How to Prevent Stress From Dragging You Down ?

It is really tough to keep a good attitude these days, even harder to feel good and yet you need to know how to prevent stress from dragging you down or it will. There is a lot to stress over and yet there are many ways to beat the grip of stress. Stress left unchecked can lead to depression. Things get better when you feel better. It's when you feel better that you do something to improve your situation.
Seven moves to be fit and feeling great;
1. look good, care for and about your appearance!
2. eat well, put good foods into your body, don't skip meals!
3. and exercise, move your body every chance you get!
I know you've heard this before and yet why do you face the same issues? 
4. When you look at your reflection, you should see the best you possible.
5. To do this, make certain you are washing your face EVERY NIGHT!
6. After your face is sparkly clean apply a good moisturizer!
7. Brush and floss, try the awesome whitening rinses to brighten your smile.
It is these simple things we tend to skip when we feel overly stressed and this only leads to feeling worse. No matter how badly you want to skip the basics, don't allow yourself to do so.
1) Drink lots of water.
2) Keeping your skin hydrated
3) This allows your skin to glow and stay supple.
4) PLUS you feel better and more energized!
When things weight heavy on your mind you tend to skip good nutritious meals and snacks. If you wait till you are so hungry that you put junk into your body, for a quick fix. you feel even worse.
1) Poor nutrition leads to your body getting run down and lacking vital energy.
2) Plus, poor nutrition leads to a sluggish and blemished complexion.
3) Take the time to eat a good breakfast.
4) We benefit most from grazing and yet the key is to graze on healthy foods.
2 BEST Choices to have on hand EVERYDAY
1. Raw Almonds (raw is best and can be found in single servings at Trader Joe's)
2. Vegetable juice (also can be bought in single easy servings)
Success stories followed a successful plan
3. Nothing turns on the body's happy factory like exercise.
4. The endorphins released during this process turn on your happy factory.
5. Release good chemicals and fire awesome reactions.
So regardless of whether you like exercise or not, drag yourself to do it and you'll feel much better.
Turn off the news and focus on anything good and you will always feel better. Accentuate the positive and believe that anything you desire can come to pass.
It's far better to want for something and get a portion of it than to want for nothing and get all of it.
Here is what I've got; an interactive website and tons of clarity!
Jump over to prevent stress for fantastic tips and tricks to be feeling and looking great!
Katie is a relationship expert and enjoys sharing resources that have helped to improve her life. In doing so she has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation for doing so.

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