Weight Management and Childhood Obesity in USA

Although the single gene gluttony is not the only cause of children obesity no, not by a long short other factors such as when intake of calories exceeds calories burned by the body, this net positive energy is stored as fat, resulting in weight gain and potential obesity. Likewise, when there is a net negative calorie balance this result in weight loss. The most common causes of obesity are overeating and lack of physical activity. At present, we know that there are many factors that contribute to obesity (such as genetics, overeating, slow metabolism, physical inactivity, medications, psychological factors and certain diseases), some of which have a genetic component.
Weight management provides the general public, health professionals, the media and Congress with up-to-date, science-based information on weight control, obesity, physical activity and related nutritional issues. Considering the news media's potential influence on people's health in the United States of America and the world over, a group of professionals in the field of obesity and eating disorders are currently planning on conducting a worldwide seminar about this rising global problems of obesity and eating disorders. A nationwide campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity by providing schools, parents, and communities with tools to help kids be active, eat better, and get healthy is also another program introduced to assist in the weight management effort in our nation.
With the large volume of recent scientific research on these conditions, and the increasing number of public health policies directed at their prevention, significant new information concerning obesity and eating disorders is emerging with great frequency. Only a small selection of this new information, however, crosses from the science and policy realms into the public sphere.
In a world where obesity-increasingly occurring in children and teenagers--is more prevalent than ever, the need to be educated about weight management is one of the most important concerns all people should have about their health. Therefore, effective weight management is crucial for glycaemic control in overweight and obese children and young adult as well as the more matured adults. Overweight and obesity are both major national problems because weight management and child obesity is a century old issue that up until today is yet to be solved but with the large volume of recent scientific research on these conditions, and the increasing number of public health policies directed at their prevention, significant new information concerning obesity and eating disorders is emerging with great frequency and based on all this effort the battle is not lost yet.
I am a naturalized American citizen living in Atlanta Ga U.S.A.

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