Balanced Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancy

According to doctors, when a woman is trying to have a baby, she should eat a well balanced diet at every meal. A balanced diet contains a portion of carbohydrate, proteins and fat along with vitamins and minerals. The most important nutrient needed for a healthy pregnancy is folic acid and iron. Therefore, if you are trying to have a baby and visit your doctor for advice, they will first prescribe you folic acid and iron tablets. Folic acid is a very important nutrient needed in the first three months of pregnancy. This is because the spinal cord and brain are formed during this period and deficiency of folic acid in diet means serious birth defects. Iron is needed to bring your hemoglobin to normal range because studies have shown that if the mother is anemic she is at higher risk for having low birth weight and/or pre-mature baby.
Apart from folic acid and iron, adequate protein is also needed to have a healthy pregnancy. Proteins are known as the building blocks of life. If you have a protein rich diet while you are trying to have a baby and after you get pregnant, it will prove beneficial for your baby's health. Even doctors recommend the same and if they feel that your diet is not rich in proteins they may even prescribe protein supplements or powders.
Having said this, a good nutrition is not only necessary for a healthy pregnancy but also for your overall health before you are trying to have a baby. Due to a healthy diet and lifestyle, the body maintains a hormonal balance which in turn showers favorable effect during ovulation. Poor diet, lack of exercise and stress can lead to delays in ovulation or no ovulation and this can disrupt your menstrual cycle. Any interruption in menstruation or ovulation will make it difficult for the egg to get fertilized hence an unexpected delay in conception. Therefore, it is very important to have a nutrition rich food especially during those 2 days of ovulation. If you are not sure about those 2 days in your cycle when you will ovulate, then you can also use an ovulation detection kit.
An intake of good nutritious food while you are trying to have a baby is as important as it is when you are in your pregnancy. It not only makes your body strong enough to have a baby, but it also transfers all the goodness in the baby which protects it from health problems in later life. Therefore if you are trying to have a baby, visit your gynecologist first to take advice on a nutritious diet for a healthy pregnancy.
The intent of this article is to make you aware about the importance of nutrition during pregnancy and while you are trying to have a baby.

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