A Simple Fitness Corner

For every business, customer satisfaction is always the top priority and the key to this is superb customer and care. And many times the Wow factor lies with the extra miles that we go to make their experience if not memorable, to the very least the most comfortable. It is also the state of the art and revolutionary fitness equipment that you invest upon that would show them this commitment both to their comfort and health wellness.
Hotel and Gym Cardio Training Machines
Whether you are looking forward to set up for a Hotel Gym or any regular gym good cardio training equipment is a must and shall we say - the most basic and the starting point of all wellness and fitness programs. With this in mind, a tested state of the art treadmill must be at the top of the procurement list. You can choose from among the array of revolutionary Life Fitness Treadmills series. These different series all feature state of the art technology for better cardio monitoring and reporting. They are all built with technology compatibility with iPhone, iPod and other music and video input devices to add the recreational fitness experience of every single user the way they may want it to be. Some of the series feature touch screen TV as part of the entertainment at the finger tips theme of every series and model.
In choosing the Life Fitness Treadmills design for you, you may check out the detailed comparison of all their treadmill products from their official website. You can choose from their Activate Series, Integrity Series, Elevation Series, and the New Elevation Series Treadmill - the Discover SE and SI series. Among these all Elevation series has the touch screen TV features while the Integrity and Activate Series maintain the traditional electronic buttons console. All of the series are built on tested metal technology in the US and guaranteed top of the line motor and electrical system making every single unit energy efficient and certified environment friendly.
Decide from which among these Life Fitness Treadmills will suite your taste and that which would most likely suit your customers'. Your priority is to provide what is beneficial to them as we benefit from their loyalty and trust in your added value services. It will always be a win-win scenario for both you and your customers and they will keep coming back for more business with you.
We are providing to Gym Equipment service. He has published articles in various reputed Life Fitness Treadmills.

Fast Weight Loss For Fat Women Through Simple Lifestyle Changes

As Bukola Akande woke up in the morning, she went into the bathroom where she looked at the mirror in her bathroom. She was surprised at what she noticed. She realized that she now had unattractive bulges of excess fat all over different parts of her body. Her countenance fell and she became depressed that she has become this way... FAT!
There are several people like Bukola who have come to realize the unattractiveness in being fat. Also, there are proven ways to help them lose their excess weight.
Numerous books and articles have been written to help people like Bukola. The best place to find out how to successfully burn excess fat is on the internet as you can get access to new, practicable solutions you can easily follow.
Fat women who require fast weight loss need to become conscious and pay proper attention to what goes into their mouths. Certain lifestyle changes also have to be implemented for noticeable weight loss as many women out there have acquired certain habits that prevent them from losing weight.
For instance, consider the usual busy day-to-day routine of most women like Bukola who after preparing the family meal still has lots of work to do thereby skipping meals. By skipping meals to gain some time for your chores, you also gain some more weight. The reason for this is that you tend to eat more when you begin to eat because you have skipped meals leading to increased hunger. So, if you are fat and you want to lose weight successfully, you should not skip meals or starve yourself.
Drink lots of water. The minimum requirement is about 8 glasses of clean water for proper hydration. Ensure you have fruit juices as well and avoid sugary beverages and foods that contain fructose corn syrup like candies, chocolates, ice cream e.t.c.
A very necessary weight loss tip for fat women is the introduction of exercises in their daily routine. Most women think that they do not need any more exercises since they have become exhausted doing so many chores at home. This is not true! You should engage in aerobics and other exercises for your general well-being and fitness.
These little lifestyle changes are vital to your success in losing weight. Fast weight loss is possible for any of the fat women out there. It is also very important to mention the importance of choosing healthier foods over junk foods with empty calories. You should get a meal plan which you can easily stick to so that you can begin to see significant results.
CLICK HERE To Get Your FREE Weight Loss Report & Weight Loss Tips If You Would Like To Burn Off Belly Fat Or Lose Weight Right Away!
Don't Miss Out!

Best Exercise to Lose Weight For You

The main questions people ask themselves when they get serious about losing weight are what are the best diets and what is the best exercise to lose weight. These are both tough questions for one very good reason - there is no right or wrong that fits all people. What is great for one person is not going to work for you and what you find to be fun, exciting, and beneficial is not going to be the best choice for someone else. When it comes to choosing the best exercise, you might be think about what would be the best exercise depending on your goals and your current fitness level.
If you are just starting out and are sorely out of shape, the best exercise to lose weight for you is going to be whatever you can do. For some, they can only walk around the block before they are out of breath and out of energy. If that is all that you can do, that is what you should do. Once you have been walking for a week or so, add more distance to your walk and try to pick up the pace a bit. Before you know it, you'll have taken off some pounds and will be measuring your walks in miles rather than in blocks.
Swimming is another that could be called the best exercise to lose weight if you are out of shape and just getting started. The water offers support for your body and is a good workout at the same time. If you have access to a pool, this is one fun way to exercise. Also, swimming is great if you have bad joints or a bad back. When you submerge your body in water you are taking all of the stress off of your back and your knees and hips. This means you can exercise with less pain (or no pain) while still getting the benefits of the exercise that you need. Swimming is a great exercise for any fitness level too.
If you are in a little better shape, or have been walking and looking for a new challenge, you can start with some of the more traditional exercise programs out there. Look for something fun. If you choose some exercise to lose weight but you cannot stick with it, there really are no benefits. Instead, think about things like treadmills, bikes, or aerobics. You can also think about running, but only if you have good joints and your doctor clears you for it. In fact, before you start anything strenuous and you have been inactive for a while, get an all-clear first for the sake of your health.
Once you are well on your way, the best exercise to lose weight is going to be the one that you love. Some find things like Pilates to be easy to stick with and some like to do a combination of things like yoga, walking, and weight lifting. There are hundreds of things that you can do. The best one is the one you love and the one that works. If you feel good, are losing weight and toning up all while enjoying yourself, you have found a great workout. Remember, most people do not love to exercise, but they do find something enjoyable so they can stick with it. You never know, you may learn to love it.
Discover more information on the work out equipment and read on the best recumbent exercise reviews and other exercise equipment types.

3 Tricks for Fast Weight Loss

Everyone on a fat reduction plan needs a few suggestions, consequently listed below are 3 methods for speedy weight loss.
Whatever you drink is important in your consumption of calories during the day
It is easy to neglect that juice, sugary sodas, sweetened ice teas, along with cafe mocha, all tally up. H2O is always your best choice as a clean beverage. Include a portion of lemon or lime for flavoring. Or even a crushed strawberry, a couple of raspberries or even a peach slice. You could always keep a pitcher of ice water for your workplace, or kitchen countertop and it also will emphasize you to drink more. Keep single serving containers in the refrigerator to grab on your way outside. Put the bottled water before the juice, milk, and sodas and you may be lured to drink the water as opposed to the other beverages. Just removing two sodas per day can drastically drop your calorie count.
Always set food items on a platter
Put foods on a real plate, not a Chinette plate, plus eat sitting at a table. You're going to be surprised at the amount of food you ingest away from the usual dinner times or while you are out. It is easy to inhale a bag of chips while you're watching TELEVISION PROGRAMS. Or maybe you happen to be famished so you grab a piece of chicken and eat it over the sink. You might be running late so you grab a donut to have with the latte while you drive.
Never eat except in cases where you're seated at the table with a plate facing you. Putting all the food on dishes and eating at the table makes you mindful of just how much you eat and the times you eat it. Eyeing all the dirty dishes in the sink can inspire you not to eat as often.
Sugar free together with reduced fat doesn't necessarily suggest decreased calorie
Lots of the sugar free goodies contain as much, or even more, calories than their counterparts. Reduced fat might suggest sugar and starches have been included to replace the lost flavoring and creaminess from the fat. Read the labels to make certain you're getting what you may think you're getting. Sometimes it's preferable to use a lesser amount of the original foodstuff than the usual degree of the low fat or sugar free replacement.
You can actually lose fat. Hope these 3 methods for quick weight loss come in handy.
Tired of failed resolutions and a life that just doesn't seem to change? Discover the power of setting realistic resolutions. Visit To Lose Weight and get the tools to make 2013 your best year yet.

How to Avoid Overeating at Night

Although it's tempting to come home after a stressful day and dig into some rich comfort food, it might not be the best strategy in the long term. Here are some suggestions on how to avoid overeating at night.
1. Eat apples as a low calories snack throughout the day. The pectin in the apples will keep you feeling full and by snacking throughout the day you will keep your blood sugar stable and will be less likely to overeat or binge at night.
2. Try to space your calories evenly throughout the day. Most people embarking on a healthier diet will hardly eat any calories during the day and then will be starving at night. Don't be afraid to eat more during the day, so you can avoid overeating at night.
3. Skip dessert and instead have some hot herbal tea such as peppermint or licorice to satisfy your sweet cravings. Don't sweeten or use stevia leaf, a zero calorie sweetener.
4. Brush your teeth immediately after eating dinner, this will make you less likely to do some late night snacking.
5. Pamper yourself at night with a foot soak and massage, listening to relaxing music, or meditating before going to bed instead of a rich dessert!
6. Start an exercise program. When you start to see how much effort it takes to burn calories, you'll be less likely to overeat at night so that you don't undo the hard work you've put in at the gym during the day.
7. Allow yourself healthy treats. Just because you are watching your weight doesn't mean you have to completely deprive yourself of your favorite treats. Just watch the portion size or find a healthier alternative to your favorite decadent snack. A great example is substituting your favorite candy bar for a small piece of dark chocolate. Allowing yourself some treats during the day will make you less likely to feel deprived and want to indulge and overeat at night.
8. Watch your salt intake at night. Whenever you eat something really salty your body will crave something super sweet. So if your dinner is really salty, you will be more likely to crave a sweet dessert. Limiting your salt intake at dinner time will help you to potentially avoid overeating at night.
9. Substitute a rich dessert for a fruit plate. If you are really craving something sweet after dinner instead of pie or cake, reach instead for a few pieces of fresh fruit. There will be enough natural sugar in the fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth, but fewer calories than traditional dessert.
I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to avoid overeating at night. For more healthy tips and recipes please click on the links below.
Cecilia is a raw foods expert who was able to lose 25 pounds on the raw food diet.
Click here for the raw food recipes that helped her slim down. Click here for more healthy lifestyle tips at the raw food blog.

How I Lost 50 Pounds in 4 Weeks With Just a Simple Weight Loss Cure Method

Week 1
After awhile I did some research for the right weight loss cure, to gain some confidence and self-esteem was a goal I had in mind. I wanted to lose weight really bad, and I had tried almost everything. From diet pills, to eating healthy foods, and going to the gym TWO times a day! I was barely shedding the pounds and I was working HARD at it too. For the amount of time I put into my workouts and the bland food I was eating for the last few weeks. Losing 1 or 2 pounds every three days was not enough for me and I wanted to see real results FAST. So this is what I stumbled upon before I gave up.
Week 2
I was too embarrassed to go to the gym anymore. I could hear people snickering and making comments about me and my weight. And with the little results I was getting it wasn't worth it to me anymore to pay for a gym membership just to get insulted everyday. So I decided to defeat this on my own in the privacy of my own life. I took the time to do a lot of research on the internet and I found a few programs that caught my attention. Fatloss4idiots changed my life forever. It's like as if these people held the key for a weight loss cure and have been waiting for me to find them. At first I thought this was a scam, another stupid "weight loss cure" program that would teach me what I already knew. WRONG...its a completely unique diet program that ran me through step-by-step techniques on how to live a healthy life. For the cost of a cup of coffee per day (or even a whopper cheeseburger per week) I had nothing to lose. It was my last shot on trying to lose weight so I went for it.
And OH MY GOD I could not be happier then I am today! This was the weight loss cure that I have been looking for! I saw results within days, I was shedding pounds at a fast rate that I thought my scale was broken. I had to even run to my neighbors house to use their scale to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
Week 3
It's been about 3 weeks since I started this new diet program and I can't believe how much healthier I am right now. Fatloss4idiots really worked for me so I had to try out some other programs. I weighed about 350 pounds (I was scared to check my weight back then to be honest) and now after 3 weeks I lost about 30 pounds and still losing! I am about 6 feet and 5 inches so I am a big guy. I think after a few more weeks with this program I can start working out again at the gym.
Week 4
Ok, after a few days of using this new program I have to admit. I had my doubts, but it truly worked. My arms are buffed and I have a lean cut around my shoulders. I still have my belly but that is slowly disappearing as well folks. This program is located at the end of my blog. I have been going out so much more now to parks, beaches, clubs, the gym, and once again more blind dates. I think I found the special one for me. But, who knows its too early to tell. It might be a few days or even a few weeks until I can update this blog again.
But for now I want to leave everyone my advice and this is the best weight loss cure that is guaranteed to work for you and anyone. Nothing is impossible, its mind over matter, set yourself goals, be determined and dedicate yourself to these programs and you will change your life forever. I am sharing this with the public because I know what it feels like to be rejected and lose confidence. I don't want anyone to live that life as that is my past life and now I have a whole new life to look forward to.
To follow the same AMAZING diet and exercise plan that I used please refer here:

How Diet, Exercise and Supplements Can Curb Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition in which extra body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have negative effect on health, leading to limited life expectancy and/or a greater risk for health problems.
Unfortunately, obesity has become an epidemic in our society. A recent study is projecting that over 42% of Americans will be obese by the year 2030, up from 36% in 2010. Of that 11% could be considered severely obese meaning that they are 100 or more pounds over a recommended healthy weight. With the obvious health concerns and risks also comes increased health care costs. It's estimated that the medical-related costs of obesity may be as high as $147 billion a year, or 9% of the national medical expenses. So how do we fight obesity? Diet and nutrition, activity level and diet supplements are all great options to aid in the fight for your health.
The National Weight Control Registry recently followed 10,000 people who have lost 30lbs and have maintained that loss for a year or more and here are some of the nutritional strategies that they highlighted as beneficial.
• Maintain a low-fat, low calorie diet of about 1,800 calories a day.
• Keep a food journal
• Count calories, carbs or fat grams to track food intake
• Eat breakfast daily- include whole grains and low-fat dairy products
• Limit eating out since portions, sodium and fat are dramatically increased
• Weigh yourself once a week
• Splurge, but not too often
A healthy diet is only part of the puzzle when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's also important that you exercise and increase your activity level. Some of the benefits of exercise include reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. It also can strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your mood. Here are some examples of ways to incorporate activity into your everyday life. The CDC recommends that these activities be done for a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes per week in addition to 2 or more days a week of muscle-strengthening activities.
• Brisk walking
• Swimming laps
• Playing doubles tennis
• Jogging/running
If you're just starting a nutritional and fitness regime it may benefit you to also include diet supplements. Diet pills can be a short term way to boost your results and get you excited about continuing your health plan. There are many pills on the market. Some are appetite-suppressants; these drugs usually come in tablets and are time released in order to help with your appetite control and therefore portion size. Another type is a fat absorption inhibitor. This works by blocking about 30% of the dietary fat from being absorbed into your body. In general, eSupplements diet pills are not meant to be used for extended periods of time. When used properly, in short spans they can help you lose an extra 12-13 pounds over a year.
Obesity, although a huge problem for our society, can be resolved. It just takes a little will power and some sweat and you have the power to not only change your health but you can also affect our world in a positive way.
Specializing in diet pills, protein powder, vitamins and nutritional supplements eSupplements can supply all your health needs.

How Society Impacts Obesity

It is not a surprise that the number of Americans that are overweight or obese has been increasing rapidly over the years. It is like an epidemic that the country is struggling to control. If we could go back in time and think about it, obesity was not a problem and it started to be an important issue in the past 20 years or so. Therefore, the problem lies in today's society, and the question is: What has changed? And what could be done?
The first reason is that we live in a world of scientific and technological innovations and those improvements are integrated in our lives. Internet, video games, smartphones, computers, TV's, I Pads, and so forth, are the reasons why children spend more time at home than ever before. The easy access of internet and some networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter have dramatic impacts on children's and teenagers' lifestyle habits. Instead of exercising and socializing with friends, people are playing online games and socializing through the Internet. It is the online generation. However, the longer children and teenagers stay at home, the more likely they will eat snacks, drink sodas, and so on, which increase their calories consumption.
The second reason is that we also live in a world that is known to go by the sentence: "time is money" making adults feel stressed, which adds more pressure to their daily activities. Adults are getting busier and busier, working extra hours, or even getting two different jobs. That phenomenon causes people to decrease their leisure time, which makes them not exercise and eat unhealthy food because they end up looking for the fastest and easiest things they can possibly find - fast foods. In order to save time and money, fast-food restaurants became the solution. However, this specific type of restaurant is now serving larger portions of food as well, causing people to consume extra calories.
Consequently, the decreasing free time and technology improvements have influenced society to change people's habits, and the changes in these lifestyles have negatively impacted the obesity rate to be unacceptably high. The first step to take is to help people becoming more active in order to be healthier. Exercising and eating healthy are a matter of choice; we can always choose to eat healthier and better, and to exercise daily. Just keep in mind that, obesity is a serious health problem that can cause people to increase the chances of having diabetes, heart diseases and stroke, liver problems, hypertension and arthritis, and even cancer. This is why America is facing a serious health challenge when it comes to fight obesity.
Society is aware that obesity is the result of poor diet and a lack of physical activity. However, not much is being done by the people that are obese or overweight because they feel acceptable and comfortable in the US society. It is obvious that these people need more information about what to do, what to eat, and the risks they incur by being overweight and obese. It is well-known that healthy food is very expensive and in order to save money, people end up buying unhealthy food. However, obesity leads to more health care expenses and more health problems later in life.
The obesity epidemic can be controlled if everyone decides to change the way they eat and live because a difference can be made if everyone decides to change their lifestyle habits. It will take time because weight loss is a slow process, but it is a matter of choice. Healthy food is available and people can choose to be healthy by not over consuming. People consume what is convenient but not what is good for them. It is clear that being overweight or obese is not healthy. Solutions are available to all. It is time to improve America's health situation. Think about the future and make a change.

Learn How Exercise and a Healthy Diet Can Work As Sleep Aids

Sleeping aids can be important in treating sleeping problems but if you want a permanent change in your sleeping habits, you will also need to look at other options. Although sleeping pills are great for getting a single night of sleep, taking them every night indefinitely can cause you a lot of problems as well.
First of all, it's important to remember that you require - on average - eight hours of sleep every 24 hours. If we were to consider the hectic lifestyle of most career people, getting enough sleep daily can be quite the challenge. Given time a poor or irregular sleeping habit can lead to chronic stress and exhaustion.
Because of that consideration, a high pressure lifestyle is quite possibly the most common reason why so insomnia is so prevalent in this day and age. So finding a permanent solution to sleeping problems will require more than just sleeping pills. Even though sleeping pills can be of tremendous help to you, they are largely good only in the short-term, and cannot be useful as a permanent solution to insomnia.
So what can you do to get rid of your sleeping problems?
You can find all sorts of answers for this question, and no doubt you will have no trouble finding some of them on the Internet. But it's to start with small everyday concerns. The type of food you eat for example can be of great help. Although some may scoff at the idea, there are plenty of foods which can be just as effective at inducing sleep as most types of sleeping pills.
Milk for example, is well-known when it comes to inducing sleep. Well, this is because milk contains a large amount of magnesium and calcium, nutrients which are particularly helpful in helping people sleep. Aside from milk, you can also try eating other foods and drinks to help you sleep. Grains and nuts are good examples of this because of their high magnesium content.
Aside from food and sleeping pills, a good exercise routine can also improve your sleeping cycle. Researchers in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have discovered an improvement in the sleeping habits of middle-aged and elderly insomniacs who engaged in aerobics and various cardiovascular exercises. So if you are also trying to lose weight, performing a little aerobics exercise may also help you get you some sleep.
Even though there's nothing wrong in using sleeping aids, you should also try other alternatives, as that is the only way you can get a good night's rest.
To learn more about sleep aids, visit Claude Logan's site. He is a freelance writer. He widely write articles about health and fitness. He believes that the best sleep aids online are found at http://www.sleepsosound.com. For more info, visit his site.

How to Live Longer With a Healthy Diet and Some Exercise

I guess we all want to know that magic formula to help us lose weight whenever we want. We would all love to discover that simple solution that would help us to live longer and much healthier lives. But unfortunately we all know that there just aren't any shortcuts to having good personal health.
If you really want to live longer then you must have a healthy diet and some exercise at least. It will not happen with trick diets or magic pills - that's for sure.
To be honest it is really not very surprising that we want to find quick shortcuts to good health and a better lifestyle. By eating a healthier diet and following a regular, but not strict, exercise routine can seem like hard work. And of course they both take time and effort to succeed. In today's society of quick fixes it seems that diet and exercise just do not do it quickly enough for most of us. So most personal health plans just fail.
However if you can manage to eat a good healthy diet and stick to your exercise program you will actually lose weight, improve your health and as a consequence you will feel better physically and mentally too. Really there is no great secret to having a healthier lifestyle. You just need to burn up more calories than you do now and eat less too. Basically it is a fairly simple formula to follow.
Your first step to living a longer life from diet and exercise is when you begin eating in a healthy way. For starters you must avoid all fast food restaurants however much you crave them. It is better to only eat out only occasionally as a very special treat. Try and cut out deserts as they usually mean you over eat. But instead focus on eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and aim for leaner meats.
Please understand though that dieting does not mean starving yourself. That is a recipe for trouble and potentially bad health!. Also it doesn't mean cutting out your favorite foods. If you're in love with pizza you do not have to forbid yourself from ever eating a slice of your favorite pizza ever again. Just be sensible and make sure you only eat pizza occasionally from now on.
Also do not be tempted to try one of the trendy diet plans that get advertised. If you are lucky you could lose weight using a plan like this, but what will happen after you leave that diet plan? The weight you lost inevitably comes back, often sooner rather than later. Be warned also that it is actually impossible to follow most of these diet plans for a very long time. So thick bout what you are doing and just try eating healthy as the first step as this is something you will then be able to do for the rest of your life.
But just eating a healthy diet on its own is not going to be enough to get you there. Don't kid yourself, because to really live a long and healthy life you must also exercise. Sorry, but this is the hard truth we hate to hear. Any type of physical activity will burn calories and most will strengthens muscles, improve your balance and help make your heart stronger. And if you are healthier then the stresses of daily life will start to disappear too.
Plan before you act! So, before defining your own personal health plan and exercise regime, first take a closer look at your own personal lifestyle. If you have not actually worked out regularly for a few years then make sure you start to exercise slowly. Don't do too much at first. A good personal health plan in this situation should be started by taking a long walk every evening to see how you get on. Or if you feel fitter then this you may cold start going for regular bicycle rides, every day or so.
As your stamina begins to build up and your endurance improves you will be able to increase the frequency and the intensity of your exercise workout sessions. You could try jogging instead of just walking. You could join a local gym and do circuits on their specialist machines. You could also buy some weights for use at home and incorporate them into your personal exercise program.
However this whole process of getting fitter and healthier does take time. But the good news is that if you can stick with it then you will build up your stamina and then you will start to see the results that you wanted so much. The same commitment will be rewarded if you make the effort to eat a healthy diet too. So before too long you should be seeing a much healthier person when you look in the mirror every day. And that will give you a much better chance of living longer!
So in order to do this right we need to think and make some decisions before starting out on our own personal health plans, but we should not ignore this important step. Exercise and diet are key, so learning how to eat a balanced diet is an essential component, but remember that without exercise it is unlikely to help you lose weight or give you a longer life.

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

There has been an explosion of interest in yoga to reduce weight. Asanas, is a Sanskrit word which means pose. Hatha yoga which is often referred to as power yoga often consists of a series of poses designed to warm, stretch and tone the body. Traditionally, yoga was originally a spiritual practice, mostly taught by and performed by men in India and consisted of a meditation practice designed to elevate your level of consciousness.
Yoga spread to the West in the last century and the meditation aspect of the practice has evolved into an athletic workout that is often at gyms and yoga studios where mostly women practice together in a large group. Often the goal of the student is to get more toned, more flexible and to relieve stress and tightness. There are many different styles of yoga which range from restorative and meditative to physically vigorous, challenging and demanding.
The most popular style is hatha yoga and typically most of these classes have set poses which often start off in mountain or a standing pose after a short meditation or invocation. The next pose is usually a forward bend, followed by plank pose, which is basically a push-up. Sometimes this yoga asana for weight loss is followed by a low plank, also called chaturunga which is one of the most difficult poses since it requires a high amount of upper body strength.
It then moves on to a pose called upward dog which is a deep arched backbend pose performed while on your stomach on the floor. The student then moves into a downward dog which means they lift their knees off the ground and using their hands and feet they are pushing away from the ground and putting their weight into their thighs and hips.
From downward dog, the student then steps one foot in between their hands at the front of the mat and come to a standing lounge while curling their toes and staying on the balls of their backfoot while balancing on the front flat foot. The next yoga asana for weight loss is usually warrior pose which is a wide-legged standing pose which is also an intense hip opener while strengthening the legs and toning the arms. Often the next pose is triangle pose which is another wide legged standing pose and one arm is reaching up toward the ceiling and the other arms is lengthening towards to floor.
Often the sequence repeats back to the first mountain pose to start the sequence again which has proved to be very transformative for yoga weight loss.
Jasmine Kaloudis blogs about holistic lifestyle topics such as yoga asanas for weight loss and gluten free cupcake recipes on her blog.

Walking For Weight Loss

If you are an absolute beginner and have led a sedentary lifestyle, you will need to take it easy when you start your fat-burning walking regime. If you follow this program, you should be able to achieve the ability to walk for up to 30-60 minutes at a brisk pace very quickly.
Getting ready to start walking for weight loss
If you have led an inactive lifestyle for any length of time, or have any health problems, talk to your doctor before starting your walking regime. While walking is an easy exercise, it is exercise nevertheless, and you must be sure that you are not going to over-exert your body.
What to wear
For your walking program, you want to wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
Depending on the climate you are walking in, you can wear layers of light clothing that you can remove or put back on if you feel too cold or too warm. Use natural materials. High quality cotton, wool and fleece are great. Of course, super-products like GoreTex are fine as well.
Socks should be comfortable and fit snugly to stop them from rolling or bunching. There are a number of running socks available made specifically for this purpose. I can assure you that blisters are something you really don't want experience.
Shoes are your best friend
Shoes are the tools for your walking program. They must fit well, but leave enough room for your feet to expand slightly as you walk (they do that). Good walking/running shoes are flexible so as your foot rolls through each pace, the shoe bends easily both forwards and from side to side. If the shoe feels stiff, find a different pair.
Walking for weight loss: technique
Ok, lets start putting one foot in front of the other. It doesn't matter where you walk; the base technique is the same. Treadmill, street, forest or track - doesn't matter.
You want to walk maintaining a good posture and use your arms and feet in such a way that you are propelled forward with the best power possible with the least amount of effort.
Good posture is important as it allows you to breathe easily and to avoid back pain. While walking, stand tall and straight, but do not arch your back. You don't need to lean forward or back, rather keep your position as straight as possible. Don't keep your eyes cast down, but look 20-30 feet ahead instead.
The walking step is a rolling motion. Strike the ground with your heel first, and then allow the foot to roll naturally from heel to toe before pushing off with your toes for the next stride. Do not "flap" or land on the ball of your foot. Someone once told me that you should try to walk and run "upwards" rather than "forwards".
Get your fat-melting walking schedule for the first 4 weeks
Visit [http://100freefatlosstips.com] to read the free complete guide [http://100freefatlosstips.com/73/walking-for-weight-loss-beginners-guide/] to walking for weight loss. Sign up for 100 Free Fat Loss Tips directly to your inbox. C'mon - they are free - what do you have to lose, except that extra fat?

Lose Weight: Best Weight Loss Exercise Tips

When you enter a city for the first time you're not really sure what to do, what is fun, what the good places are to eat. So if you do not do your prior research likely you won't enjoy or have a good time. The same principle applies with getting a good weight loss exercise plan. If do you not do your prior research, you will more than likely not know how to develop a good plan for yourself. There are two key elements that you must follow when developing a good plan for yourself. A good diet plan, which is very easy to follow, and an easy yet simple exercise blueprint.
When people are trying to lose weight they have to have a very strict exercise plan to see any good results. The two best workouts to start off with are cardio exercises or aerobics. The best way to get in your daily cardio, is to consistently walk/jog for at least half a mile everyday so that your body can start shedding off fat on a steady basis. Another great way to do cardio is play a sport of your choice which includes heavy exertion. Both activities serve the same purpose to get you to in fit shape and form.
Make sure to not forget that you have to eat the right foods while you are going through an exercise plan. The goal is to keep your calories as low as possible and the easiest way to do that is follow the Calorie Shifting Diet plan which is provided below.
Don't get lost in the city without knowing what to do, always do your research beforehand. The information that has been provided above will help guide you to developing a good and easy weight loss exercise plan. Follow the workouts methods, and keep up with a healthy calorie shifting diet. There is not a way for people not to pull through with what they want if only they try!
If you are like me, who doesn't have time and patience to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is through 100% natural weight loss remedies.
Same foods and natural remedies that tribal Indians and our ancestors used to live obesity free and healthy life. These natural weight loss remedies are scientifically proven and are the only way to lose weight fast. You can get these natural remedies absolutely free until Monday by clicking HERE! Get your free copy of ultimate weight loss secrets now.
I lost 6 pounds within a week using 5th diet/remedy mentioned in Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets. In total I lost 38 pounds in less than 3 months using some of the secrets mentioned in that report. Get your copy free, before its too late and achieve your weight loss goal within matter of days. Good luck!

Start Your Weight Loss Journey Off on the Right Foot - Three Tips For Keeping a Food Journal

I know, a food journal...ugh. You have a million things to do and keeping a food journal isn't one of them. However, it is the first place I start with each and every person that I work with. Nutrition is at least half the battle when it come to venturing out on a weight loss journey. Yes, it is going to take a little extra time. However, it is essential for getting started off on the right foot. It is a great way to keep yourself accountable and on track. Even more, it is one of the best weight loss tools for discovering eating habit that are sabotaging your weight loss goals.
Lets Get Started
1. Pick a Journal:
I like to use a small notebook with a fun or motivating cover. However, it can be as simple as a piece of paper. Some of my clients like to make a spread sheet. It is up to you. However, try to keep it in a convenient place that you will see numerous times a day (on your frig, on your desk at work, in your planner).
2. Write in it:
Be honest. Write it all down...even the nibbling. If it goes in your mouth, it goes in your journal.
  • what and how much you ate (be honest)...don't forget all your liquid consumption (even water)
  • the time of each snack and meal
  • how you felt before you ate ( starving, little hungry)
  • how you felt after you ate (stuffed, just right, satisfied)
  • the mood you were in when you ate (happy, sad, stressed, angry, bored, frustrated)
  • who you ate with and where you were at when you ate ( with my husband in front of the tv, with friends at a restaurant)
Some people like to pick a certain part of the day to do their journalling, like when the kids go to bed. However, I am a big fan of recording what I eat when I eat it. That way I don't forget maybe a handful of peanuts here and there or forget the mood I was in when I grabbed those peanuts. I also think writing it down at the time of consumption keeps healthy eating at the forefront of your mind and helps you to make healthy food choices. Writing it down also will start to make you aware of portion sizes. When you measure out a 1/2 cup of rice (which is one serving) you might discover that you have been eating 3 times that amount.
3. Review It:
Every night go back and look at how you did. Did you eat every three hours? Did you have a source of protein with every snack and meal? Were you in the range of your recommended caloric intake for weight loss? Many don't realize until they start a food journal that a handful here and a handful there really starts to add up when it comes to calories. Another trick is to highlight your problem areas: yellow for carbohydrates, green for extra nibbles, blue for diet soda... you get the point.
Try to make adjustments that you need the next day. Then, at the end of the week, review the week as a whole. This is where the moods you recorded come into play, who you ate with and where you ate. You can start to identify triggers and patterns.
Remember, if you are still having trouble, don't be afraid to ask a professional to help you identify your problems areas and help you make adjustments. Most gyms have a dietitian on staff or a personal trainer that can look over it with you. So many people overlook this aspect and jump right in with a personal trainer and workout regimen. Don't forget, nutrition is at least half the battle. Feel free to contact me for more help!
Sommer is a certified personal trainer, pre/post natal fitness instructor, indoor cycling instructor, group fitness instructor and editor of the fitness website Real Moms Real Fit. Visit her website for free pre-designed workout routines, easy healthy recipes, and more weight loss tips and tricks.

Would You Like To Lose 10 Lbs in 7 Days?

Having struggled with weight issues for nearly 20 years, I still cannot believe that I lost 10 lbs in 7 days. Really? Where's the catch? I also checked the scales at 2 different friends houses just to be sure. I am still not able to believe that I did lose the weight - I am expecting someone to tell me I have made a mistake - that's how sceptical I am about it!
I keep trying to jump on the scales because I am terrified that the needle will move back to where it used to be 18 lbs ago! Allow me to be a bit more explicit. My wonderful weight loss results stem from juicing. I had been juicing every day and eating a low(ish) calorie meal, plus the odd few biscuit, cake, ice cream and chocolate flavoured treats in the evenings for 6 weeks. In that time, I lost 8lbs. Then I decided to do a specific juicing plan, and it was after doing that plan that I lost the other 10 lbs. I still have around 2 stone to lose, but am in no rush.
Juicing has been a revelation for me, and I am so pleased that I became involved with it again. I say again, because I bought a juicer around 2006 when Juicing was getting a lot of media attention. This was because a famous English Page 3 model publicised the fact that she had used Juicing to lose 2 stone of her post baby weight after the birth of her second child. She was on TV and in many magazines in the UK at that time, and as a result, the country (UK) went barking, or rather, juicing mad!
For me juicing was just a fad at the time as it was making headline news, and I liked the idea of getting vitamins and nutrients from an extra source, despite continuing to eat and drink every type of rubbish under the sun - as you do. From that time, I remember how surprisingly tasty the juices are, despite the fact that after a week, life got in the way and the juicer was relegated to the cupboard to gather dust!
Nowadays, I am quite evangelical about Juicing, and I like to both offer and receive tips, advice, useful information and, I hope, inspiration. I have recorded my adventures with juicing, and my weight loss. It is so amazing to be able to say for real that having tried every weight loss trick in the book over the years, and having been so seriously addicted to food, this method of losing weight is so easy. I still cannot believe I am saying it so casually to myself, and to other people, but it is proving to be true more and more each day. You have to be in a certain frame of mind to succeed, but it is easy to get in this frame of mind. How extraordinary! Most other diets or eating plans involve self-sacrifice of some description on a grand scale.
When I cranked my dieting efforts up a nutritional notch, and embarked on just Juicing with no solid food, I had a motive! I wanted to see if it works! The plan promises that you will lose 7lbs in 7 days if you stick to it, and other people who have done so have lost between 6 and 14lbs in the space of a week. In my case, it was the 10lbs.
We are normally told it is safe to only lose 1 to 2lbs per week, which is a sensible approach with most other diets and eating plans. However with Juicing, you are not on a fast, because you are still drinking freshly prepared juice, which carries all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, protein, potassium, (good) fats etc. that you need directly to your organs, cells and tissue, thus "resting" the digestive system. You are not depriving your body of anything.
For now I am deliriously delighted with my weight loss, and within the next few months, I look forward to reaching my target weight.
Would You Like To Lose 10lbs in 7 Days? Carole just did! Losing weight need not be a tedious, unwelcome chore. There is no need to miss meals or exercise until you drop. Try juicing and discover a better body-friendly way to drop those pounds easily. Visit http://hitthenailontheheaddiet.com/ "for a free copy of 'Get Your Daily Fix of Liquid Sunshine' to discover even more about the benefits of losing weight with juicing. It works - Carole lost ten pounds in ten days. Visit her blog to learn more about how she did it: http://www.hitthenailontheheaddiet.com/caroles-blog

How to Lose Foot Fat

Everyone gains and loses weight differently and for women the feet can be a target of both weight gains and loses even if you do not realize it. Pregnancy is the main cause for weight gain in the feet and for this type of water retention and weight gain there are many different solutions that can be utilized to help you lose weight everywhere, even in your feet. Just as with any other form of weight loss it is important to remember that there are no magic ways to target your weight loss towards one area or another and this is no different with your feet.
When you gain weight it can be hard to notice where all the weight is actually located and for women especially the ankles and feet are generally one of the most common areas of weight gain and one of the most commonly overlooked areas of the body as well. The only way to lose weight in the feet is to do a complete overhaul of your body because it is frustrating to hear that your feet and ankles are the last places of the body to reap the benefits of your new diet and exercise regimes.
The main parts of the body get the most from your exercise and new nutritional diet and as your body as a whole begins to slim down so will your feet and ankles. It can be hard to believe that you can gain weight in your feet but you will notice when your feet begin to slip out of your shoes while you are walking! You want to first adapt a new and healthy diet; a diet that contains nothing that is processed, that contains sugar or that is high in calories.
Once you have the self discipline to maintain this diet for a long period of time then the next step is your exercise routine. You will want to combine a 15-20mintue cardio routine with a 30minute strength training routine. Unfortunately there are not strength exercises that target your feet directly but running and stretching is enough to get your muscles working and warmed up for the rest of the workout. By keeping up with this combination diet and exercise regime you should see results and even feel results in your feet and you may even have to buy new shoes! Losing foot fat is something that many women have to face after pregnancy and you can do it too.
Find out more about how to lose foot fat and how to lose feet fat fast over at our website on how to lose fat.

How to Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast - Fitness Tips That Really Work

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy or girl! Your body's endured a 9-month transformation, and you're ready to have your pre-pregnancy body back. But when you see yourself in the mirror, you say, "It still looks like I'm 4 months pregnant! What's going on?" Don't lose hope. In this article, we will analyze how to lose pregnancy weight quickly, and we'll highlight several powerful tips that are sure to help you lose that stubborn baby weight!
Say Bye-Bye to Baby Weight - Breastfeed Your Baby
Throughout history, women have been faced with the question of how to lose pregnancy weight quickly. The great news is that there is a God-given, natural way for women to get a head-start and begin to lose pregnancy weight fast by breastfeeding their babies! This is the quickest and most convenient way to lose pregnancy weight. When you breastfeed your baby, it causes you to have contractions, which help your uterus shrink to its normal, pre-pregnancy size much faster than for women who are not breastfeeding. Another great benefit is that breastfeeding moms are able burn an extra 500-800 calories each day!
Dieting to Lose Pregnancy Weight Quickly
When it comes to your diet, two things you can eat as much as you'd like are fruits and vegetables. Just be mindful of your sugar intake (many fruits contain high levels of sugar). Many researchers believe that sugar is the number one cause of obesity today.
Remove all sweets from your diet, such as sodas, chocolate, pastries, and donuts. Replace them with healthy snacks, like granola bars, dried fruit, and whole wheat crackers. As for the meat you eat, concentrate on consuming lean meats (e.g., turkey, fish, chicken breast).
You are no longer eating for two people, so you will need to take the necessary measures to lower your portions (cut down on carbohydrates, like pasta, rice, and potatoes, and avoid fatty foods). Controlling your portions is a big factor in losing pregnancy weight.
Drink lots of water. Most nutritional experts advise drinking eight 8oz. glasses of water each day. However, if you're extremely active, and/or you're breastfeeding, you will need a larger quantity. Approximately ten 8oz. glasses of water each day should suffice. Drinking water can also help you curb your appetite.
Exercising to Lose Baby Weight
Now that we have explored how to lose pregnancy weight by eating a healthy diet, let's cover how to lose pregnancy weight by exercising. First things first, you will need to get clearance from your doctor before you begin exercising after delivery. Depending on the method of delivery (C-section or vaginal birth), the amount of time you're required to wait before exercising varies.
When you have clearance from a doctor, take your time and work your way back slowly. Always take the time to warm up and stretch! Stretching is very helpful in preventing injury.
If you are a breastfeeding mom, you might want to try working out immediately after a feeding: your breasts are less full after a feeding, and it will make your workout more comfortable.
Walking is another terrific and simple way to start losing pregnancy weight, especially when you bring your baby with you in the stroller. Not only does pushing a baby stroller help you burn additional calories, it's also a beautiful way for you to bond with your precious baby. As you know, two are better than one, so get your husband to join you, and get him involved in your weight-loss program. It's great fun to get in better shape together.
No matter which exercise routine you select, be determined, be consistent, and don't get down on yourself. Losing your pregnancy weight will take time. Remember, it took nine months for you to gain all of that weight. If you persevere, you will be on your way to a healthy, toned and beautiful body. Very soon, all of your girlfriends will be coming to you to find out how to lose pregnancy weight!
Joshua A. Johnson is a fitness writer and contributor to http://www.fastfitnessguide.com/how-to-lose-pregnancy-weight.php, the ultimate guide to a flat belly. Learn the top 5 tips you need to lose your belly fat and read our full review of the number one ab fitness program on the planet by visiting http://www.fastfitnessguide.com/truth-about-six-pack-abs-review.php, and sign up for our free newsletter.

How to Lose Love Handles Quickly - Fast Fitness Strategies That Work

If you've been battling the bulge, and trying to get rid of those stubborn love handles, you know there's nothing lovely about them at all. Besides the fact that they are very stubborn and difficult to lose, they are also quite unattractive. If you are one of the millions of people fighting this weight-loss battle, then continue reading, as we examine how to lose love handles fast. Let's get our bodies in gear, and begin living life with the joy and confidence that comes from being in great shape and having a killer body! If you are ready to feel great and lose the, then let's begin examining how to lose love handles quickly.
Begin A Strength Training Program
As we begin to study how to lose love handles fast, one of our top priorities will be to begin strength training. Strength training will have a great impact on your body's ability to burn the fat and build muscle, so you'll want to begin a strength training program immediately. Not only will weight training help you increase your lean muscle mass, but it will help you burn fat quickly and increase your resting metabolism (i.e., the number of calories your body burns while you're sleeping or resting).
Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that your body is burning fat while you're sleeping? When you increase your resting metabolism through strength training, you will be on your way to the body you've always wanted. If you're objective is to learn how to lose love handles quickly, strength training is the #1 tip to get started.
Eat Smaller Portions, More Frequently
Another very important tip to understand how to lose love handles is to eat smaller portions, more often. Instead of taking in a high number of calories with three big meals per day, spread your meals out a bit, and start eating smaller amounts of food approximately 5 or 6 times a day. This will help you to feel full throughout the day, and will give your body a better chance to burn these calories off.
Additionally, stuffing yourself until you're full will have you feeling very sluggish and unmotivated to workout. It's a terrible cycle that prevents millions of people from losing unwanted fat quickly.
Jump Rope
Our final tip to get rid of your love handles fast is to begin jumping rope. That's right - it's more than just for kids and prize-fighters - jumping rope is a highly effective and simple exercise that you can use to burn more calories and get rid of those pesky love handles. Even if you only jump rope before beginning your exercise routine every day, you'll be extremely happy that you did. Jumping rope involves just about every muscle in your entire body, and is an amazing, fat-burning, aerobic workout. Besides - it's fun!
No more excuses! Use these fitness tips to help you get rid of those stubborn and unsightly love handles, and lose weight fast. The big thing as you move forward is to make the commitment to yourself to get in top shape. Follow your new, healthy diet closely, and exercise everyday - even if it's just taking a walk after dinner. Taking your weight loss quest as seriously as you should can make all the difference in the world, and will help you lose those unwanted pounds and keep them off.
Joshua A. Johnson is a fitness writer and contributor to http://www.fastfitnessguide.com, the ultimate guide to your perfect body. Learn more highly effective fitness tips and how to get in shape fast by visiting http://www.fastfitnessguide.com, and sign up for our free newsletter.