How To Beat Weight When You Quit Smoking

A lot of smokers know that smoking stifles the appetite and may assist with weight loss or weight maintenance. It is precisely for this reason that a lot of image-conscious smokers carry on smoking, even though they do wish to quit. But, is it a given that if one quits smoking one would gain weight? Absolutely not. Not everyone who stops smoking will gain weight. Even those who have the propensity to bulge don't have to, either. There are ways to quit smoking and not gain weight.
Besides the fact that nicotine boosts the appetite, and therefore stopping it decreases the appetite, that's not the only reason why some ex-smokers put on a few pounds. When some people kick the habit they just substitute it eating for smoking. So, there you go. All is not as bad as it initially seems, at face value. There are things you can do to ensure successfully quitting and keeping your body.
Drinking plenty of water has long been known to be one way to help keep your weight in check. For a start, water is calorie-free, and sips of water with meals may help fill you up quicker, and averts overeating. Hydration also helps re-condition the skin after all the damage from smoking.
Healthy eating
Eating healthy, not just for ex-smokers, is an excellent way of getting sufficient nutrients into your body, without piling on the unwanted ponds. If one watched one's snacking habits and chose healthier snack options over the sugary and fatty versions, half the battle is won. Fruits and vegetables make very good snacks, as they generally are nutrient rich, with few calories. One good tip is to have numerous smaller meals rather than, say three large meals. This is the mainstay of a lot of weight loss programs.
Increase physical activity
Physical activity will help to burn up the extra unneeded calories, thereby maintaining your weight, or even aiding weight loss. This goes hand in hand with healthy eating. After all, they do say that the most sure way to trim the fat is to eat less and move more. After quitting smoking your lung function and health will improve, further increasing your capacity for exercise. The more physical activity you do the more calories you burn. Increasing physical activity does not mean joining the gym. Simple activities like walking, jogging, swimming and dancing work wonders in controlling weight gain.
Avoid habits conducive to weight gain
Don't fall into the trap of getting rid of one bad habit and replacing it with another. One problem that ex-smokers may face is boredom and comfort eating, which often involves eating the wrong kinds of foods. For example, some people indulge in chocolate or junk food, which ultimately lead to weight gain. other habits to avoid include spending countless sedentary hours playing video games. Spend more time doing things conducive to good general well-being.
From the above discussion, it is quite obvious that it is not the lack of nicotine, per se, which leads to weight problems. Did you know that there are a lot of overweight, nicotine-inhaling smokers out there? I bet you know someone who smokes, but still struggles with their weight. Smoking is, therefore, not the answer to the bulge. Healthy living is. You can quit smoking and not pile on the pounds. Take action and stay smoke-free, with the many ways to quit smoking.
For some more tips and ways to quit smoking without gaining weight, please visit

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