Raw Food Weight Loss Success Stories

The raw food diet has helped people enduring the worst of health problems slim down quick. Simply eating the excellent foods mother nature designed for you will trim your waist line naturally - And might just eliminate all your other health problems along the way.
Results are rapid and outstanding.
Dave - "the raw food trucker"
In 2008, Dave weighted over 430 pounds and felt - literally - "like he was dying." Dave had been suffering the rough side-effects of the (S.A.D.) Standard American Diet for years. Diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, failing kidneys, high blood pressure are just a few of the horrible ailments he endured after a life of poor eating. He was taking over 25 medications to cover up the health problems of his obesity.
But only 4 days after starting a raw living diet, Dave was able to stop taking those medications doctors told him he needed to survive. He immediately experienced a greater level of energy and expressed that his depression was simply floating away.
Fast forward to 2010, Dave had lost over 230 pounds on the raw diet. The abundance of nutrition in natural foods also cured his cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Today he rests at an ideal male weight of about 180 pounds.
Dave is wonderful testament to how easy the raw food diet is. He consumes his healthy dose of fresh living foods while trucking extreme distances.
Angela Stokes - "deflated like a balloon"
Angela is another individual who had fallen victim to the horrible weight-packing properties of cooked and processed foods. In 2006, she weighted over 300 pounds and "was in a lot of pain a lot of the time." Her mobility was restricted by her weight and she carried a poor self image linked to her obesity and skin problems.
After reading a book about the benefits of the raw diet, Angela made the switch began reaping the rewards immediately. After over five years of being alone, she was dating within a month of switching to a natural diet. Rapid cleansing from living foods cured her skin problems as she dropped weight.
Skip to 2008, Angela had lost over 170 pounds eating the raw diet. "I'm happier than I've ever been," she says. She is now a prominent figure in the raw food world, helping thousands lose weight fast and get healthy like she did through the power of living foods.
What does this mean for me?
Dave and Angela are just 2 examples of millions that have discovered the amazing benefits that only the perfect design of nature can provide. They lost over half a pound a day on average and over a pound a day in the initial stages of their transformations. The way raw food has remedied their cases of extreme obesity and poor health means that anybody can experience the excellent benefits of a natural diet.
Raw foods have mother nature's balanced combination of enzymes, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. They will:
  • Slim you down naturally and quickly
  • Maintain your ideal weight without the "yoyo-ing" effect of other diets
  • Cleanse your body and cure other problems, from Angela's acne to Dave's colon cancer
Imagine the outstanding results you can get immediately from the raw food diet. In just one week you could be seven pounds lighter. That's inches off the waste and a spring in your step. So why not discover the proven raw food weight loss techniques to slim down fast and gain boundless energy? Avoid next week's regret of having made zero progress toward your ideal weight. Start the natural diet for flawless figuretoday so you can start feeling great about the way you look.

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