Deep Wants Help You Lose Weight - What Are They?

Figure out what you really want. Name it, write down on paper the reasons for the desire, and let it flow freely without thinking....just write it down. When you can't write anymore reasons; read all that you have written and pick the best reason.
Keep in mind that the search is for your deepest want. It is understood that you want to lose weight; think about it in more specific terms. We are not suggesting you pick the pounds you want to weigh. What is the ultimate picture you have in your mind when you think about losing weight? What activity do you see yourself, in your mind, performing after losing weight? What do you want to hear your friends say about your new trim look?
Is it that you want to look sexier?
Is it that you have a new boy/girl friend and your weight is an embarrassment? So thinner would get rid of the embarrassment and give you more confidence.
Is it that you have an event to attend to see people you have not seen in some time and you want to lose the extra weight gained since you last saw your friends?
A deep emotional connection between your happiness and the want must be made. This connection will be the motivation to see you through losing weight.
If you were not moved emotionally as you think about your best deep want, you did not dig deep enough. Try again - think about the real reason for losing the weight. It may be your deepest, darkest secret that only you know about, but the connection must be made emotionally for success.
Now use this "want" to motivate you to take action on weight loss planning and activities. If you get distracted pull out your list. Re-read and think about the main deep reason you want to be thinner.
Some successful people who have lost weight with this method transfer that deep want into pictures that can be seen. Find pictures which represent your deep desire - put them up everywhere around you. This helps you stay focused on that deep want.
Only through information can we find solutions that are specific to us. A free source of information to help you in your weight management is this free video. This information is specific, well researched with documented results. This will help you solve your over weight problem. Click here:

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