How Eating Breakfast and Aid in Weight Loss

You've probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it's true! If you aren't eating breakfast every day, you're doing your mind and body a serious disservice, plus you are increasing you chances of being overweight or obese.
Let's think about this. When you wake up in the morning, you haven't eaten in probably at least 8 hours, oftentimes more like 12 hours. Your body is in 'starvation mode', meaning that when you don't feed it something, your metabolism slows way down, so that your body can store whatever energy you have left as fat just in case you don't get any food. Who really wants a slower metabolism? I didn't think so!
Also, when you skip breakfast, you have a brain fog, you can't think as clearly. I know that if I ever skip breakfast (a RARE occasion... usually only if a doctor is making me fast!!) I can't think as clearly, AND I'm a cranky mess. Trust me, you don't want to be around me!
Furthermore, people who skip breakfast are more likely to overeat later in the day, consuming more calories overall than breakfast eaters. I know that when I go several hours without eating I get so hungry, that anything will do, and a lot of it! You can prevent that feeling just by eating a sensible breakfast.
So we've established that eating breakfast is important! But what you eat is just as important. I don't want you to go to Dunkin Donuts and call that breakfast. Nooooooo... you are just asking for a sugar crash! You will have a little bit of energy after you eat, and then soon afterwards you will be hungry again and want something else sweet! I want you eating something with fiber and protein to fill you up! One of my favorite breakfasts is oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana. Another idea is two slices of wheat toast with two scrambled eggs and a piece of fruit. Another fast and easy breakfast idea for those who aren't used to eating breakfast is to make a smoothie. You can make it fast and drink it on your way to work. The idea is to have something filling that will stick with you for several hours and will fill you up, without weighing you down.
So, have I convinced you? Will you start eating breakfast on a regular basis? I sure hope so!
Rachel Ngom is a Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness Coach and Entrepreneur who utilizes her background in collegiate sports and nutrition to help her clients achieve success! It is her passion to help you know what it feels like to THRIVE from the inside out and to live the life of your dreams! Get started today with her FREE healthy eating guide!

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