Golf Fitness Training Made Easy - And Anyone Can Do It

Golf fitness training might sound grueling, sweaty and a lot of work! Doesn't have to be that way. Now of course I'd be lying to you to say it's easy and you won't have to make a small commitment to stick with it to see results.
But what I am saying can participate in a golf fitness training program with minimal equipment and can do it right in your home or even your office.
How ?
With only a stability ball, exercise tubing and a pair of handweights. Grand total...under $60 for your "total golf fitness gym". That's about one months membership to your local club that you'll visit once or twice and never go back (but keep paying every month).
I want you to get that picture out of your head of the "muscle-bound" hulk, heaving hundreds of pounds with on arm, slamming it to the floor and letting out the infamous LOUD GRUNT for attention.'ll be doing golf-specific exercises with bands, balls and handweights that will quickly and directly benefit your golf swing. Sports conditioning or in this instance golf fitness training requires you to use your body in space incorporating balance, stabilization and sequence of timing just like your golf swing.
The direct correlation results in longer, more accurate drives, hitting a larger number of greens in regulation; and walking off the course beating the pants off of your playing partners.
Now that's "instant gratification" at its best!
And how about no more injuries! I'm dead serious! All those aches and pains finally gone. Forever! A stronger more flexible body will have a much higher level of resistance to pain and injury. And the added bonus is swinging "easier" and with much less effort, but seeing the ball go much further and straighter. It will feel like an "out-of-body" experience.
A few words of caution!
If you hear or see any programs touting they are golf fitness and see the golfer and/or trainer using the basic machines in the gym, this is NOT golf fitness training. This is without a doubt "general fitness". Not altogether a bad thing, but won't directly help your golf game.
Working on a stability ball, and using tubing and handweights you can mimic many phases of the golf swing and at the same time challenge your core stabilization, balance and muscular endurance. All critical factors in achieving optimal swing mechanics for 18 holes.
And...they're fun to use. You'll never get board. You can always make it more challenging from a balance and/or stabilization factor.
Just try to get one of those "muscle-heads" on a stability ball lifting the same heavy weights they use. Call the medics..cause it's going to get ugly real quick.
You see...most people who workout in the gym never challenge their proprioceptive awareness (or simply...using their body in space). This is the key to great golf.
The stronger you can get your core stabilizers, coupled with increased rotational're headed to an awesome game of golf. You'll definitely be the envy of your foursome.
So don't hesitate to get started on your golf fitness training right away!
Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?
Mike Pedersen helps golfers' improve their golf swing power, consistency and golf swing faults by addressing the physical limitations in their golf swing.

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