How to Get Leaner, Faster

Interval training for weight loss has, in recent years, completely superseded old fashioned, long, slow aerobic cardio as the training method of choice. Why is this method favoured above others? how can you start using it today to see fast weight loss?and is there still a place for old school aerobic training? In this article I'll answer these questions and even give you a sample interval training program. Sorry folks, but pretty soon you'll have no excuse! you'll just have to start losing weight today.
What is interval training?
First things first, interval training simply means varying the intensity of your effort throughout your cardio session. In other words, instead of hopping on a treadmill and running at 5 miles per hour for 30 minutes, you would walk at an easy pace for a few minutes as a warm up, before sprinting hard for a short period, then taking the speed down and recovering again. This would constitute one interval. An interval training session therefore will be made up of numerous individual intervals. The amount of time spent sprinting versus resting will vary depending on your goals and fitness level, and can be performed on any piece of equipment.
Why is interval training for fat loss so effective?
Although there are some theories about why interval training is more effective for fat loss than steady state cardio, the truth is nobody is 100% sure why it works so much better. The most widely accepted theory is that interval training causes a greater "afterburn" effect, elevating your metabolic rate and causing you to burn extra calories for hours after you have finished training. With steady state training on the other hand, you are only burning additional fat while you are actually exercising. So, which sounds more efficient to you? burning fat for just an hour or two a week while you are pounding a treadmill, or putting in a couple of 20 minute interval sessions and burning fat while you sleep?
So this is why we think interval training for fat loss is so effective. But really, while it's nice to know the "why" behind the method, all I really care about is if it really does work or not.
So, does it actually work?
In a word; yes! A study in 1994 comparing interval training over 15 weeks to endurance training over 20 weeks concluded that the interval training group lost 9 times the amount of fat than the endurance training group! That's 9 times the results in 5 weeks less than the other group, pretty spectacular. I would add to this that I have used interval training for weight loss with hundreds of clients over the years and my clients routinely lose up to 20lbs in their first month. Bottom line; interval training gets the job done!
Enough talk- Give me an example!
Okay then here we go. These workouts can be done on any piece of equipment. If you are just getting started I would not recommend the treadmill however due to the amount of impact it involves. Better choices would be the stationary bike, rower or stepmill. Advanced trainees might try skipping, outdoor sprinting or even punching a heavy bag. In the sample workout we will use the stationary bike.
Sample four week interval training for fat loss workout:
Warm up - 5-8 minutes cycling at an easy pace. You should have a light sweat by the end but not be very out of breath.
Week 1- 1 minute at 9 out of 10 intensity (ie cycle VERY HARD!) followed by 2 minutes of easy cycling at lower resistance. This is one interval. Perform 6 intervals. Do this two to three times a week separated by at least one day's rest.
Week 2- 1 minute at 9 out of 10 intensity, followed by 1 minute and 50 seconds of easy cycling. Perform 6 rounds, do two to three times a week separated by at least one day's rest.
Week 3- 1 minute at 9 out of 10 intensity followed by 1 minute and 40 seconds of easy cycling. Perform 6 rounds, do three times a week separated by at least one day's rest.
Week 4- 1 minute at 9 out of 10 intensity followed by 1 minute and 40 seconds of easy cycling. Perform 7 rounds, do three times a week separated by at least one day's rest.
As you can see, the rest is lowered progressively and the number of intervals increase. Try this for 4 weeks coupled with an effective metabolic weight training program for best results.
Zack William is a Personal Trainer and expert in fast fat loss for busy professionals. For everything you need to lose weight and look good naked go to

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