The Best Diet Food or Something Else?

What happens to your metabolism when you are on a diet and then off again: Especially if we do this repeatedly? Is that a great weight loss plan that would really work? Probably not. This would be one of those times when you are almost starving your self to lose weight, like when we want to lose 20 pound in 2 weeks for a special occasion. This is not healthy as we all know and it can cause repercussions.
What happens is that our body was designed to eat the best diet food which means nutritiously balanced foods. When we do something like not eating enough our body thinks it is going to starve to death and die, so it slows our metabolism and it becomes even harder to lose weight. What we want and need to do is to eat consistently smaller amounts of the right kinds foods in the right proportions and lose the weight a little at a time. By doing this we lose the weight and keep it off by changing our eating habits. This creates a great weight loss plan that work and works well.
There is a great weight loss plan or 2 out there that teach you just that. How to lose it and to keep it off with out all the gimmicks, like diet pills that only make it easier for you to gain the weight back later. Not to mention that there are a lot of pills and plans out there that are not safe.Yes, you do want to have really good nutrition, you should not feel weak, and you should have lots of energy.
What is the best diet food? Eat correctly and make sure you are using your muscles in some way as to burn calories. If all you do all day is sit around and not get out in the fresh air (for the all important vitamin D) and use your body you will find it very difficult to lose weight. Yes, we do burn calories each and every day just sitting there but not enough to do anything to be able to manage our weight.
Muscles need to be worked out, even if we start out very small. You will be surprised how much better you feel when you get out and do thing. Yes it is work but our body needs the movement. One of the surprising things that I found when I started making sure I got plenty of exercise was that I not only slept better at night but I also had more energy during the day.
To have a great weight loss plan that works and the best diet food we need to be consistent in eating healthy food and moving our body regularly to burn calories to keep the weight off so we don't have to go on that last minute diet.
Cyndi Redmond is an author and the owner and author of Good health is a constant good habits way of living. Go to to find out more information.

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