Top 5 Secrets You Can't Live Without

Hello ladies, are you tired of every other ad claiming that they have a program specifically designed for weight loss for women? From one lady to another, stop torturing yourself with these addictive claims. Learn an effective way to lose weight safely and quickly without jitters and without losing your bank account. Learn the 5 secrets for successful weight loss that you can do anywhere and anytime.
It is tiring every time you turn your head or turn on the radio or television one or more ads will appear claiming to be for quick weight loss. Really, especially with the new year that is all you hear about. Every single time the television is on, an ad talks about how great their program can help you lose weight and not do anything differently. Then you jump in your car to get the kids, and guess what's on the radio? You got it another ad about how this system will help you lose weight and oh, this one says it is natural (and you don't have to change your habits with this one either). Remember, natural doesn't mean anything if it isn't healthy. Opium is natural. Marijuana is natural. That doesn't mean you should use it. And finally, you think it couldn't get any worse, but you take a deep breath, yet you are bombarded by it:
  • Your friends are telling you about the latest and greatest - Facebook, Twitter, Emails, Phone calls etc
  • Stores have ads in every isle
  • Billboards
  • Radio
  • Television
It is everywhere. As if we didn't feel bad enough that we let the last few stressful years of our busy lives take over and add extra weight - now they have to keep telling us. Well, ladies, it is NOT your fault. These are gimmicks and great marketing techniques - not great weight loss techniques. If these silly ideas worked then 2/3 of the adults wouldn't be overweight and the average person would not gain a whopping 12 pounds over the holiday season.
Whether it is a little or a lot, these 5 secrets are ideal for weight loss for women (excellent weight loss for men too, but let's not tell them yet).
Don't worry, you'll lose those pounds without being fatigued, stressed, or overwhelmed so let's get started. Let's do this naturally and safely so you can lose the weight and keep the weight off for good. We aren't talking a diet: we are talking about a system for a healthy lifestyle.
This is a journey. This is the most important step to understand and to accept! You didn't gain the weight overnight, so you probably won't lose it overnight. It is important to set realistic goals and practice commitment. Any diet that says you don't need to do anything other than buy their product and you will lose tons of weight fast is either 1. A lie, 2. Unhealthy or 3. Both. Set small goals that build into a big goal.
To maximize weight loss for women it is essential to combine as many of the following as possible as often as you can without feeling deprived. It is important to learn to incorporate the cravings you have so that you'll stick to this new lifestyle.
1. Reduce Calories Slowly: Reduce calories by about 500-1000 cal a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. Some people lose more, and some less but this is a good rule of thumb. This is considered a safe range to lose so you can keep it off. It's not safe and eventually you will gain more back if you deplete your body of calories too fast. If you cut your calories too rapidly or too low, your body will tend to feed off the valuable muscle. This is disastrous to any weight loss program because muscle makes us look firm and sexy, muscle keeps our metabolisms strong, and muscle is what our heart is made of. Cutting back too fast can damage your heart
How to lower our calories? A key way to do this is by increasing your activity level: workout, walk more (just parking your car farther helps significantly), and take the steps, etc. As an added bonus, more activity will lower your stress, improve your sleep, increase your overall energy and help you stay motivated.
2. Make Healthy Food Choices: This can be tricky when you are surrounded by contradicting information "Eat low Carbs, Eat Low Fat, Eat this...Eat that...". Well, here are the facts. According to University of Illinois, diets higher in lean protein and lean dairy have been proven to help weight loss. Eating less processed foods and less artificial foods is easier for your body to metabolize, therefore, helps with weight loss. Avoid empty calories like soft drinks and flavored coffees. Did you know that just by choosing healthy carbohydrate choices like sweet potatoes, veggies, and quinoa etc, it has been proven that you can reduce unsafe deep belly fat by 11%? It is true. And this deep belly fat is definitely our enemy because it is a contributing factor in heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Also, eating foods that are high in leucine, an amino acid, will greatly help your journey to a healthier, sexier you. Leucine has been used for years by body builders and others that want to shed unwanted fat while maintaining lean muscle. Remember it is this lean muscle is that helps us maintain a higher metabolism, and it is muscle that gives us that lean, firm, sexy look that we all dream of, plus a healthy heart as mentioned earlier.
3. Keep a Journal: This is a must. You may not find it enjoyable to see that you just drank all your calories in 3 lattes but it is important to know where the calories are going. An online diary is an excellent resource that can track exercise and food calories to optimize weight loss for women. In a recent weight loss study, people who kept a journal doubled their weight loss in a 6 month period when compared to those who did not keep a journal. It is a powerful tool for weight loss for women.
4. Adequate Sleep: Sufficient sleep is about 6-8 hours a night for an average adult. Sleep helps a number of things besides weight loss. It also helps to reduce stress and repair the body. As we know, stress has tons of negative side effects and a biggie is weight gain.
5. Reduce Stress: You may be thinking, easier said than done. Well, that is true. Remember this is a journey: it is a lifestyle commitment to a healthier, better you so it may not be super easy at first. But it will be super effective and you will LOVE the results. In fact, after a few weeks, your energy will begin to rise as you lose weight, and you'll wonder why you ever ate the way you did before. You will LOVE the new you - inside and out.
Now you have the tools to actually succeed with this year's resolution so Good Luck and welcome to your new healthy lifestyle.
Barb Lulay, Education Health Specialist, uses a state of the art system that invokes only guaranteed, safe and natural weight loss products that have helped thousand of women (and men) lose weight quickly and safely. Learn more by visiting Weight Loss for Women It has been proven to safely lose fat, maintain 100% muscle, & maintain energy. For the serious viewers only, wait no longer - save now & receive an entire month free plus a bonus while supplies last. This equates to less than $3 a meal. Simply click Complete Transformation. For a limited time Barb Lulay is offering 1 hour free coaching with purchase of the Complete Transformation so the most serious readers can achieve their goal quickly.

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