How to Gain Weight Fast

It is not surprising that there are more men who ask how to gain weight fast compared to women. In today's society looks matter a lot. While women who are thin are admired, thin men are often seen as weak and even unreliable. Indeed, being a guy with solid muscle can give you self confidence and success in your personal and in your professional life. Here is some advice on how to do this.
Consume more calories and more nutrients. This is the first rule that you need to keep in order to gain weight fast. Check if you consume the healthy amount of calories for your body mass index (BMI) and your age. You can readily increase this calorie intake with 500 per day, but not more. It is equally important to get more nutrients. This is done by eating healthy foods.
Increase the number of meals per day and the size of portions. This has to be done carefully, however, in order to gain weight in a healthy way. Doctors recommend that you should have three main meals and snacks in between them. It is best to have a mid-morning snack and an afternoon snack. You may consider getting a snack half an hour before going to bed. Try to increase portions by just a little bit so that the change is not drastic.
Eat foods rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is advised to get a considerably large amount of healthy carbs per day. That way, even if you have a fast metabolism, your body will not burn almost everything. The protein-rich foods in your diet should not occupy it entirely. Quite the opposite, it is best for only around 15 per cent of your nutrient intake to consist of proteins. You know which foods are rich in vitamins and minerals - these are fruits and vegetables. Get as much of these as possible. Consider using only healthy sources of fat such as olive oil, nuts and seeds and avocados.
Do strength training exercises two to three times a week. The male body is naturally prone to being more muscular so you just need to help Mother Nature do her work. It is recommended that you include exercises for each muscle group in your routine. Resistance training exercises such as weight lifting are really good and should produce results fairly quickly. Just remember not to work out too much as this will actually lead to protein loss. A 45-minutes workout with no more than 12 sets of 6 reps per exercise is the best strategy to use.
Consider using dietary supplements for fast weight gain. Protein shakes can really help you get greater results sooner. Fitness gurus recommend that you should use a shake that has 2 to 1 carbohydrate to protein ratio. It is best to consume it during workouts, even though you may incorporate it in your daily diet. Choose a healthy protein shake from a reputable company that is guaranteed to be safe.
Use this advice on how to gain weight fast for men and you will enjoy great results quickly. Just remember that being focused and persistent will help you do even better.
Do you need more advice on How to Gain Weight Fast? Learn How to Gain Weight Fast for Men from the experts offering complete programs for skinny guys who want to get big.

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