Two Great Weight Loss Salads for the Desk Job Workers

Thai Beef Salad
This is a great salad. It's fresh, light and packed with flavour. If you're feeling s little adventurous, and you want to go and find it, adding some raw vegetables to it like pea and apple eggplant, cabbage and snake beans, best found in Asian markets.
150gm piece of eye fillet or scotch fillet
Oyster sauce and sweet soy sauce
2 stems of spring onions, sliced thinly
1 Lebanese cucumber cut in half and sliced thinly lengthways
6 - 8 cherry tomatoes, halved
½ bunch mint
½ bunch coriander
1 stick of lemongrass sliced finely
1 red chilli, julienned
100gm crushed peanuts
2 tbsp roasted rice (optional)
For the dressing:
Juice of two limes
Fish sauce to taste
Sweet chilli sauce
Chilli powder - optional
2 tbsp white sugar
Rub beef with oyster and sweet soy, leave for around 10 mins then sear in a hot pan till medium rare or to your liking and rest. Mix remainder of salad ingredients together and set aside. Slice beef thinly and add to salad.
For the dressing, mix ingredients together in a bowl. The taste should be hot, sweet, salty, and sour. I have deliberately left the amounts up to you, as everyone has their own tastes.
Again, if you're preparing it for a next day, make sure you don't dress it till you need to eat it. It's the freshness of this salad, as with most, that is most important.
For the roasted rice, roast half a cup of glutinous rice in a dry pan over moderate heat till golden brown. Grind to a fine powder in a spice grinder, or a mortar and pestle. The rice gives it a unique texture, and will keep well in an airtight container. If you decide to use raw vegetables for a condiment, cut apple eggplant into ¼'s, break up cabbage, and cut snake beans into 2 cm lengths, whilst leaving pea eggplants whole. The raw vegetable provides a good balance to the dish. But you don't need them if you're taking to work.
Roast Kingfish with Strawberry and Almond Salad
Believe it or not, the flavour combinations in this salad work quite well. You could alternatively, poach the fish, in a light vegetable stock with aromatics.
1 180gm piece of kingfish or any firm white fleshed fish
Olive oil for cooking
¼ punnet strawberries, quartered
½ cup mint shredded
¼ cup dill tips
2 tbsp pine nuts toasted
100gm crumbled goat's cheese
1 cup watercress
¼ of a red onion finely sliced
1 spring onion finely sliced
1 tbsp black sesame seeds
30ml balsamic vinegar
50ml olive oil
Salt and pepper
Preheat an oven to 200°C. In a hot pan place Kingfish skin down and season with salt and pepper. Allow to brown slightly and place in oven. Cook for around 7 minutes, the turn over and leave in oven till cooked. Remove from oven and rest. Mix salad ingredients together. If you're taking to work the next day, keep fish separate so you can reheat. For poaching fish: Get a good quality vegetable stock, such as Campbell's stocks. Heat in a pot, and add a couple of bay leaves, a sprig of thyme, a shallot, some peppercorns and a little salt. Bring to the boil, and then simmer. Add fish and simmer till cooked through, but not falling apart.
If you wish you could flake the fish in this salad.
Scott draffin is the author of the Desk Job diet. A scientist common sense approach to dieting in the modern day office environment. Scott has a master degree in science

Weight Loss Tips - The Top 10

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips
Losing weight and keeping it off isn't difficult - all you need is a few changes and the motivation to get you started. Not sure where to begin? Have a look at these great tips for easy weight loss...
1) Keep a Food and Exercise Diary
This is a great way of keeping track of your foods, drinks and how much you have worked out over a week. Be honest with yourself and write down everything - even if you have a bad day.
2) Exercise to Maintain Weight Loss
Exercise helps you burn fat and calories and also helps boost your metabolic rate, even when you're resting so try to work your way up to doing a 30 minute workout 5 days a week.
3) Measure Food Amounts at Home
Weigh out foods and don't eat too much of the 'wrong' thing. For example if a recipe tells you to use 2tbsp dressing, don't go over this as a few more excess measurements all adds up to excess calories.
4) Still Eat Foods you Like
Have a rare treat so that you don't feel too deprived - just don't let a small treat turn into a big binge of crisps, chocolate, alcohol and fast food - you'll destroy all the hard work you've put in!
5) Think Long Term - Not Short Term
Losing weight fast is what everyone wants, but losing weight slowly actually allows your body to adjust and keep weight off for longer. Set goals for losing weight but think of it as a long term venture.
6) Savour Your Food
When you eat - enjoy it! Chew and enjoy the textures and flavours of your food - this will keep you fuller for longer and will reduce the likelihood of you reaching for the unhealthy snacks later.
7) Increase Workout Intensity
As a beginner you may be able to manage short workouts 2-3 times a week. Find the time to exercise and gradually increase your workout program to help you keep the weight off.
8) Keep Motivated
Buy yourself treats such as new clothes to celebrate your weight loss, work towards your goals such as having energy to play in the garden with your children - anything that keeps you motivated.
9) Weigh Yourself Once a Week
Weighing yourself everyday is a bad idea - weight fluctuates when muscle mass etc is varying. Have a weekly weigh in (i.e. on Monday morning before breakfast) and use it as motivation for the next week's weight loss.
10) Enjoy Your Workout!
Performing the same workout day after day means that your body gets used to it, therefore making it less effective each time you do it. Varying your workout keeps it exciting and if you're enjoying it, you're more likely to put more effort in. Go cycling, swim, do dance classes, play football in the park, go jogging and mix up your workout regime and your body will continue to burn fat.
Try out these 10 simple tips and you'll not only be able to lose weight but also keep it off!
Bio box
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, When I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to this link and check it out.

Options For Weight Loss For Women

There is no need to wait for New Year's resolutions to make weight loss goals. Women around the world set their own weight loss goals and achieve them each day. Weight loss for women does not have to be difficult. There are many ways to achieve your ideal look.
Remember that dieting is a lifestyle, not a temporary way to lose weight. Not changing your lifestyle entirely is one of the quickest ways to gain weight after it has been lost. It is not essential to weight loss for women to avoid eating foods that they like. Women who are trying to lose weight can still eat their favorite foods; they just have to do in moderation. Trying to lose weight does not mean that you cannot enjoy your life and everything that goes along with it.
It is conducive to weight loss for women to pay attention to the foods they eat and what reactions they get from these foods. Eating proteins and carbohydrates is one way to get an energy boost before and after workouts. Adding fruits and vegetables to a diet is one way to stay full without heading straight for salty and sugary snacks. Drink water to stay hydrated and avoid drinking too many calories.
Consider trying out a new activity, like yoga or Pilates. You never know when you will find a new hobby or a way to get out of the house and have fun. Take a class or get friends involved to make it a social outing. If you are concerned about hurting yourself, you can purchase private or semi-private personal trainer sessions. You might even consider getting additional exercise using video game systems, like the Xbox Kinect or Wii.
One activity that encourages weight loss for women is exercising when the television is on, even if it is only during the commercials. Challenge yourself to do crunches, pushups or jumping jacks throughout the entire commercial break. Any activity that gets you off your seat and moving will help.
Running is a great way for women to lose weight. Do not be afraid to start slowly, even if you begin with walking and run for just a few minutes. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes so you are willing to run more often, without suffering from aches, pains and blisters. Find a place that you enjoy running, one that is interesting and safe. Before running, remember to hydrate. Take rest days in between running days so that you do not harm your muscles.
If you are unable to run and can't afford a gym membership, walking is a good way to begin losing weight. It is not necessary to exert yourself too much. Even a five minute walk each day will help get you moving. You can slowly add minutes on to your routine. Walking is good for the body and mind. If you find walking is not helping you lose weight, consider strapping on leg weights. If you are unable to add a walk into your schedule consider some of the ways you can increase walking in your daily activities, such as parking near the back of the parking lot instead of right up front.
MyReviewsNow offers information regarding weight loss for women. To learn more about weight loss for women, visit our website at

Weight Loss Benefits of Massage

There is no question that having a massage makes you feel great. Even having a deep-tissue, sports massage makes you feel wonderful afterwards. Massage can relieve stress, help you recover from hard physical activity or injury and even reduce anxiety, but can it help you to achieve your weight loss goals?
Research shows that massage can have a positive effect on your muscle-building capabilities and fitness levels, which in turn increases your capacity to control or loose weight.
Healthy strong muscles burn calories and give you the freedom to participate in all sorts of sports and activities that can help you burn excess calories and improve your overall fitness and wellbeing.
Massage has the following benefits that can directly influence your ability to control or loose weight:
1. Massage has been shown to improve circulation and the supply of nutrition to the muscles. Massage increases the interchange of vital substances between the blood and tissue cells, which increases tissue metabolism. After muscles are exercised, vital nutrients must be supplied to them so that they can recover and rebuild themselves. Massage maximizes the supply of these nutrients and oxygen though increased blood flow, which helps the muscles to grow and burn more calories as a result.
2. Massage improves your muscles' range of motion and their flexibility. This allows them to maintain maximum power and performance while active, and burn the maximum number of calories in the process.
Improved range of motion and flexibility also reduces muscle soreness during periods of recovery and muscle repair.
Having a wide range of motion and maximum muscle flexibility also reduces the danger of experiencing injuries during exercise which can severely limit activity, exercise and weight loss progress.
3. Massage helps to shorten the recovery time needed between your workouts. Waste products such as lactic and carbonic acid build up in muscles during and after exercise. Increased circulation to these muscles helps to eliminate toxic debris buildup caused by these waste products and in doing so shorten recovery time.
Shortened recovery time means you can safely have more workouts over a given period of time, which in turn means that you have the opportunity to burn more total calories in your effort to achieve your individual weight loss goals.
4. Massage can also help reduce the chance of you over-training. Massage has a relaxing effect on the muscles and a sedative effect on the nervous system. By helping you to rest, which is a very important element of any exercise program, massage can reduce the likelihood of you experiencing over-training syndrome, which is known to limit your ability to build strong healthy muscles and therefore loose weight with maximum efficiency.
5. In addition to all of the above, massage may directly aid in fat loss. According to some research studies, massage is thought to be able to burst the fat capsule in subcutaneous tissue so that the fat exudes and becomes absorbed. In this way, combined with proper nutrition and exercise, massage may actually help in weight loss.
6. As we have already touched upon, massage helps prevent and heal injuries. By stretching connective tissue, massage improves circulation to help prevent or break down adhesions and scar tissue that result from muscle tears and other common muscle injuries. Massage also influences the excretion of certain fluids (nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur) that aid in tissue repair. Fast and effective recovery from injuries means that you can begin exercising sooner after suffering an injury and getting your weight loss progress back on track.
So there you have it. Massage has a lot of benefits that can indirectly and possibly even directly aid you in achieving your weight loss goals.
Regular massage is just as important a component as regular workouts and correct nutrition in any comprehensive fitness and weight loss program, which is great news for those of us who thought that exercising and losing weight was all hard work! Remember, weight loss is all about leading a balanced lifestyle and massage is an essential part of any balanced lifestyle.
If you haven't had a massage lately, what are you waiting for? Get on the phone and make yourself a booking. If you haven't had a massage before, just remember to have your massage done by a qualified massage therapist.
If you are unsure about a massage practitioners qualifications and experience, ask for referrals, professional training information, and make sure they are certified by reputable agency or institution.
And remember, have fun!
Scott Haywood is the editor of Australia's leading weight loss and healthy lifestyle website is a free weight loss resource that has healthy recipes, weight loss product reviews, a weight loss business directory and a very popular weight loss forum.

Health Benefits of Well Structured Deep Tissue Detox

Strengthened body, exploding energy, lasting weight loss, clear mind, enhanced feel good factor, boosted immunity, optimized digestion are just some of the life changing benefits, attainable through well structured deep tissue detox program.
Nutrition experts and some doctors recognize health restoring benefits of deep tissue detox and whole heartedly recommend it as the most effective short-cut to full health regeneration.
Body toxicity is reaching alarming proportions and detox, in particular a well composed deep tissue detox, is no longer seen as a luxury. Many suffering individuals recognize that popping pill makes them neither healthier nor slimmer. Choosing medication as the way of dealing with poor digestion, bloating, headache, irritability, allergies or insomnia or taking sugar loaded energy drink when feeling lethargic or chronically tired brings only minute, immediate relief. Long term the problem persists. Pill may mask symptoms but the symptoms do re-emerge eventually, this time in more intense and harder to deal form.
The symptoms listed above are some of the most common symptoms of excessive body toxicity. The toxins are initially stored in our fat tissue. With the progressive increase in body toxicity, the toxins find their way into practically every part of our bodies.
Deep seated, ingrained toxins are difficult to shift. Pill popping does not help in terms of toxin removal. In fact, most pills are synthetic products and if anything, they add up to the overall body toxicity rather than reducing it. The pill may numb the pain temporarily or induce the sense of psychological relief. Designed to deal with the root cause of the problem, deep tissue detox brings in nutrient rich alkaline living foods, optimizes hydration, strengthens the mind and utilizes body activity to speed up toxin removal. As a truly comprehensive program, it is designed to reach, shift and remove toxins so that the body can heal, restore its equilibrium and optimize its activity. Besides, let's not forget that the excess body weight is the toxic weight. Toxin elimination eliminates toxic weight, leading to lasting and sustainable weight loss.
And to recap: the health regenerating power of deep tissue is truly life transforming. Talking from own experience, I have never looked back after undertaking the program nor will I ever be that cellulite laden, confused and always tired individual. Strengthened body, exploding energy, lasting weight loss, clearer mind, enhanced feel good factor, boosted immunity, optimized digestion are just some of the life changing benefits achieved with the amazing power of the deep tissue detox.
Why not take action now: 'The 3-Day Power Detox' is a step by step holistic detox plan offered to you for free but designed to enable every reader to make a shift through improved digestion, boosted energy, enhanced feel good factor and considerable weight loss. Everyone deserves good health and stunning body. Embark on this incredible life transforming journey right now!
The program comes with detox recipes too. For instant download visit your Facebook fan page, like it to become fan. Once in, click the little image that says 'The 3-Day Power Detox' and it is yours:

Best 5 Weight Loss Exercise Tips Ever

If you find it frustrating or difficult to lose weight, I have some food for thought for you. Losing weight and losing it fast is not as difficult as people make it out to be. One thing for sure, you have to be determined and willing to lose weight or burn your belly fat or wherever you may have the problem.
The thing is... You don't have to stress a lot when trying to lose weight. It can be as natural as ever. I'm going to show you a few simple steps that you can follow and be on your way to losing weight the best way.
1. You need a plan. Not Just any plan. A good weight loss plan. Start slowly by cutting down things you can do without. Don't get discouraged when you see no results instantly, losing weight can take time and effort. Many people do this mistake by quitting their program after a few days because they think losing a lot of weight can happen overnight.
2. Get all the help you can get. No man is an Island and we need some sort of guidance in whatever we do. Find people who are also going through the same problem and link up with them. Join support groups and health clubs. When going through something this big. You will need a shoulder to cry on, someone to motivate you because as human beings we have little faith. It is normal to want to give up, especially after some hard weeks of exercise or diet routine.
3. Start things slow. Learn something new. Replace old habits with something new. Because weight loss can be challenging for most, what better way to replace a bad habit with a new one. A good hobby is always advisable because not only will you burn fat easy and fast. You will be gaining new experiences and skills that can make your body move in amazing ways. Try jazz, ballet or dancing lessons.etc. Do this at least 3 times a week.
4. Have amazing weekends, always do something physical on weekends, go hiking, bike riding or walks or just keep busy aground the house, don't do the same thing over and over or else you will get bored and lose interest. Check your weight at most once a week or at least once every two weeks. Don't check your weight regularly as this will not be exciting for the first few weeks because weight loss takes time.
5. Remember. Always do the things you will enjoy while losing weight. When you lose some weight. Reward yourself. Not with food. You can go shopping for the smaller size dresses or shirts you always wanted to wear, just go out and look good in public. The more you lose weight is the more you will need to exercise and the happier you will be.
Remember. Only you can make this happen for yourself. A determined body and a positive mindset is all you need to burn all that fat. You are now a step closer to achieving your goal. Just take the first step and the rest is history.
Thank you for your time, if you enjoyed this article, you ca also get more here Click Here!

How Can You Get Motivated To Lose Weight And Get In Shape If You Have A Stressful Life?

Bills, finances, job, family, friends, relationships, business, school, and so much more runs the lives of many of us. Unfortunately for most of us, many of those things may not be going so well or they are just too stressful... and will therefore lead to an abundance of stress and anxiety in our lives.
But what if you want to lose weight and get in shape?
How can you get motivated to accomplish this if your life is so stressful?
It's not like you can just easily turn off all the noise in the background (better known as your daily life) and successfully implement a solid diet and exercise program to get the body of your dreams. Or is that actually possible?
Well, from my own personal experience, I found it to be very difficult trying to stay consistent with getting in shape. I was mentally weak and would give in to eating comfort foods whenever I got stressed out. I would make excuses to not workout. I would feel lazy all day. I would opt for playing games or watching T.V. instead of doing something productive. And that's when it hit me...
I realized that in the mix of me being lazy and giving into the stresses of my life, that I could actually turn around all the negatives in my life if I was actually in better shape and better health!
So what am I saying here?
My friend, what I'm getting at here is that getting in better shape and better health can turn EVERYTHING around in your life and make your overall life better! In other words, and very ironically, most people mentally attach losing motivation with diet and exercise if there is too much stress in their lives, when in fact dieting and exercising will REMOVE all that stress and anxiety!
Here's how with a number of examples:
1. You'll have more energy to get more stuff done.
2. You'll have more confidence at interviews, meetings, proposals, and in every other area of your social life since you are now in much better shape and health.
3. You'll look better, so therefore you'll attract more people for relationships and friendships. As superficial as that may be sound, that unfortunately is how a high percentage of this world runs.
4. You'll naturally decrease stress and anxiety through fitness routines, being more flexible, from eating healthier, from drinking more water, and also because you now looking freaking AWESOME!
5. And so much more!
Bottom line, if you want to get motivated to improve your body, but the annoyances and stresses of your life are stopping you, then I highly recommend you change your mindset around. Instead, look at the fact that improving your overall health and body can in fact eliminate those stresses and GREATLY improve the quality of EVERY area of your life!
Ready to get started?
If you want POWERFUL (and proven effective) strategies on how to easily lose up to 6 pounds a week... naturally, then I suggest you take 30 seconds out of your day and head on over to claim FREE instant access to my digital report: The 18 Steps I Took To Drop 6 Pounds A Week at:
On the next page, you'll discover the most effective (and easiest) weight loss tricks you can start with right now to FINALLY lose pounds of unwanted body fat... permanently.

How to Get Ripped in 6 Weeks - One 30 Minute Workout at a Time!

One month you will see a photo of a celebrity looking soft and pudgy. How is it that when it's time to get down to business and get ripped for a new role, they show up in the best shape of their life, merely weeks later?
Here is one solution, a workout and diet routine that will allow you to get ripped in 6 weeks! Remember, you will use a program like this as a sort of last push towards getting into excellent shape for a specific event. Maybe it's a wedding, a reunion, or even a role in a new action movie!
***REMEMBER*** Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise program!
The Get Ripped in 6 Weeks Program-
For this program, there are 2 rules:
  • Never do the same workout twice
  • Keep detailed records of every workout performed
The workout variety keeps your body guessing, while the detailed records allow future workouts to be precisely designed (weight/reps/duration of exercise/intensity) for best results.
The 30 minute Workout
Work out 6 times per week. 5 days of that are dedicated to the following 30 minute circuit, while the 6th day is used for an hour long trail run (assuming of course that your knees and other joints can handle it. If they can't, try a long bike ride or even a long, strenuous hike/walk for excellent benefits).
Warmup - 10 minutes
If you have access to a good gym, use a concept 2 rowing machine to get warmed up. Rowing is great because it activates all the major muscle groups of the body. If you don't have access to a rowing machine, try some body rows using a DIY suspension trainer and some bodyweight squats, doing small sets back to back to get the blood moving.
Moderate Intensity / Strength Work - 10 minutes
Next, do 10 minutes of one of the following options:
  • Heavy (around 75% of your one rep max) compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, cleans, or bench press. Do no more than 5 reps per set, focusing on a few quality sets of one of these exercises.(If you don't have access to heavy weights, try making your own DIY sandbag training equipment. $20 will get you some serious weight)
  • Quick light-weight and/or kettlebell circuits. Bodyweight exercise routines are another option here.
  • Heavy farmer's walk/carries using large kettlebells or heavy sandbags
  • Medicine ball throws (take some weight out of your sandbag for the same effect)
High Intensity Intervals - 10 minutes
This is the real gut-busting part of the workout.
Use medicine ball slams, sprints, rope climbs, pullups, hanging knee raises, burpees, bear crawls, farmers walks, front squats, rope pulls, weighted stepups, and many more exercises, all in one brief but INTENSE circuit.
These are just a few ideas, just try to mix it up every workout so that you don't get burned out.
Get Ripped in 6 Weeks Diet Plan
Here are some guidelines to help you lose weight for your event:
  • Don't eat anything with refined sugar or flour in it
  • Don't drink alcohol or fruit juice (these beverages have a TON of calories)
  • Drink around 1.5 gallons of water per day
  • Record EVERYTHING that you eat or drink
  • Eat a total of 2000 calories, spread out throughout the day in 6 meals
  • Try to eat things like egg whites, veggies, lean mean, nuts, fish, quality protein shakes
Remember, don't do an intense program like this for longer than a few weeks. You will likely get burned out and/or injured! Go hard, but be kind to yourself!
Good luck!
If you found this article interesting and for more info on how to get ripped in 6 weeks, with or without gym, you might want to check out my blog at
See how I have successfully lost 30 pounds of fat, built strength and muscle, and overcome chronic injuries all at home using minimal equipment.
Take care and good luck!

Getting Clear On Your Fitness Goals

Everyone has fitness goals that are important to them. Sometimes, if we aren't clear on exactly what those goals are, we won't see the results. I'm an extremely goal oriented person, and these are some quick simple tips on getting focused and clear on your goals.
First off, it's important to know exactly what we want and whether it's realistic. Having an unrealistic goal in fitness can be extremely disappointing when we don't get any results, or the results we are wanting. I see people all the time jump from one fad to the next, and never really achieving what they set out to achieve. Trying out the newest and the latest may not help you with your goals, and it may even set you backwards.
If your goal is weight loss, exactly how much weight do you want to lose? Also realize that it is important to gain muscle. Muscle weighs more than body fat does, so, you may want to find out from your local certified personal trainer what is realistic and what is the healthiest goal for you. Muscle burns more body fat even at rest. Don't worry ladies, you won't get bulky!!
So, if your goal is weight loss, or even weight gain, it is important to set little goals. For instance, let's say you wanted to lose 50 pounds, and it's a realistic goal. Realistic meaning that you don't want to lose 50 pounds in 30 days. They say healthy weight loss is 2 pounds a week. So, a healthy goal would be 50 pounds in 25 weeks. Start setting monthly goals. So your goal for the first month would be 8 pounds of weight loss.
Other goals may be, "I want to do a full push up." Or, "I want to be able to jog an entire mile in 15 minutes." These goals can really help your weight loss, because you are focused on achieving other things. It can make your time in the gym a lot more fun, because you are constantly working towards another goal.
Also, make sure to celebrate each and every goal. Even the super little ones! Every win counts! (I don't mean celebrate with bad food and drinks.) I mean dance, jump up and down, call a friend and let them know what you achieved! Celebrate! This also helps you by having your friends and family hold you accountable for your fitness goals!
For free video examples of the latest core workouts and core exercises, go to Core Workout Routines

Lean Body Workout - Get Ripped Fast

If you're trying to get ripped fast, you'll need to follow an appropriate lean body workout routine. Simply put, you need to design a workout plan that will produce the specific "lean body results" you desire, in the shortest amount of time possible.
Don't waste your time with cookie-cutter routines that you see other gym-goers doing. Instead, hone in on your ideal body by taking some time to build the most suitable exercise regimen. Here are some tips that will take your workouts from average to top-notch, with the ultimate goal of carving out an impressive lean physique:
Lean Body Workout Tip 1:
Intensity is far superior to duration when it comes to losing fat, building lean muscle and getting ripped fast. Shorten the length of your workouts - both weight training and cardio sessions - and up the effort level to see more immediate and specific changes.
Lean Body Workout Tip 2:
Metabolic weight training sessions are the king of the cage if your number one goal is to boost metabolism, burn through stubborn stomach fat and transform into a hard body. Focus on exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and use heavy weights with low to moderate rep ranges. Stack these exercises back-to-back with no rest to form a highly metabolic circuit workout. This creates a significant "afterburn" effect that burns off additional body fat over the next 12-72 hours.
Lean Body Workout Tip 3:
Perform intense interval cardio sessions on non-weight training days or after your strength training routines. I also recommend getting away from traditional cardio workouts, such as jogging for 45-minutes on a treadmill, and substituting this with weight bearing activities. By working multiple muscle groups in your cardio sessions, this gives us even more mechanisms by which to burn fat and get ripped faster. Remember, muscle repair is a huge contributor to the afterburn effect and more lean muscle results in a higher resting metabolic rate.
Try this sample Lean Body Workout:
---> 5-minute dynamic stretching warm-up to "turn on" muscle fibers
---> Then perform the following weight training exercises back-to-back, without rest, for 9 repetitions:
---> Dumbbell front squats, dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell bent over rows, dumbbell push-presses, 45-degree alternating lunges holding dumbbells
---> This is one circuit. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 circuits (or less, depending on your current level of fitness).
---> After finishing all circuits, rest 90 seconds and complete the following metabolism-revving body weight exercises for 20 seconds each (perform one circuit, doing each body weight exercise back-to-back, as explosively as possible):
---> Explosive push-ups, squat jumps, burpees, shadow boxing, split squat jumps
This workout is extremely challenging and is not the typical, generic routine you'd normally see people doing at your local gym. Because it's more tailored to a certain look (the lean body look), the results will be much more prompt and prominent.
Please consult a professional if you are unsure as to the proper form for any of these advanced exercises.
Dr. Brad Campbell PharmD, CFT, is an International Fat Loss Coach who's helped thousands of people around the world to sculpt a lean body. He recommends using the following resources to get ripped fast:
---> Lean Body Nutrition Program: Xtreme Fat Loss Diet []
---> Get Shredded Fast: Workouts to Get Ripped []

Getting Back Your Weight Loss Motivation

When you are trying to lose weight, you may end up losing the motivation you need to keep going. Because of this it is important that you know what to do in order to get back on the weight loss track before you find yourself completely derailed.
One of the first things you need to do in order to regain your weight loss motivation is to remember the reasons why you wanted to lose weight to begin with. Did you want to fit into your wedding dress? Was there a reunion or someone special that you anticipated seeing? Whatever the reason may be, it is the driving force behind your weight loss and can help you get your motivation back.
Along with this, think of all of the positive aspects of losing weight. If you lose weight, you will be able to perform recreational activities better, such as walking, swimming and running. Being overweight or obese can prevent you from doing these things and in turn, keep you locked in a very boring life.
If you haven't yet done this, take a picture of yourself so that you can look at it during the weight loss process. When you feel like giving up, you can look at your picture to help remind yourself that this is what you will look like again if you do not get back on track. Do you want to be the same person six months down the road? Or how about in a year or two when you look back at yourself, will you be the same, bigger, or instead, hopefully smaller? People are visual, and this can be a powerful motivator.
Another motivation is to look in the mirror and picture a thinner version of yourself. By thinking of how great you would look if you were slimmer, you will be surprised at how quickly and how strongly you will want to continue with your weight loss regimen. Just don't use this inward thinner picture of yourself as a reason to cheat a little bit now. Your endurance will pay off in the long run.
If the above don't work, use others inspirational weight loss stories to help you get started. When you see how good someone else looks after having lost an extreme amount of weight, it will make you want to be in their shoes. You can read the stories of others online or even go to a weight loss support group.
If exercise boredom is a reason for your lack of motivation, switch up your whole weight loss routine. Many people lose their motivation because they are always doing the same exercises. Changing your exercises can make all the difference. For instance, if you are always on the exercise bike, you may want to switch to the treadmill. Or better yet, find some good trails to explore outside, and watch a whole new world open up!
Exercise is not the only thing that can become boring when working on your weight loss goals. Eating the same food day in and day out can begin to weigh down your motivation. If this is the case, find some new and healthful recipes. They are not all that difficult to find, as cookbooks and the internet are both great places to find new and tasty recipes. The added benefit is that many of these recipes are also quite easy to prepare.
Losing weight is not easy, which is why so many people lose the motivation to do it. But now, with the help of these tips, you have all that it takes in order to get your drive back to lose weight and become healthier both now and in the future.
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S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

Getting Rid of Belly Fat

Let's be honest, there's only one man in the world who can get away with having a belly that shakes like a bowl full of jelly and chances are, you're not him. Belly fat on men is one of the most unattractive looks, but beyond the aesthetics, belly fat is also a leading indicator of heart disease. If you want to lose fat around your waist for not only the way you look but for your health here are a few weight loss tips for men.
Muscle burns more calories naturally than fat, so developing long lean muscles is a key to weight loss around the belly. This doesn't mean doing hundreds of sit ups, in fact, while sit ups can increase the density of abdominal muscles they have very little to do with weight loss around the stomach. You would be better served developing larger muscle groups like the back and chest through pushups and pull ups. The larger muscle groups will burn more calories naturally, which will burn the fat around your belly. Next you need to increase cardio.
Increasing cardio can be easily accomplished even as you watch your favorite show on television. It's simple, just stand up and shadowbox every time the show is on. During the commercials, perform squats using your body weight as resistance. You will be shooting for high repetitions which will build lean muscle mass. The fact that you add movement to an ordinarily sedentary lifestyle will increase the amount of calories you expend which in turn will burn fat.
In addition to adding cardio exercise to your daily routine and building muscle density in large muscle groups you can use supplementation to decrease fat. There are several fruits acting as weight loss supplements, some of them have formulas that have been created with men in mind, for example Acai Berry can help you burn fat and live a healthier life. Acai berry has natural health properties that can help you look and feel younger, and help develop a lean waistline.
Studies have shown that every man needs to decrease the size of his waist, if it's larger around than the length of his inseam. So if you wear a 36 x 32 size jeans, you've just found your weight loss goal. You need to be a 32 x 32 or better a 30 x 32 size. The chance for heart disease increases with each additional inch around the belly. Higher levels of belly fat means better chance of a heart attack. Your best protection is to build lean muscle mass and decrease fat through increased cardio and supplementing with acai berry.
Note: there's been plenty of clinical research done proving the effectiveness of acai berry supplements for men. Men who are constantly stressed about how to lose weight quickly should consume this natural product.
Hector Milla runs the Acai Berry For Men website - where you can get a free 14 day trial offer at little cost. Just S/H.

Weight Loss - How I Went From 340 to 199 Pounds, Part 1

I spent two years losing over 140 pounds the old fashioned way: proper diet and exercise. No fads. No pills. No surgery. No crazy machines. I was 30 years old and 340 pounds. With a history of heart disease and obesity in my family, I decided it was time to shed the pounds.
Almost every day I get people I haven't seen in years coming up to me saying "Wow! You look great!" and then the next question... "What have you been doing?" That's why I wrote this article.
Now, of course, as a general disclaimer, I have to say that the tips I'm sharing with you here are just from my own personal experience. I'm not a professional health expert - although over the past couple of years I've read dozens of books, and hundreds of articles on nutrition, exercise, and weight lifting. I'm not a doctor. You should, of course, seek your own doctor's advice before starting any kind of a weight-loss or exercise plan. I firmly believe that with the right diet and proper exercise, almost anyone should be able to lose weight and get fit safely.
Tip 1. It's All About Calories
First, the bad news. Weight gain and loss is directly tied to the amount of calories you eat versus the calories you expend through exercise. What's a calorie?
A calorie is a unit of heat energy. Specifically, it's the amount of heat energy required to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. How this relates to your body is that when you eat food, the food molecules are broken down chemically and that energy is either used by your body to perform work (like building muscle, or constructing new cells) or is stored (as fat). If you take in more calories than you burn, you will start to get fat.
Now, in the world of calories, it takes 3500 calories to equal one pound of body weight. So, if you take in an extra 3500 calories in your diet this week without exercising, congratulations... you've just gained one pound (probably all body fat). The good news is that you can lose one pound of fat by either removing 3500 calories from your diet, or adding 3500 calories of exercise to your weekly schedule, or a combination of the two.
What's 3500 calories? It's actually not much if you're eating the wrong kinds of food. You can consume 3500 calories in one meal if you eat two Double Whoppers (1010 calories each), a King Size order of french fries (590), a King Size onion rings (600), and a chocolate shake (440). Don't laugh... this is what I used to eat for dinner if my family went to Burger King... or something similarly outrageous.
So the bottom line here is that if you want to lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit. That means you have to burn off more calories than you eat. You had to eat more calories than you burned to get fat... now you have to reduce the calories to get lean. It's that simple. In order to know how many calories you're taking in and burning off, you need to write them down.
Tip 2. Eat Frequently Throughout the Day
Think of your body as a furnace. You want your furnace to burn fuel as efficiently as possible. In order for that to happen, you need to let it burn hot and steady throughout the day.
You need to stoke your fire often to keep it burning. Keep your metabolism running all day long by eating every 3 to 4 hours. My personal tip: I eat on hours evenly divisible by 3. That means breakfast at 9am (if I'm up that early), lunch at noon, a snack at 3pm, dinner at 6pm, a snack at 9pm, and if I'm still up another snack at midnight.
Now, I personally work late (I usually get most of my "real work" done between the hours of 10pm and 2am) but if you need to eat at different hours, that's fine... Just take the total number of calories you're going to eat throughout the day and divvy them up into 3-hour intervals. Keep that fire stoked! If you can't take a break at work to eat every 3 hours, bring a protein bar with you.
If you skip breakfast, then you're extremely hungry by the time lunch comes around. Skip lunch, and you're more likely to gorge yourself at dinner. Why? Your body is saying, "Hey! I need food badly!" If you feed yourself often, throughout the day, your body doesn't go into shock, and you won't get those wild cravings and hunger pangs when it's time to eat.
Tip 3. Start a Food & Exercise Journal
Don't just dismiss this section. I did! The first couple of times I read about doing this in fitness and weight-loss books, I said to myself, "I don't have the time to do this." But you know what - it really works!
I cannot stress how important it is to write everything down that you eat. All you need is a little notebook. Make four columns: what you ate, how much of it you ate, how many calories were in it, and what time of the day you ate it. It's that simple. Also write down any exercise or other activities that are more strenuous than just sitting around.
Taking the time to recognize what you're eating is the first step to losing weight. A lot of people truly don't realize how much crap they're eating. When I first started doing this - and writing down everything I was eating - it really opened my eyes to the volumes of junk food I was eating before. I was a slave to cookies, chocolate, chicken wings, and pizza. When I first took the time to look up the fact that a chicken wing has 150 calories in it (yes, one wing), I was astounded. I used to eat 20 wings and 2 or 3 slices of pizza for dinner.
Now you can get yourself one of those little calorie counter booklets from your favorite book store. Sometimes you'll even see them in the grocery store. They're invaluable. Once you get to know the foods you eat on a regular basis, keeping track of what you eat is really quite simple. You will gain a better appreciation for what you're putting in your body.
So please, please, please, take my advice and journal everything you eat. You do NOT have to do this for the rest of your life... just until you hit your goal weight. By that time, you'll be able to keep a good mental track of what you're eating, and you'll be more aware of what you should eat, and how much exercise you should be getting every week.
Also, you do not have to obsess over every little calorie! Counting your calories can be as detailed as you like. If you want to track every last celery stick, by all means do so. However, you can just round your calories off to the nearest 10, or 20. Don't worry whether or not something contains 24 or 26 calories. In the end, it doesn't make that much of a difference... but whether something has 100 or 200 calories does.
The important thing... and I cannot stress this enough... is write everything down!
Tip 4. Eat The Right Amount of Calories
We're not going to starve ourselves! In fact, proper weight loss is best accomplished by eating more frequently than you're probably used to! Let me say that again: you're going to eat more food than you are right now. You're going to eat better food, more often, but at a lower calorie intake. If you're like I used to be, you're probably skipping breakfast. This means that when lunchtime comes around, you're starving, so you probably overeat the wrong kinds of food (like pizza, wings, Chinese, etc.) for lunch - and I'll bet it's fast food or takeout. Then, you don't eat anything again for six to eight hours, and pack in a monster dinner.
Now here's what happens: your body isn't getting any food first thing in the morning, so your metabolism isn't getting started. Your "calorie-burning fire" doesn't get started in the morning, so you're not really burning as many calories as you should be. Also, your body is saying, "uh, oh - I'm not getting any food. I better hold on to whatever body fat I can because we're starving!" This is bad. If you don't eat enough food, often enough, your body will basically go into starvation mode and hang on to whatever body fat it can.
The key to unlocking your stored fat is to feed yourself enough good food so that your body doesn't need to store any additional fat, while at the same time getting plenty of exercise and strength training to burn whatever fat you currently have and build muscle.
There are a bunch of factors that go into calculating metabolic rates and all that jazz, but you can use this chart as a basic measurement of how many calories you should be eating as part of your weight-loss diet. Notice it's based on your current weight and your gender. Women need fewer calories then do men. Also, if you're a smaller person, you need less energy than a larger person. Use this chart to determine how many calories you should be eating on a daily basis.
Under 130: 1000 Calories
130-150: 1200 Calories
151-200: 1400 Calories
201-250: 1600 Calories
251-300: 1800 Calories
301-350: 2000 Calories
351-400: 2200 Calories
Under 130: 1200 Calories
130-150: 1400 Calories
151-200: 1600 Calories
201-250: 1800 Calories
251-300: 2000 Calories
301-350: 2200 Calories
351-400: 2400 Calories
Now here's something that's vitally important... you want to make sure you get enough calories every day, otherwise your body will go into "starvation" mode. You want to make sure that you eat your meals at least four times a day to keep your metabolism running. If you don't eat, your body will go into starvation mode. It will realize that it's not getting enough food, and will hold on to body fat. It's important to get enough calories spaced throughout the day to keep your fire stoked. Don't think that by starving yourself you're going to lose weight. It will be the wrong kind of weight. Remember, your body will eat it's own muscle tissue first before burning fat if it doesn't have enough protein.
Tip 5. Send Yourself to Boot Camp
Now, if you want to jump start your body on its way to fast weight loss, here's what you're going to do. Ignore the charts above, and drop yourself right down to a 1000-calorie-per-day diet immediately. In addition, make sure you get at least 15 minutes of walking (or some other easy, basic, extra exercise) in every day as well.
You will do this for exactly two weeks... no more... no less. Then, you will go back to eating the normal amount of calories as indicated on the chart above.
It's not going to be easy. You won't be able to eat any junk food for these first two weeks. You can, however, eat plenty of good foods - chicken, salads, whole grain breads, etc. It won't be easy, but once you get through it, you'll be able to add lots of calories back in to your diet, and feel more normal again... in fact, after eating only 1000 calories for two weeks, you'll probably have a hard time bringing yourself back up to 2000 calories (or whatever you should be at).
Here's why this works: dropping your calorie intake down to 1000 calories will shock your body into new eating habits. You will cleanse your body of toxins (like those monster grease burgers you've been eating) and get some good, healthy food in you. You will notice weight loss after the first couple of days, but you'll be keeping your energy up by eating good foods at regular intervals. You can stop any cravings you're having with water, or add some extra veggies in there - you can eat just about as much green vegetables as you want.
Tip 6. Don't Think "Fat Free" Means "Calorie Free"
Everywhere you look, it seems that "low fat" foods abound. While there are certain low-fat or no-fat foods that we are going to eat, you don't want to restrict yourself to a totally no-fat diet. There are certain fats that are good fats, and other that are bad fats. We're going to want to eat good fats because they are necessary for proper health. Bad fats, however, will make you fat.
There are tons of fad "no-fat" diets out there that have promoted the whole "low-fat" mentality. What's happened? People are still continuing to get fat eating "fat-free" foods. They eat fat-free cookies, fat-free chips, and fat-free dairy products, yet they keep getting fatter. Why? Many fat-free foods have nearly as many calories as their full-fat versions.
Now, you start eating "fat free" potato chips thinking to yourself that you can splurge... hey, why not? They're "fat free." Well, you still load on the calories with fat-free potato chips. It's the calories that make you fat. In fact, when food manufacturers remove fat from their products, often times they replace the fat with sugar to improve the taste. Guess what... by adding sugar, they're bringing the calorie count almost back up to where the full-fat product was.
We need fat. Fat forms lining of the cell membranes in almost every cell of our bodies. Your brain is composed primarily of fat. If you don't eat enough of the right kinds of fat, your brain will not get the proper nutrition to function. Eating too little fat can also reduce your testosterone levels (equally important for women as for men).
Tip 7. Know Your Fats
Saturated Fats are bad for you. They are found mostly in beef, milk, cheese, deli meats, butter, and some tropical oils. Saturated fats increase your risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and obesity. Avoid or minimize saturated fat intake. Try to eat low-fat meats like chicken and turkey without the skin, and reduced-fat dairy products. If you're eating red mean, get the lowest-fat, leanest meat you can.
Trans Fats are saturated fats that are extremely bad for you. You should completely eliminate all foods with trans fats in them from your diet. These types of unnatural fats are created during food manufacturing processes such as the hydrogenation of vegetable oil. They are usually found in pastries, buns, chips, doughnuts, shortening, and other such foods. If the label says "trans fat" put that product back on the shelf. If the ingredients of any product say "partially hydrogenated" anywhere on it - put it back. One example: margarine! It's evil. It's loaded with trans-fatty acids. Avoid it at all costs. Also avoid vegetable shortening, commercial pasties, deep-fried food, and most prepared snacks, mixes, and convenience foods.
Studies have shown that saturated and trans fats are actually addictive and make you want to eat more. They have also been linked to all kinds of health problems from cancer and heart disease to diabetes.
Unsaturated Fats, on the other hand, are generally good for you. These types of fats are usually found in nuts, seeds, fish, and grains. Mono-unsaturated fats, such as the types found in olive and canola oil, will actually protect your cardiovascular system from disease. These are the types of fats we're going to load into our diet.
- Good fats: almonds, avocado, cashews, flax oil, olive oil, olives, peanut butter, peanuts, fresh fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna)
- Bad fats: butter, coconut, corn oil, cream cheese, half-and-half, lard, mayonnaise, shortening, sour cream
Keep in mind that you need fats in your diet, but even the good fats listed above have a good amount of calories in them - so take it easy! A tablespoon of olive oil, for example, as 100 calories. Almonds (which I love to snack on) have 6 calories a piece. Nuts are a great, healthy-fat snack - but just make sure to take a small handful not the whole bag!
Tip 8. Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet
Omega fats are unsaturated fats that are not only good for you, but they're essential for your health. Your body cannot create these fats, so you must get them totally from your diet. Omega fats are helpful for many reasons, plus they are necessary for normal cell growth and development.
First, Omega fats are an excellent appetite suppressant. Part of the reason why people binge on "fat-free" foods is because fat is what makes your stomach "feel full." If you aren't eating any fat in your meal, your stomach never tells your brain that you're full. Add a little good fat to your meal, and you'll feel full with less food.
Eating Omega fats helps your body to unlock stored fat so that you can use it for energy. Omega fat balances your body's ratio of insulin to glucagon. When you eat sugary foods, your body releases insulin to remove the excess sugar from your system. If you do this too often, the insulin will block the hormone glucagon - which is another hormone that functions to help your body burn fat. Too much sugar = too much insulin = not enough glucagon = little fat burning. Plus, you are at risk for diabetes. Omega fats help to balance this ratio.
Omega fats help to boost your body's metabolic rate. This also helps you to burn more calories. Omega fats are the building blocks of your cells. Your cell membranes consist of Omega fats. Since they cannot be created by the body, you must get them from your diet.
A specific fat, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, is obtained from flax seeds or flax seed oil. This will be the primary fat that we'll add to our meals. You can use it on salads and in breads, add it to soups and yogurt. Don't cook with it, however, as the heat will change it's chemical properties. You will also find good doses of Omega 3 in most seafood, green leavy vegetables, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), walnuts, olive, and canola oil.
Have fish for dinner at least twice a week - and I don't mean your beer-battered, fried haddock that the local pub serves on Fridays. Pick a fish like salmon, tuna, or mackerel. Bake or grill them - don't fry them. They have very high concentrations of Omega 3 fatty acids in them. Add flax oil to your salads instead of fatty dressings. Snack on walnuts or almonds instead of cookies and chocolate. You will feel full sooner, and you'll be adding essential fatty acids to your diet to help burn calories!
Tip 9. Get Plenty of Protein
Proteins are the building blocks for your body. You need to eat lots of protein for your body to build, repair, and maintain your muscle and other lean tissues. If you don't eat enough protein, your body will break down muscle tissue, which is bad, to maintain itself. As a result, your metabolism will slow, and you won't burn body fat. Unlike fat or glucose, there's nowhere in our bodies to store protein (aside from building muscle tissue) so you have to get a lot from your diet.
How much protein should you eat? Most people should eat about 0.4 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be eating between 80 and 160 grams of protein per day. This isn't hard to do. Eat two eggs for breakfast, and an 8-ounce serving of chicken for dinner, and you're at 60 grams of protein right there.
What kinds of protein should you eat? I like fish, chicken (white meat), turkey (white meat), soy products, beans, legumes, and eggs (whites only - yokes have a lot of fat). Soy products are a great source of protein... once you get used to the taste. I have totally switched from regular milk to soy milk. It has all the calcium, much less of the saturated fat, and none of the cholesterol of normal milk (even skim milk!)
Eat fish twice a week, chicken twice a week, turkey once a week, a vegetarian meal once a week, and then on that seventh day, go ahead and splurge with the pork or beef... just take it easy. Just make sure you choose lean sirloin cuts. Trim off any fat. Beef has a lot of saturated fat in it (it's marbled throughout the meat so you can't just cut it off). Beef is the worst meat for you - as compared to the other popular meats.
- Good protein: beans (any kind), eggs (preferably whites - yolks have a lot of fat), chicken (white meat, no skin), turkey (white meat, no skin), salmon (preferably not farmed), tuna (packed in water, not oil), mahi mahi, any shellfish, any soy products.
- Bad protein: bacon, ham, hot dogs, beef, pork, lamb, veal.
In part 2 of this article, you'll read about nine more tips to lose weight.
Richard Rost is President of 599CD Computer Training and Ricks Weight Loss