At Home Weight Loss Exercises With Sample Workout

Attempting to construct an at home weight loss work out can be daunting, but an extremely effective at home weight loss work out can be done without the necessity of unsightly and expensive equipment or wasting money on a costly gym membership.
Too frequently, it becomes easy to fall into the trap of concentrating only on exercises specific to particular body parts and to waste valuable time doing so in the process (for example: crunches and leg lifts - these exercises will not give you great results no matter how many repetitions you perform). If rapid weight loss obtained in a shorter time span is your goal, this at home weight loss work out is the answer.
If your goal is to replace fat with muscle and obtain a slim and sexy silhouette, you can easily do just that by mastering the following concepts that are an integral part of any truly effective weight loss workout.
Before You Begin, Consider The Following Facts:
- If your wish to shed weight quickly and optimize the time spent doing it, always choose a physically challenging exercise over exercises aimed at only one body part. Compare 50 leg lifts to 50 lunges and it is easy to determine which exercise will burn more calories and more efficiently expedite the fat burning process necessary for effective weight loss.
- Never waste precious time on one area of your body when you can focus on the entire body and burn more calories in a shorter period of time. This will allow you to achieve more results in less time.
- Exercises intended for specific areas are not challenging enough to promote the optimum burning of calories that leads to weight loss and require many more repetitions to be as effective as fewer repetitions of more strenuous exercises. Once again, more results in less time.
- When beginning a weight loss exercise routine, don't sabotage a valuable exercise program by attempting too many repetitions and too few breaks which can prevent continued exercise if discouragement sets in.
- The more challenging the exercise the more effective your weight loss routine. For example, a set of push-ups will help you develop a flat stomach much better than dozens of crunches.
- To obtain the best weight loss results, never burden yourself with a cumbersome routine that is not focused on rapid continuous movements and effective over all exercises.
The Most Effective Exercises for a Weight Loss Routine:
To discourage exercise burn out, create a challenge by varying exercises within each of these five groups. Choose one exercise, or exercise variation, from each group and perform each exercise one after the other with no, or minimal, rest. There will be a sample workout provided.
1. Upper body pushes ( dips and push-up variations)
2. Upper body pull (chin ups and regular and inverted rows)
3. Lower body (lunges, step ups, split squats, jump squats and squats)
4. Abdominal exercise (reverse crunches, inch worms, or planks)
5. Total body exercise/miscellaneous (jumping jacks, burpees or squat thrusts)
- Rest a couple of minutes only after repeating an entire circuit consisting of one exercise from all five categories. Complete three to five circuits of the five chosen exercises for maximum benefit.
- Don't negate the benefits of a weight loss workout by attempting to do too much too quickly.
- Gradually decrease break times between circuits or increase the number of repetitions for each exercise you perform.
- Gradually increase both repetitions and sets to increase the challenge.
- Once you are able to complete five sets with no more than one minute between circuits, vary the exercises within each group to continue to burn off body fat, sculpt a lean body, and decrease the potential for exercise burn out.
A Sample Weight Loss Work Out:
Beginners: Do not to attempt too much and risk injury or discouragement.
- 12 reverse lunges on each leg
- 12 inverted rows
- Plank for 30 to 45 seconds
- 10 step-ups on each leg
- 10 close grip push-ups
- 50 jumping jacks
- Perform each exercise for the prescribed reps (or time period) with no breaks between exercises and continue to each exercise with few or no breaks.
- Rest for one to two minutes after completing the circuit.
- Repeat the entire routine no fewer than three times and no more than five times.
Losing weight is simply a matter of restricting your caloric intake and burning calories through exercise. When your goal is to lose weight, the sensible workout routine should always include weight loss exercises that are optimal for burning body fat and require less time to perform. Say "good bye" to long, slow, ineffective cardio because now you can obtain incredible results in a lot less time!
Nia Shanks is the home workout specialist and provides the best information available for quick and highly effective at home weight loss exercises. Get even more exercises, workouts, and at home weight loss information with the Free Home Workout Secrets Mini-Course available at Discover how you can finally get more results in less time.

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