How Acupuncture Can Be Used As An Aid To Beauty And Weight Loss

Acupuncture as an aid to Beauty

Most of us are used to the picture of someone receiving acupuncture treatment. We also know that acupuncture is widely used to eliminate pain. But not many people realise that acupuncture can also be a marvelous aid for a beauty routine.
Look at ourselves carefully before any makeup is applied. What would we like to get rid of? Are there too many fine lines, are the dark circles under the eyes attractive, and are large pores really gone? Maybe a small hint of a double chin, and maybe the complexion has age spots which can't be compared with a younger face! Things like this take a lot of makeup, and even perhaps a little plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is much more drastic than a few needles from acupuncture treatment which is much easier to think about. Tiny needles inserted into areas of the face by an acupuncturist stimulate the production of collagen in the area. The skin becomes supported and nourished by the body instead of some external products. Collagen thus produced will firm the skin and stretch the skin removing fine lines.
Many women who undergo this procedure notice results with only one or perhaps a few treatments. The complexion becomes more clear and even, wrinkles become less noticeable, and a general glow to the face becomes apparent. The treatment simply brings back the natural energy of the face and so every woman looks more beautiful in a natural way. When our faces become more beautiful, we can then look at the rest of our bodies.
Acupuncture and Weight Loss
Many of us have tried to trim off the extra pounds, often with little or no success. When many of us see the wrinkles and dark circles already mentioned, any visit to a gym produces very little noticeable difference.
Any successful long term weight loss is often extremely difficult so that many of us do not achieve any worthwhile results. Many people have tried all sorts of diets, which just turned into a 'lose some and gain some' weight cycle. The achievement of permanent weight loss and maintaining a healthy and attractive appearance does not seem possible. Acupuncture holds out some promise for people with weight problems.
Yes, acupuncture weight loss treatment is also done by the use of needles but they are not inserted into the face. This time hair-thin needles are inserted into certain spots on the body which causes vital energy to be redirected to help the proper body function. Sometimes the acupuncturist may also suggest some herbs or even herbal tea. When each treatment session is over, most patients feel very good. Scientists in the Western world have discovered that one reason this treatment is successful is that endorphins are released. These constitute one body chemical that induces weight loss. Patients continue with a series of treatments, after which a maintenance treatment plan is scheduled. Healthy people would also benefit from a periodic visit to an acupuncturist to restore their energy to optimal levels. Such visits would not only keep us beautiful, but certainly healthy as well!
Do yourself a favour and find out more on how acupuncture can be of help to you. At [] you can watch many videos on cases and results of people who have used acupuncture to improve their health.
This website also has videos on cancer and other subjects, the home page gives links to these other subjects and more are being added fairly often.
        - Mike F Gill-

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