How Diet, Exercise and Supplements Can Curb Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition in which extra body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have negative effect on health, leading to limited life expectancy and/or a greater risk for health problems.
Unfortunately, obesity has become an epidemic in our society. A recent study is projecting that over 42% of Americans will be obese by the year 2030, up from 36% in 2010. Of that 11% could be considered severely obese meaning that they are 100 or more pounds over a recommended healthy weight. With the obvious health concerns and risks also comes increased health care costs. It's estimated that the medical-related costs of obesity may be as high as $147 billion a year, or 9% of the national medical expenses. So how do we fight obesity? Diet and nutrition, activity level and diet supplements are all great options to aid in the fight for your health.
The National Weight Control Registry recently followed 10,000 people who have lost 30lbs and have maintained that loss for a year or more and here are some of the nutritional strategies that they highlighted as beneficial.
• Maintain a low-fat, low calorie diet of about 1,800 calories a day.
• Keep a food journal
• Count calories, carbs or fat grams to track food intake
• Eat breakfast daily- include whole grains and low-fat dairy products
• Limit eating out since portions, sodium and fat are dramatically increased
• Weigh yourself once a week
• Splurge, but not too often
A healthy diet is only part of the puzzle when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's also important that you exercise and increase your activity level. Some of the benefits of exercise include reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. It also can strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your mood. Here are some examples of ways to incorporate activity into your everyday life. The CDC recommends that these activities be done for a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes per week in addition to 2 or more days a week of muscle-strengthening activities.
• Brisk walking
• Swimming laps
• Playing doubles tennis
• Jogging/running
If you're just starting a nutritional and fitness regime it may benefit you to also include diet supplements. Diet pills can be a short term way to boost your results and get you excited about continuing your health plan. There are many pills on the market. Some are appetite-suppressants; these drugs usually come in tablets and are time released in order to help with your appetite control and therefore portion size. Another type is a fat absorption inhibitor. This works by blocking about 30% of the dietary fat from being absorbed into your body. In general, eSupplements diet pills are not meant to be used for extended periods of time. When used properly, in short spans they can help you lose an extra 12-13 pounds over a year.
Obesity, although a huge problem for our society, can be resolved. It just takes a little will power and some sweat and you have the power to not only change your health but you can also affect our world in a positive way.
Specializing in diet pills, protein powder, vitamins and nutritional supplements eSupplements can supply all your health needs.

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