Calorie Count For Losing Weight

So in this article we're going back to basics; how do you lose weight? By using more energy than you consume.
How do you ensure that you use more energy than you consume? By making minor adjustments to your current daily energy consumption and physical activity.
The important part in all of this is that you make small changes to your lifestyle. If you make drastic changes, such as embarking on a fad diet, or going straight in to three-hour gym workouts four days a week, you may well have significant results initially, but because your changes are extreme, you will not be able to sustain them, and once you stop with the exercise and/or the fad diet, the weight will pile back on. The dreaded yo-yo dieting effect.
So rather than dive in like a bull in a china shop, have a look at what you can do to "tweak" your current eating habits.
Work out your basal metabolic rate, as guide it is approximately Your weight multiplied by 10, e.g. if you weigh 150 pounds your BMR is 1500.
This means your body needs 1500 calories daily in order to function, assuming you sat in a chair all day doing absolutely nothing.
If you can keep your calorie intake down to the level of your BMR, any activity over and above that of sitting in a chair will burn off some energy.
It doesn't really matter what your physical activity is, but obviously it is better if you partake in some daily exercise such as half an hour's daily walking. As long as your calorie consumption is no more than your BMR then you will lose weight - every day!
OK, you may not have spectacular results, but as you are going to stick to your BMR every day, all you need to do is be patient, and give your effotrs time to work - like six months or a year. Yes, it really does take that long to achieve permanent weight loss. How long did it take you to put the weight on? Years? If so, it is highly likely to take years to come off - or at least A year!
To consume less energy, explore the possibilities of swapping low calorie foods for your regular foods. Sugar free soda, low fat spreads, skimmed milk, cottage cheese. You know all about these products, now start using them!
The sooner you start, the sooner you will succeed!
This is just one of the hundreds of weight loss advice topics available at - come and visit us and get losing inches!

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