Fast Fitness Formula

So, you are carrying some extra weight you really would like to dump huh? Say 10, 15 maybe even 20 pounds and you want a no nonsense way to get rid of them right? OK! Here you go. I really can't break it down much easier than this so read on carefully and get ready to say goodbye to that extra baggage!
#1 - Set realistic goals and be patient. No matter what anyone else EVER tells you, losing weight overnight, in a healthy manner, is not possible. Expecting weight loss of greater than 2 pounds per week sets you up for failure or health risks. DO NOT starve your body or you will burn muscle tissue for energy, exactly opposite of what we want.
#2 - Read the labels of the so-called low-fat foods. Just because the label says low-fat, this doesn't mean it is low in calories. These foods can still contain large amounts of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients.
#3 - Make sure your "diet" is balanced. Your daily nutrition must include the right amounts of all three macro nutrients, protein, carbs and fat. Your body requires ALL three to function properly. Stay away from any "fad" diet recommending the removal of any one of these.
#4 - Eat smaller, more frequent meals. A properly sized, for you, meal or snack every 2-3 hours will keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism elevated. Exactly what you need to burn fat all day long.
#5 - Include protein with EVERY meal or snack. No matter what. Protein is essential for growth, maintenance and repair so each and every one of us requires it. If it is too difficult to get your required protein from food alone, use a reputable protein powder or meal replacement shake daily.
#6 - Eat complex carbs instead of simple carbs. In order to prevent surges in insulin and the resulting blood sugar fluctuations and fat storage from such surges, choose complex carbs over simple carbs for as many meals/snacks as possible. Choose whole-wheat breads, rice, pasta and cereals instead of regular. And no, you will not gasp at the taste. They are actually very, very good these days. Avoid candy, cake and pastries as often as possible, but remember the quickest way to fall of the horse is to make this all or nothing. Enjoy a treat every once in a while.
#7 - Drink water ALL day long. Start immediately upon rising, before you even brush your teeth. Drink a glass between meals while sitting at your desk or running errands, and drink at least one glass with each meal or snack.
These seven simple tips will get your well on your way to shedding those extra pounds, REALLY! There are no get-fit quick schemes that work long-term and are healthy. There won't be any miracle infomercial. Just a few weeks of following these rules and you will see a noticeable difference in the way you look and feel.
Don't forget, especially if you are exercising during the use of these tips, don't worry about the scale. If you are building any muscle whatsoever, the numbers on the scale won't change as drastically, therefore the scale should be your last measuring stick. The way your clothes fit should be number ONE! Pay close attention to your clothing.
For those that need a little extra direction or motivation, visit eFitness for Life now and see how our online fitness and nutrition coaching programs can help you make the most of your investment, in the shortest possible time, with the greatest return. All done online! All done with certified coaches! Truly, the Future of Fitness! Stop by today and we will be happy to build your starter programs to ensure you learn to live longer, healthier lives.
Jason J. Horsley is the CEO/Founder of eFitness for Life an online fitness and nutrition coaching solution that provides an affordable, convenient alternative to conventional, expensive dietitians and personal training. Through both eFitness for Life and Health and Wealth for Life, Jason is using his 15+ years in the fitness industry to help individuals across the globe not only look better, but feel better and live longer. The eFitness for Life team is made up of coaches/trainers around the US, working with clients throughout the world via the World Wide Web and the state-of-the-art eFitnessTracker software!

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