Mental Strategies for Weight-Loss Success

Diet and exercise are the primary approach to weight-loss recommended today. If you do a search on the internet you will find an endless number of diets that are guaranteed to take the weight off fast. You can even find countless exercise tips and regimes that will put you on the fast track to dietary success. In fact, if someone is really determined lose weight they will surely have access to weight-loss blueprints designed to guarantee success.
Beyond diet and exercise, you must have the right mindset even before you begin to diet. You must establish mental toughness to move through the obstacles that you will face to a place of success. In fact you must create a new mental dialogue that will take you through the fear of failure, personal doubt, unending temptations, and self-sabotage.
If you are contemplating a diet now, it is probably not your first. You may have lost a lot of weight or a little in the past. Whether you achieved your weight-loss goals is not the issue. The issue is you are once again faced with unhealthy eating patterns that wrecked your weight-loss, again. To lose weight and keep it off you must identify your personal mental patterns that are contributing to your weight-loss failure.
A key mental block is how you see yourself. The image that you hold in your mind of who you are is most likely fat, dumpy, and overweight. As long as that image is programmed into your mind, no matter how much weight you lose, you will eventually find a way to become that fat person that you carry in your head. At the subconscious level your mind will cause you to create the body that you carry in your mind. To overcome it, begin to create a slim image of yourself in your mind. Pull out pictures of yourself when you were slim and trim. Focus on them day and night. Program your mind to create this new image of you into its hard-drive.
The next mental obstacle to face is the excuses that you make for why your diets have failed. For example, "I was doing well on that diet until I started having problems in my marriage." Or maybe it was the problems with your teenager, or pressure from work that caused you to fail. Whatever the excuses are, they must be identified, exposed, and eradicated from your mind. You must build up mental vigilance against them and re-program your mind to succeed. Your new mantras should be, "I don't care if my entire world caves in, food will not hold it up" and "Even if all hell breaks loose in my home and family, I will stay on my diet." You will never achieve long-term success until you identify and reprogram the lies that you have told yourself about your weight-loss.
Finally you must develop a mental toughness against the foods that tempt you and the places where temptation is the strongest. You have to develop a plan of how you will negotiate these obstacles before you face them. The plan must be very detailed and must mentally carry you through the mental dialogue and actions that you will take right up to the point that you are standing in front of the forbidden food.
It has been my intention in this article to empower you with mental strategies that will support your weight-loss efforts. I have barely scratched the surface of the web of mental obstacles and roadblocks that you will have to negotiate to be successful in creating a slimmer you. If you grasp the concepts presented here and continue to work them into your mental
processes, they will carry you forward towards greater success than you have known before. Program your mind for success. You can and will achieve your goals.
If you have had difficulty losing the pounds and keeping them off and suspect that your mind is holding you back from achieving ultimate success, check out my resource box below. I am here to walk you through every step of your weight-loss efforts.
Lindy Diffenbaugh is a Mental Health Therapist and Life Coach by Profession. She has followed the trend of Internet Marketing and the Home Base Business in order to help others move forward and get beyond the perils of the current economic threat in our nation, to a place of personal and economic strength. For more information on how Lindy can help you prosper, even in a down economy, visit

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