How Can I Achieve My Health and Fitness Goals?

Are you as healthy as you would like to be? The chances are that you are not as healthy as you would like to be based on the most recent statistics. These show that millions of people are not as healthy as they should be with two out of every three people now classified as being overweight. Plus, today's generation is less healthy than the previous one. How does this affect people? It is reflected in people experiencing a continual lack of energy, feeling extremely tired or exhausted after a little exercise or suffering from an inability to concentrate for extended periods of time. Very often there is little that your doctor can do for you because there is no specific problem or underlying cause to treat.
Often people reach a point when they have had enough and decide that they must do something about their situation. But, unless they reach this trigger point they normally continue to accept the situation. However, many people who do want to improve their health give up before they achieve the results they wanted. So, if you really want to improve your health what should you do? What is the best way to guarantee success?
Firstly is there a medical problem for your lack of fitness and health? If it is not something that you need to consult a doctor, then the first thing you need to do is accept personal responsibility for your health. This can be difficult in a world that often refuses to accept individual responsibility and looks for someone or something to blame. If you are looking to excuse your responsibility and find yourself trying to push the blame onto others you are very unlikely to achieve the health you desire.
If you are unfit it is probably caused by your life style. Once you accept responsibility for this you can then take responsibility for solving the problem. You can then start taking the required steps towards achieving your health goals.
When you think about your health goals, the first principle is to know exactly what it is you want to achieve. It has to be a specific target. You can't have a general goal of being a little bit healthier. It's too vague and you will never be sure if you reach it. Plus, at a later date you can cheat and convince yourself you are a bit better or a bit healthier.
Then, when you have selected something specific, write it down. Write it on a small card or piece of paper that you can easily carry in your bag or wallet. Every day read it two or three times a day. Continually, remind yourself about your goal.
When you write out your goal make sure that you phrase it in a positive way. Don't focus on any negativity. Your goal should be the thing that you want and not on what you don't want to have. Don't have goals that talk about having less of a problem or even about eliminating a problem. Rather, focus on a completely positive outcome.
The next way to set your goal is to write it in the present tense. Write your health goal as if you have already achieved your goal. Make "I am" statements not "I will be" statements. This is an important psychological technique and increases your chance of success.
You can make the statements even more powerful by imagining how you will feel when you achieve it. So, when you read out your goal every day, try to imagine how you will feel. Use all your senses when you do this. This is an important test of how important your health goal is. If you do not feel brilliant when you are imagining having achieved your goal it suggests that the health goal you have set is not that important to you. If it is not important then you are unlikely to take the necessary action to achieve it. Your focus and priorities will move onto something new.
It's important that you have a written goal but you need to start to take some action. A health goal will normally require a change in diet and an exercise element. So, make sure that you have a plan that you are happy with and that, with effort, will help you achieve your goal.
Becoming healthy is not something that you can expect to achieve overnight. This process is much more like a marathon than a sprint so there is no need to overdo things in the first week. Be realistic and do not expect an amazing change after only a week.
It is always encouraging if you can find someone else who is as committed to achieving this as you. You will be able to help each other.
To learn about an exciting way in which a change in your diet can play a vital part in becoming healthier follow the link below.
Changing what you eat can have a tremendously beneficial effect on your health and fitness. To discover how you can easily help yourself boost your health visit

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