Can Armour Thyroid Really Help in Losing Weight?

If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, losing weight can become extremely tricky and difficult. You might be wondering, what has thyroid gland to do with weight gain or weight loss. You will be surprised to know that basically it is our thyroid gland which regulates the major metabolic functions of our body. Metabolism definition in simple terms is thus the rate at which our body breaks down food and utilizes nutrients for energy and other processes.
While, it is easy to lose or gain weight when your thyroid gland is functioning normally, just by training your metabolic system for the same, in case you are suffering from some sort of thyroid disorder like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, losing or gaining weight becomes highly difficult without thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Before, we understand what is thyroid hormone replacement therapy and how it can help in losing weight, lets first understand about hypothyroidism symptoms and treatment. Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland when thyroid either completely stops its production of hormones or releases too less thyroid hormones for the efficient and proper functioning of the thyroid gland resulting in sluggish metabolism.
The various symptoms of hypothyroidism are dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, loss of concentration, depression etc. So, in case apart from your weight gain, you are also suffering from any of these afore mentioned hypothyroidism symptoms, you must seek proper hypothyroidism treatment to help get rid of excessive weight and discomforting symptoms.
While, thyroid hormone replacement therapy is the most often prescribed treatment for hypothyroidism, it is generally of two types, synthetic hormone replacement therapy and natural supplements. Although, natural supplements like armour thyroid are better over the synthetic thyroid hormone medicines like synthroid owing to the latter's side effects, sometimes the doctor may prescribe a combination of the two treatments depending on the individual condition.
However, if your main concern is to lose weight, natural supplements like armour thyroid along with proper diet and exercise regimen prove to be the best treatment for weight loss and thyroid disorder. Armour thyroid is made from the descicated pig's hormone and is completely free from any dangerous side effect as compared to synthetic hormones.
Moreover, this thyroid supplement for weight loss contains both the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 unlike the synthetic thyroid supplements, which contain only the hormone T4. This makes armour thyroid all the more effective for weight loss apart from treating hypothyroism naturally and efficiently.
Hi I am Deep a doing research on antiaging related topics and likes to write articles on Gerovital H3, deprenyl, Naltrexone, Human Growth Hormones, natural thyroid supplements & Sermorelin benefits, pregnenolone supplement.

1 comment:

  1. Found this through twitter. I made the switch to Armour Thyroid after many years of using Synthroid (synthetic hormone that's only T4) and my body just wasn't able to convert it into T3. I was only 13 years old and my hair was falling out, my metabolism was that of a 80 year old man. When I switched to the Armour Thyroid (dessicated thyroid) a few weeks there was an immediate change in mental behavior, my metabolism started to function properly.

    I cannot state enough how much of a difference this has made for me!
