How to Break My Weight Loss Plateau

If your question is, "How can I break my weight loss plateau?" Then this article was written for you. It is so discouraging to be eating and exercising to lose weight only to get no satisfaction when you step on the scale. If your weight loss has stalled there are a number of things you can do to get the fat dropping off again, I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read on and discover how you can change your eating to get back to losing.
Break My Weight Loss Plateau
1. Avoid carbohydrates before bed. When you eat carbohydrates at bedtime you get a surge of insulin and this can shut down your fat burning while you sleep. If you need a bedtime snack a better choice is protein or veggies and dip.
2. Don't avoid fats. There are good fats that help your body lose stored body fat. Aim to include olive oil, canola oil, nuts, avocados and fish oils in your diet.
3. Avoid drinking calories. A sneaky way to sabotage your diet is by consuming sugar sodas, coffee drinks and alcohol. These add a ton of calories and carbohydrates yet do little to satisfy hunger.
4. Eat mindfully. A great way to turn the corner and naturally (and effortlessly) eat less is to become a mindful eater. Take a moment before eating to look at your food and notice the aroma that it give off then put it in your mouth and consciously note the taste. You will eat less and appreciate your food in a much different way that will have you making better eating decisions in the future.
5. Think volume. By filling up on vegetables you add a lot of filling bulk to your diet with few calories. Try this trick, have a salad before every lunch and dinner. You will find it easy to cut out some of the higher calorie main course.
Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide
Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed Fat Loss

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