My Weight Loss Obese Issues Solved

Obesity is fast becoming the number one preventable killer in the UK today. This may shock you but it is currently about to overtake smoking.
In the United States, obesity has overtaken tobacco as the biggest killer of people. 16% of all deaths in the US (400,000 a year) are attributed to obesity.
Being overweight or obese heightens the chances of and makes you more susceptible to heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
From the late 1970s to 2000s the incidence of obesity rose from 12% to 25%.
Diseases such as diabetes have increased markedly in this period - from 5 million to 20 million.
Why has Weight Loss Obese issues risen?
Many say that the weight loss obesity epidemic is due to increase portions sizes, some say it's due to increase in sugar and carbs in food and drink. Some believe people aren't exercising enough choosing computer games instead of going to the park or driving the car instead of walking or cycling.
Some people would have you believe it's just in your genes and no matter what they do they are always going to be obese. In fact it is true that some people's genes will make them more susceptible to becoming over weight however it isn't the case for everyone. If it was why has there only been such a weight loss obese issue in the last half of the 20th century.
Solutions to Weight Loss Obese Epidemic
There are people that would say do nothing because it's up to the individual. In a way that's true the only person who can make a change is the person themselves. Your health only lasts as long as you live. But look after your health and you will live longer.
Other suggestions include tax junk food, get people out of cars and having laws to govern the size of portions.
Whatever is decided it is likely to be controversial but obesity is costing the Tax Payer £millions every year. Soon we won't have an NHS either as it just can't cope if things continue the way they are.
Where Can I get Help?
There are a lot of different services out there some offering liquid diets, some offering meal plans, slimming clubs, protein diets, carbohydrate diet and many many more.
The best programme I have found, researched and since used myself is a programme by Herbalife.
The great thing about this company is that they don't do diets they do health programmes. When I asked the person who supplied me with my products he said "diets don't work, they are temporary thing which people have ago at, I look at this as a health programme and only work with those who are serious about improving their health".
Herbalife have been established since 1980 and trade in 70 countries around the world. They are the largest and number one weight management company in the world.
You get assigned a Personal Wellness Coach who conducts a free consultation and then recommends a programme suited to the individual. Then you receive regular follow up if you like.
For Dan's Online Health Store

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