Would You Like To Lose 10 Lbs in 7 Days?

Having struggled with weight issues for nearly 20 years, I still cannot believe that I lost 10 lbs in 7 days. Really? Where's the catch? I also checked the scales at 2 different friends houses just to be sure. I am still not able to believe that I did lose the weight - I am expecting someone to tell me I have made a mistake - that's how sceptical I am about it!
I keep trying to jump on the scales because I am terrified that the needle will move back to where it used to be 18 lbs ago! Allow me to be a bit more explicit. My wonderful weight loss results stem from juicing. I had been juicing every day and eating a low(ish) calorie meal, plus the odd few biscuit, cake, ice cream and chocolate flavoured treats in the evenings for 6 weeks. In that time, I lost 8lbs. Then I decided to do a specific juicing plan, and it was after doing that plan that I lost the other 10 lbs. I still have around 2 stone to lose, but am in no rush.
Juicing has been a revelation for me, and I am so pleased that I became involved with it again. I say again, because I bought a juicer around 2006 when Juicing was getting a lot of media attention. This was because a famous English Page 3 model publicised the fact that she had used Juicing to lose 2 stone of her post baby weight after the birth of her second child. She was on TV and in many magazines in the UK at that time, and as a result, the country (UK) went barking, or rather, juicing mad!
For me juicing was just a fad at the time as it was making headline news, and I liked the idea of getting vitamins and nutrients from an extra source, despite continuing to eat and drink every type of rubbish under the sun - as you do. From that time, I remember how surprisingly tasty the juices are, despite the fact that after a week, life got in the way and the juicer was relegated to the cupboard to gather dust!
Nowadays, I am quite evangelical about Juicing, and I like to both offer and receive tips, advice, useful information and, I hope, inspiration. I have recorded my adventures with juicing, and my weight loss. It is so amazing to be able to say for real that having tried every weight loss trick in the book over the years, and having been so seriously addicted to food, this method of losing weight is so easy. I still cannot believe I am saying it so casually to myself, and to other people, but it is proving to be true more and more each day. You have to be in a certain frame of mind to succeed, but it is easy to get in this frame of mind. How extraordinary! Most other diets or eating plans involve self-sacrifice of some description on a grand scale.
When I cranked my dieting efforts up a nutritional notch, and embarked on just Juicing with no solid food, I had a motive! I wanted to see if it works! The plan promises that you will lose 7lbs in 7 days if you stick to it, and other people who have done so have lost between 6 and 14lbs in the space of a week. In my case, it was the 10lbs.
We are normally told it is safe to only lose 1 to 2lbs per week, which is a sensible approach with most other diets and eating plans. However with Juicing, you are not on a fast, because you are still drinking freshly prepared juice, which carries all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, protein, potassium, (good) fats etc. that you need directly to your organs, cells and tissue, thus "resting" the digestive system. You are not depriving your body of anything.
For now I am deliriously delighted with my weight loss, and within the next few months, I look forward to reaching my target weight.
Would You Like To Lose 10lbs in 7 Days? Carole just did! Losing weight need not be a tedious, unwelcome chore. There is no need to miss meals or exercise until you drop. Try juicing and discover a better body-friendly way to drop those pounds easily. Visit http://hitthenailontheheaddiet.com/ "for a free copy of 'Get Your Daily Fix of Liquid Sunshine' to discover even more about the benefits of losing weight with juicing. It works - Carole lost ten pounds in ten days. Visit her blog to learn more about how she did it: http://www.hitthenailontheheaddiet.com/caroles-blog

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