The Application of Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation

People have often asked me: how does Hypnotherapy work when it comes to losing weight or giving up smoking?
This question can be answered very simply by stating that hypnotherapy helps when you the client decides wholeheartedly that you want to lose weight, or you want to quit smoking.
Given this simple answer, why do people still seek the services of a Hypnotherapist to assist them with these issues?
From my years of experience I can draw the following conclusions:
1. What seems obvious to the practitioner is not always obvious to the client.
2. Clients caught in the problem often cannot see a way out, much like someone caught in a pit of quicksand, the more they struggle the deeper they sink.
3. If clients were more aware of dynamics underlying their behaviour they could change it.
4. If clients were more aware of scientific facts they could use the facts to a make rational decision to alter their behaviour.
5. If the clients knew how to talk to their unconscious mind, they would better be able to help themselves.
6. Quitting smoking is easier than staying quit.
7. Losing weight is easier than keeping the weight off.
Now let's look at the similarities between overeating in relation to weight loss, and smoking addiction.I believe, and so do other therapists, that there is a positive intent behind everything that we do. If we overeat it is because we are getting pleasure from taste, satisfying our senses, substituting for other pleasure we would rather be enjoying and so on.
Weight loss Hypnotherapy seeks to address the client's underlying emotional drives so that new and more beneficial behaviours can be installed that will lead to a long term resolution of the client's dilemma.
If people smoke they could be trying to break the boredom, stimulate their mind, relieve stress, avoid unpleasant feelings and so on. In many cases, people started to smoke because their friends did, or they wanted to be "cool".
In time, they discovered that they became slaves to cigarettes after the initial reasons to take on smoking ceased to exist. They basically conditioned their bodies to "run" on nicotine as an "essential" part of their fuel intake; or so it seems. In reality, our bodies need food, water and air to survive and there is absolutely nothing in a cigarette our bodies need. The "cravings" are in great part a psychological phenomenon brought on by the self-conditioning to smoking behaviour.
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy helps to make the client aware of these facts at the subconscious level, where the habit was established. The subconscious mind is then encouraged to accept healthy habits and the client's inner resources are harnessed to substitute the healthier smoke-free behaviour.
Did you know that genetics plays a big role in weight loss hypnosis sydney? A significant loss of 5 Kg was achieved after a few sessions of Hypnotherapy. You can also quit smoking hypnosis Sydney in just a few days.

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