floor. Then return your arm back to the guard position.
  • Repeatedly throw the punches and mix up the combo. i.e. jab/jab/cross, jab/cross/jab
  • Move about the room while throwing the punches.
  • Advanced tip; Throw the jab-cross combo as fast as you can for the entire minute without pausing. Say "No" when your arms beg you to stop and say "Hello" to sculpted deltoids and triceps!
  • Fun fact: When asked for his thoughts on opponent George Foreman in their upcoming bout, Muhammad Ali replied, "I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing and the shadow won!"
4) Bear crawls
You're gonna feel the burn with this one. Bear crawls are effective at working the entire body as a whole unit; exactly what's needed to shoot in on an opponent to take them down.
> How to bear crawl:
  • Clear a path in the room so nothing will obstruct your way as you crawl.
  • Get on your hands and knees with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and neutral spine placement.
  • Lift your knees off the ground, rising to the balls of your feet.
  • Move your left hand and right leg forward simultaneously. Then move your right hand and left leg forward simultaneously. Repeat this motion to perform a bear crawl back and forth across the room.
  • Do not allow your knees to touch the ground as you crawl.
  • Advanced tip: Every 10 seconds alternate between forward bear crawls and reverse bear crawls (crawling backwards).
  • Fun fact: Due to their upper limbs initially being stronger than their lower limbs, Polar bear cubs crawl backwards.
5) MMA knee strikes
Throwing MMA knee strikes will strengthen your core, glutes, and cardiovascular endurance. They are used to mix up the striking game and confuse the opponent. They are also an effective defense against takedowns when timed well.
> How to throw MMA knee strikes:
  • Stand with your left foot forward, elbows bent in front of your ribs, your hands up in the "guard" position, hands lightly clenched. (Reverse these directions if you're left handed)
  • Envision an opponent directly in front of you.
  • Take a half step forward with your lead leg. As you step forward, slightly turn your lead leg counter-clockwise so your foot points to the 11 o'clock position, and land on the ball of your foot. This opens your hips, giving the strike more power.
  • Thrust your rear knee up and forward at a 45 degree angle, aiming the tip of the knee at the opponent, and drive your hip into the strike. Lean back slightly for balance and keep the foot of your striking leg as close to your butt as possible.
  • Bring your knee back along the same path it traveled and return to the guard stance on the balls of your feet. Repeat the motion for additional knee strikes.
  • Every ten knees switch your stance and throw knees strikes with the opposite leg.
  • Advanced tip: Alternate stances with every knee strike. Maintain good form and stay on the balls of your feet. Make the stance switch as fluid as possible.
  • Fun fact: Melchor Menor, a former Muay Thai champion, appeared on the T.V. show Fight Science and demonstrated a knee strike. The power of the strike was equal to the power of a 35 mph car crash.
6) Burpees
Despite their funny name, burpees are all business. They are often called the king of conditioning exercises, and for good reason! They will work all of your major muscle groups, burn calories at light speed, and melt the fat off your body. Getting good at these will allow you to go several rounds with anyone in the cage!
> How to perform a burpee:
  • Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart
  • Drop your body to a squat position with your palms flat on the ground
  • Quickly thrust your feet back, while extending your arms. The position will look similar to a pushup with arms extended.
  • Immediately return your feet to the squat position with your palms on the floor.
  • Jump straight up from the squat position, extending your arms above your head. It will look like you're trying to touch the roof. This completes 1 burpee rep.
  • Repeat the steps to complete additional burpees.
  • Advanced tip: Add a pushup to the burpee. After you drop down and thrust your feet back, do a pushup, then return to the squat position.
  • Fun fact: Burpees are named after American physiologist Royal H. Burpee. He created the "Burpee Test" in the 1930's as a simple way to assess fitness.
Congratulations, you made it through the entire routine and are one step closer to your bikini body! Give yourself a pat on the back and think about taking up an MMA class. You'll burn tons of calories, make friends, and learn to protect yourself should the need arise.
And if you have any friends that are looking for a kick-butt routine, please share this with them!
Solmadrid Vazquez is a lifelong martial artist, health nut, and founder of MMA Somnia. He is dedicated to helping others reach their fitness goals. Need help getting results? Join him at his Inspiration Blog to ask questions, get training guides, and receive kick-ass motivational tips!

How to Get Rid of Arthritis Pain Naturally

Arthritis is a condition that affects millions of men and women worldwide. It is a disorder that results in pain, inflammation and swelling in joints. There are various types of arthritis that include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout etc.
It is a condition that can affect people, both young and old. In certain cases, arthritis can be a crippling disorder and can make life extremely difficult.
Here are some ways to reduce arthritis pain:
1. Lose Some Weight
Excess body weight is one of the most common causes of osteroarthritis. This kind of arthritis is associated with depletion of cartilage tissue from between the joints.
Cartilage helps bones glide over one another and when its breaks down, bones rub against each other resulting in friction that causes pain and inflammation. Extra body weight puts more pressure, specially on the joints in your hips, knees and feet.
Losing a few extra pounds can reduce this pressure and ease pain.
2. Workout Regularly
Exercise is not just good for keeping your weight in check. It is good for ensuring better joint flexibility in your body too. However, if you suffer with arthritis, it is best to avoid weight-bearing exercises. Swimming and water aerobics are some of the best exercises to help flex out your joints.
3. Hot and Cold Therapy
Hot and cold treatments are highly effective for relieving joint pain and stiffness. Most people with arthritis experience stiffness in joints when they wake up in the morning. A warm and long shower can help reduce stiffness in such a case.
Cold treatments can help reduce joint pain quite effectively. If you are suffering with extreme joint pain, just wrap an ice pack around your joint for about 10 minutes to relieve pain.
4. Include Essential Fats in Your Diet
Essential fats such as Omega 3 fatty acids are a big help in relieving arthritis pain. You must include them in your diet if you suffer with arthritis. Some of the best sources of such fats include fish, olives, olive oil, nuts and beans etc.
5. Natural Supplements
One of the best ways to reduce arthritis pain is with the help of herbal or natural supplements. Such supplements are a better option as compared to pain killers since they do not have negative side effects.
Some of the best natural supplements contain ingredients like ganoderma or reishi mushroom, tongat ali and capsaicin extract.
Such supplements effectively reduce pain in almost all kinds of arthritis. They can also provide relief from swelling, stiffness and inflammation in the joints.
So, if you want to get rid of arthritis pain, check out the best Natural Arthritis Supplement that has received a huge response from people looking for a safe and effective alternative for pain killers.
Do you want to get rid of joint pain?
Check out the best joint pain relief formula that is 100% natural and safe by visiting