Getting Clear On Your Fitness Goals

Everyone has fitness goals that are important to them. Sometimes, if we aren't clear on exactly what those goals are, we won't see the results. I'm an extremely goal oriented person, and these are some quick simple tips on getting focused and clear on your goals.
First off, it's important to know exactly what we want and whether it's realistic. Having an unrealistic goal in fitness can be extremely disappointing when we don't get any results, or the results we are wanting. I see people all the time jump from one fad to the next, and never really achieving what they set out to achieve. Trying out the newest and the latest may not help you with your goals, and it may even set you backwards.
If your goal is weight loss, exactly how much weight do you want to lose? Also realize that it is important to gain muscle. Muscle weighs more than body fat does, so, you may want to find out from your local certified personal trainer what is realistic and what is the healthiest goal for you. Muscle burns more body fat even at rest. Don't worry ladies, you won't get bulky!!
So, if your goal is weight loss, or even weight gain, it is important to set little goals. For instance, let's say you wanted to lose 50 pounds, and it's a realistic goal. Realistic meaning that you don't want to lose 50 pounds in 30 days. They say healthy weight loss is 2 pounds a week. So, a healthy goal would be 50 pounds in 25 weeks. Start setting monthly goals. So your goal for the first month would be 8 pounds of weight loss.
Other goals may be, "I want to do a full push up." Or, "I want to be able to jog an entire mile in 15 minutes." These goals can really help your weight loss, because you are focused on achieving other things. It can make your time in the gym a lot more fun, because you are constantly working towards another goal.
Also, make sure to celebrate each and every goal. Even the super little ones! Every win counts! (I don't mean celebrate with bad food and drinks.) I mean dance, jump up and down, call a friend and let them know what you achieved! Celebrate! This also helps you by having your friends and family hold you accountable for your fitness goals!
For free video examples of the latest core workouts and core exercises, go to Core Workout Routines

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