How To Lose Weight Naturally

An article on WebMD stated that a research conducted on Americans in 2010 proved that over 63.1% of adults were overweight and of that number 26.5 were obese. That's over 2 years ago so more than likely those numbers have increased. Do you believe that if it was possible to lose weight by just taking some diet pills those number would be so high? Absolutely not! You see people love the easy way out and there are millions of dollars if not billions of dollars being spent on diet pills every year yet the percentage of Americans being obese is only getting higher. The reason for this is because there are no short cut to long term weight loss.
How To Lose Weight Naturally
Before I even get into strategies, diets and what you need to do in order to lose weight, I want to advise you that this is not an overnight thing. A lot of persons start out on the right track but give up very soon because they don't see the results they desire in a few days or weeks. Before you even start your weight loss program, remember that it takes time as well as commitment and dedication. Think about it, did you suddenly wake up one day being overweight? Absolutely not! Therefore don't expect to wake up tomorrow being slim either.
The best way to lose weight naturally is to incorporate a combination of a healthy diet plan along with consistent fat burning exercises into your lifestyle. Keep in mind that a healthy diet does not involve starving yourself. Sure you will have to limit your food intake and cut back on certain types of foods but that does not mean you can't have your favorite foods. It's all about eating at the right time as well as eating the right portion size.
Below Is An Outline Of The Steps You Need To Take To Lose Weight Naturally
Step #1 - Assess yourself - Before you start your weight loss program, you need to first assess yourself and see where you at. Get an exercise book and make a note of your current weight, current body fat percentage and your current measurements such as around your waist, arms and legs. This is important because it will help you to keep track along the way to determine if your program is effective.
Step #2 - Set Realistic Goals - If you are overweight then I can understand that you would love to get that super model body in the shortest period of time. However, you need to set realistic goals. Start small and then gradually scale up. Don't start today and expect to lose 20 pounds by next week because when you fail to hit that goal (which more than likely would happen) then you will be so hard on yourself that you would give up entirely.
Step #3 - Follow A Proven Plan - Forget about pills and supplements because by now you should know that they simply do not work. Instead, find a program that focuses on proper nutrition and exercise to achieve amazing results. There are tons of reputable programs on the internet that you can follow. It may take you a few minutes to read some reviews to come up with a decision but it will be well worth it. Once you have a proven plan and you stick to it through thick and thin then it is only a matter of time before you have your brand new body.
Step #4 - Be Patient I have been dieting for 3 weeks and I am still fat:(. Don't be like that! Weight loss takes time and therefore you need to be patient because just as it took time for you to gain the weight, it will also take time for you to lose it.
Step #5 - Find Persons With Similar Goals - I will be the first to admit that sometimes it can be hard when trying to shed that excess weight on your own. However, when you have friends that share similar goals as you do, you can motivate and inspire each other to strive for success. If possible, you can workout together to make your program even more fun. Weight loss might be hard but that does not mean it shouldn't be exciting.
Step #6 - Keep Track Of Your Progress - This is the only way you are going to know if you are on the right path. Remember that exercise book you bought to write down your initial assessment? Every two weeks you should be doing an assessment to see how you are progressing towards your goal. You can then alter your program accordingly to speed up your results.
Again I must stress that losing weight naturally can only be achieved by proper dieting and regular exercising to burn more calories than you intake on a daily basis. There's no way around it. So if you want to get in the best shape of your life, then record that in your mind, get a proven plan and stick with it until your have not only reached your goal but surpass it.
Are you trying to lose weight naturally? If yes, then check out my from fat to fit blog where I share everything I do to go from 220 pounds and 23% body fat to under 190 pounds and less than 14% body fat in 90 days. This is some exciting stuff and you absolutely can't afford to miss it. Check out my first 40 days update here:

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