Weight Loss For Women Secret

Weight loss for women and men alike can be a challenge, especially with all the demands life throws our way. Literally hundreds of busy people such as you overcome this challenge. But for every hundred who succeed, there are thousands who don't. The culprit for many people's lack of success in weight loss is...
... that they always put other people and/or other things before themselves. On paper that sounds noble and virtuous, but in real life it just doesn't pay off. Now there's a fine line between self-centeredness and hedonism, so I'm not saying to be a narcissistic jerk. Read on and I'll explain...
Here are the most common reasons people fail to implement one or more of the essential components of fitness (diet, resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, rest) to their weight loss programs:
1) Their jobs
2) Their family
3) Their friends (social life)
Obviously these 3 things listed are necessities in life, but should these 3 things take precedence over one's self? NEVER! Don't mistake me either. I'm not insinuating neglect. I am suggesting that for one to have an effective role for the things that are most important to us, one must first take control of their lives and well-being and make themselves their priority.
How effective would you be at work if you were constantly sick, sluggish, and tired? How good of a parent would you be to your children if you didn't have the energy to play with them or to take part in their lives in and out of school? How great of a friend would you be to your friends if you were always on empty?
The success of your weight loss program is contingent on your ability to make yourself a priority.
Here are 4 ways to make YOUR fitness program a priority...
1) Don't feel guilty - it's not a bad thing to make yourself #1. You're merely taking the time to tend to your own needs which will ultimately make you a more effective parent, friend, and employee. Taking time to begin an exercise program is not something to feel guilty about. As a matter of fact, many clients who we've helped have found out how much more productive they've become as a result of focusing in on their fitness levels.
Before any commercial airplane takes off, the flight attendant will always go over the pre-flight safety details with the passengers. One thing they'll always mention is the instructions of a how to use the oxygen masks in the event of an emergency. Do they ever tell you to help others first THEN fit your own mask? No. Even if you have children under your care, they'll always advise you to fit your own mask first then help those under your care. This isn't an act of selfishness, but rather a way to ensure you can become more effective for those around you who you love and care dearly for.
Don't feel guilty for making yourself a priority as it will benefit others too.
2) Redefine Priority - Who is more productive during an 8-hour day? One who is drained, constantly fatigued, and who lacks self-fulfillment or one who is focused, energetic, and fulfilled person? I'd say the latter. I'd even venture to say that the focused individual can accomplish more in 8 hours that the drained individual can in 12. Which one are you?
I'm sure that your job is high on your priority list, so you'd be doing yourself an injustice by neglecting your health and fitness. You can cut your sick days down to a bare minimum and increase your productivity simply by taking yourself in consideration first before tending to the needs and demands at work. Acknowledge the impact your time has for your "priorities" and leverage some of that time & attention for yourself as you would for the things that are most important to you.
> Take the time to eat 4-6 nutritious meals & snacks each day
> Schedule 30-60 minutes each day to exercise
> Refuse anything but the healthiest, most nutritious food (and this doesn't have to be that unpalatable rabbit food either)
If your family, friends, and job are genuinely your priority then you should be too!
3) Leverage the Power of No - and no, that's not the book by Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now), but it is just as important. It is commonplace for a selfless person to want to please those around him or her all the time. This oftentimes entails agreeing to do things, or to attend functions, or simply put -- to overextend oneself in order to make others happy. The inevitable fate of this person is burnout. The worst thing is that when that selfless person burns out, life continues with or without him.
Learning the power of 'no' can keep you from over-extending yourself and ultimately burning out. More importantly, it sends the message that other things in your life have precedence over whatever was asked of you. Now I'm not talking about saying 'no' to your responsibilities. But I am talking about those other pesky things that clamor for your time that serve little or no benefit to your well-being.
It's not wrong to say no every now and then. In fact, saying 'no' will help you define what really is important to you as you will find more time to tend to those things.
4) Gain the Support of Those High on Your Priority List - I believe that gaining the support of your friends, family, co-workers, etc will help you succeed in any endeavor that you set out for, especially starting a weight loss program. Now it may not be the easiest thing to do, but it will by far be the most helpful to you! By doing so, you will be forming your own personal team who supports you when things get tough and who'll serve as a reminder of why you set those goals to begin with. Let them know why you need to do this for yourself and how it will make you into a better person. Your loved ones will be sure to support you!
You are important! You are worth the time! Don't think for even a second that your own well-being should take second to everyone else's. As a client of ours jokes, "This is my world and you just happen to be here." That of course is said light-heartedly, but in a sense I saw truth in that joke. Make this YOUR world and take control and make yourself a priority. Weight loss for women and men isn't impossible, even with your busy schedule. Make yourself your priority and I'll see you at the top!
Allan Nepomuceno, San Diego Fitness Expert

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