Exercise Your Way to a Good Night's Sleep

Let's face it, most of us don't get up and run a marathon every morning. The good news is we do not really need to. Even doing the minimum recommended amount of exercise a few times a week will improve your quality of sleep over time, not to mention your health.

Not everyone is the go to the gym and pump some iron type, so it is a good thing there are so many ways to exercise in the comfort of your own home. One of them, my personal favorite, is the exercise video. These are good because there is a video out there for almost any personality type. There are videos for dancing, pilates, yoga, cardio and even stripping.

So if taking up a new skill sounds like fun, run down to your local Wal-Mart and pick something up. A more expensive but more gym-like option is an at home weight machine. Most of these can adjust to fit many of your exercise needs.

Why start an at home fitness routine now? For people who have trouble sleeping, exercise often doesn't sound like the most tantalizing thing. But you have to weigh your reluctance against the benefits. Once the exercise routine begins to take effect, not only will you be healthier and more in shape, your sleeping problems could be solved as well.

To achieve this however, you have to be careful about when you exercise. Working out too close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep, because the endorphins are still taking affect. Make sure you exercise at least five or six hours before bedtime. This is also beneficial because a drop in body temperature can aid you in falling asleep.

For this routine to be effective, raise your heart rate twenty to thirty minutes a day about five days a week. If you are a busy person, breaking this up into ten minute sections can be just as effective. Outside of that twenty or thirty minutes though, remember to always stretch before and after exercising. Not doing so can lead to injury and after workout stiffness.

Do not worry if you are sore for the first week or two, it just means it is working. Soreness is simply a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. More stretching and lots of water will get rid of it, and in the meantime, aspirin will do the trick.

Hopefully you can find time in your schedule to exercise, and you will discover the wonders it can work on your quality of sleep.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_L_Harris

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